Tagged with i - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/i/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:48:04 +0000 Tagged with i - Personal View Talks en-CA SF short: I wish my life http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11881/sf-short-i-wish-my-life Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:38:47 +0000 conscius 11881@/talks/discussions Hi guys, a few months ago I posted the trailer of my shortmovie.

Wel, here is the link tot the complete shortmovie:

pasw: sara

Please tell me what you think.

Tech specs: Filmed with sony F3(with slog update). Compact prime lenses (18mm, 50mm and 85mm). I used a mini ki pro and recorded in proress 422 hq. Some shots are filmed with the panasonic GH3 (lumix 12-35mm lens)

Edited in FCPX, visuals with AE and cinema3D

Trailer for my SF-short "I wish my life" http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11161/trailer-for-my-sf-short-i-wish-my-life Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:14:10 +0000 conscius 11161@/talks/discussions Hello guys,

I'm making a trailer for my shortfilm. I don't think it's very easy because, the short is only 15 minutes.. and i want to make a trailer with not to much spoilers (yeah duh!! i know :P but it's difficult because it is already a short movie)

You guys probably didn't see my short film, so you are neutral public. Are you guy's (and girls) interested in seeing this short after seeing the trailer? And are there any tips, suggestions to make the trailer better?

Google search? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7014/google-search Mon, 20 May 2013 06:11:03 +0000 oscillian 7014@/talks/discussions I'm having problems with my computer. Can anyone please tell me how to do a google search to find a solution?

Proper use of Dynamic and I Resolution settings on GH3 for movies http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8814/proper-use-of-dynamic-and-i-resolution-settings-on-gh3-for-movies Mon, 18 Nov 2013 10:54:32 +0000 greytail2013 8814@/talks/discussions I am confused about how to use the Dynamic range and I resolution settings on the GH3. I have three of these cameras for shooting weddings and I have them matched pretty closely. Coupled with this is the fact that these cameras are used by shooters who may not know the camera that well. Most of the shots are in poor light, so I used AVCHD rather than Quicktime. I have Dynamic range set on standard and I Resolution turned off.

Festival Bumper filmed with the GH2 and Minolta Rokkor prime lenses. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8076/festival-bumper-filmed-with-the-gh2-and-minolta-rokkor-prime-lenses. Thu, 12 Sep 2013 07:26:35 +0000 fredfred27 8076@/talks/discussions This is a 45 second bumper that I made for the Fantastic Fest 2013 Film Festival. It is a horror, sci-fi and other genre film festival put on by the Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin, Texas.

Below is the Vimeo upload with titles indicating the lenses that were used and in case you would like to download the original file for critical inspection. With this post comes a shameful plug for a contest, please go to http://frenzy4.badassdigest.com/entry/alamo-one/ and click the Facebook “like” button above the embedded video if you actually like the video. It is their voting system. Please help the GH2 cause.

It was filmed with a Panasonic GH2 using the Intravenous v2 – Cinema Smooth hack at 24p. (Thanks @Vitaliy_Kiselev @driftwood @cbrandin). I used the Standard Profile with -2,-2,-2,-2. I have been collecting a full set of Minolta Rokkor manual focus lenses (thanks @nomad @aljimenez ) for the last six months and finally got a chance to use them. Here are the lenses used in this bumper:

16/2.8 MC (2nd Gen) Fish-Eye Rokkor-OK

17/4 MD (1st Gen) W.Rokkor-X

24/2.8 MD (1st Gen) W.Rokkor-X

28/2 MC (3rd Gen) W.Rokkor-X

35/1.8 MC (3rd Gen) W.Rokkor-X

100/4 MC (3rd Gen) Macro Rokkor-X

All were used wide open (except for the 17/4 was at 5.6. I also used Optics Compensation with this lens). I used Adobe After Effects to work on each shot and edited in Premiere Pro. Neat Video’s Reduce Noise, an Unsharp Mask, the MBR Color Corrector and the Curves filter were used. I used the ColorGHear “Simply Cooler” preset for the final look (Thanks @shian). I added a BCC Film Grain filter in the end which helped hold down the banding on the flat grey surfaces when encoding to H.264 mp4. The 3D effects were created in Lightwave v11. I am a bit of a dilettante when it comes to these, but I feel OK with them. The flying rig was built in my backyard by stringing wire rope and pulleys in the trees. Not for the weak hearted! The set was made of wood and only the left 2/3rds was built. The right seat was filmed separately and flipped horizontally. In the case of the wide shots, the two sides were composited.

I have learned so much from this site and would like to reciprocate. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask.

And again, please go to http://frenzy4.badassdigest.com/entry/alamo-one/ and click the Facebook “like” button above the embedded video if you actually like the video. Share the link if you are feeling generous, I would appreciate the help!

Thanks, Maury Jacks (@fredfred27)

NOT AVAILABLE : Gini IFocus Follow Focus, base plate, rods and c-shape + top handles DSLR rig http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6836/not-available-gini-ifocus-follow-focus-base-plate-rods-and-c-shape-top-handles-dslr-rig Mon, 29 Apr 2013 09:20:19 +0000 feha 6836@/talks/discussions Selling light weight rig. iFocus , base plate+rods and c shape + top handle. Almost unused, in perfect condition.

Price : 350 euro + postage, payments via PayPal

This item is not available any more ...

I P B Scaling Tables? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5757/i-p-b-scaling-tables Sat, 12 Jan 2013 14:09:39 +0000 kseaq 5757@/talks/discussions Hello,

First time user, simple question.

Based on the various hack settings, I'm instructed to input a variety of values for Scaling I P B. However, I'm becoming frustrated because under the quantizer scaling tables section in Ptools the only options I see are Scaling high, med, low T1, T2, T3.

What am I supposed to do about these scaling settings? No problems other than this.

