Tagged with logandtransfer - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/logandtransfer/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:16:27 +0000 Tagged with logandtransfer - Personal View Talks en-CA GH2 hacked: Timeline Dropping footage in FCP7 log and transfer and compressor : SOS http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1655/gh2-hacked-timeline-dropping-footage-in-fcp7-log-and-transfer-and-compressor-sos Tue, 06 Dec 2011 15:15:54 +0000 Surfceo 1655@/talks/discussions I have researched for hours without finding a solution and hoping for guidance. I apologize if it has been addressed and I missed it.

Converting to Apple Pro Rez HD the Timeline is dropping the last section of clip in FCP 7 log and transfer and compressor. So a 30 second clip is transcoded to 20 seconds.

I can verify the full length of data is there watching teh AVCHD in preview but cannot get it to transcode fully. I am using a iMac 3.06, 4g ram and never had this issue prior to the hack.

I found a EOS Movie Plugin-E1 suggestion for transcoding but could not find any follow up on what the tag would be to modify the source file to recognize the GH2 and what the workflow would be in FCP to activate this plug-in.


I have a project in the can I am desperate not to have to reshoot any help would be most appreciated.
1. Can anyone advise a workflow for converting Hacked GH2 AVCHD in FCP 7 or compressor to avoid this issue?
2. I found someone is having success tried Volatic and lost even more footage….http://www.zeroplusplus.com/panasonic-gh2-42mbps-avchd-hack-panorama-stitching/
3. Even though the test file is only 30 seconds, would "not saving to an external HD" be the issue?
Video Plays Fine on Camera but Constant Blips on Computer http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/489/video-plays-fine-on-camera-but-constant-blips-on-computer Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:44:31 +0000 surfr1121 489@/talks/discussions
I just installed the hack the other day and everything I have shot so far has been fine with the exception of the first couple of seconds of every video having the "blip," but today it figures when I go to shoot something important the video looks fine on the camera but when I do a log and transfer in FCP7, the video has constant choppiness and "blips" all over the place. It is now completely unusable. I thought that the problem might be log and transfer but then I tried to convert it with Toast Titanium and had even stranger results. The .mts file is almost 600mb but when I drag it into Toast, it says it's 2mb and when I export it, it just exports a 1 second clip of just solid green...?? What the heck!? There must be some way to save my video! I mean if it looks good on the camera playback then the file must not be the problem right? Someone PLEASE help me out here!! I was using recommended settings of 42000000 in 24H mode if that helps...

Thanks for any input]]>