Tagged with hollywood - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hollywood/p1/feed.rss Fri, 20 Sep 24 22:20:26 +0000 Tagged with hollywood - Personal View Talks en-CA FPV drones goes Hollywood http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26928/fpv-drones-goes-hollywood Sat, 09 Apr 2022 19:27:54 +0000 EspenB 26928@/talks/discussions

Interview Series on Scoring History http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9002/interview-series-on-scoring-history Sat, 07 Dec 2013 15:59:45 +0000 thepalalias 9002@/talks/discussions Support The Arts for the Price of A Movie Ticket Next year I will be launching a group of (in-person) seminars, lectures and a YouTube series with one thing in common: part of the the profits gets donated to educational programs for arts or music, here the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley. I want to help support creative education, both directly and indirectly. If you want to support, there are four ways you can help - so PM me if you are interested in any one of them and I will keep you updated!

1) We need interview guests! One of the series is called “High Scoring”. This is going to feature interviews with game and film scoring composers talking about the history and craft of scoring. Far from the usual discussion emphasizing creative process or tools or “industry realities”, these interviews will actually look at musical influences and changes in scoring approach over time. The continuity of composing for media. Following this discussion, the audience will also have chance to participate in a Q & A.

Several people have already volunteered to be guests and all I can say is “thank you!” for your desire to both help the arts and to help expand the perception of what we do as composers. It is my hope that the series will help both help to give a sense to the greater public of the history of what we do (in much the same way that music history classes do for classical composition) while providing a unique perspective to those of us already in the scoring community. Admission should be only a little more than the price of a movie ticket.

2) You can come to one the interviews, lectures or classes. It currently looks like they will be held in North Hollywood and tickets will likely be $15 to $25 depending on the event.

3) You can help us gauge interest in terms of the potential classes and the best schedule (for instance, would weekday evening or weekend evening classes be better?)

Here are some likely candidates (but feel free to suggest your own): - “High Scoring” The History and Culture of Film & VG Scoring - Supporting Your Child’s Creativity - Intro to Photography and Video - Composing and Producing - How To Communicate Better With Your Clients and Customers - Cultivating Creativity - Developing Expertise: The Keys to Learning Effectively

4) We will be launching a YouTube series in conjunction with “High Scoring” and possibly other courses as well. That means if you want to donate time or labor to any of the related areas (recording, filming, editing) it will be greatly appreciated. The more help we get, the more content we can create in a short period of time and the more attention we can bring to our craft.

5) We will need to get word of mouth out! Even if you can’t help directly or attend in person, chances are you know someone that would want to come to the seminars or classes or at least would want to watch the videos.

Anyway, this is something that I’ve been laying the groundwork for a long time and we only recently found a good venue for it. So I hope you’ll support us in making it happen any way that you can. I feel like we can really help make a difference, both for our peers and for the children that will soon be following in our footsteps.

So if you’re interested, please PM me or e-mail me at per@perlichtman.com. Thank you.


"2 Guns" Film Used Hacked Gh2s as 'B' Camera http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7694/2-guns-film-used-hacked-gh2s-as-b-camera Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:27:13 +0000 qwerty123 7694@/talks/discussions Hot Rod Cameras has reported that the new Denzel Washington / Mark Wahlberg movie "2 Guns" was partially shot on 3xGh2s hacked by Hot Rod for use with Panavision lenses during stunt / action work:

It would be interesting to hear from the Cinematographer / Camera team how they utilized / rigged it.

Short Film Projects Tech. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4320/short-film-projects-tech.- Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:01:29 +0000 samberg123 4320@/talks/discussions Please bare with me as i'm not too technically proficient...

I need some help...I want to shoot 3-4 Short Films with my newly purchased Panasonic GH2 and I am constantly amazed at the results that the hacks produced through this forum have reached.

I need a little guidance as to which patch is best for me and how I can apply the hacks to my camera?

I want as close to a standard Motion Picture look as I can get (without sounding patronising). I know a lot is in the colour grading but if I could be able to shoot raw footage that complements skin tones, looks perfectly clear and sharp and shoots at 24fps with a beautiful rendering close to any "Hollywood," standard footage for Short Film Drama use produces then i'd be an extremely happy filmmaker.

Continue the good work guys and gals it's all looking brilliant!

Viva the GH2 Revolution! :)
