Tagged with help - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/help/p2/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:19:28 +0000 Tagged with help - Personal View Talks en-CA AVCHD CODEC vibrates on objects http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7660/avchd-codec-vibrates-on-objects- Thu, 01 Aug 2013 14:50:14 +0000 thujee 7660@/talks/discussions I have recently urchase this camera and hacked with the new lpowell 75mbs patch. however on the AVchd setting theres is alot of vibration and its not smooth on movements its worst then any other lumix footage i have ever seen. even with a slider movement the objects are vibrating. I have a UHS1 94/mbs SD card

Settings best for aircraft spotting? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7104/settings-best-for-aircraft-spotting Wed, 29 May 2013 20:02:56 +0000 TommiH 7104@/talks/discussions Look, I've been a member of this community from the start. However, I'm lost. I just don't know what settings to use to shoot the thing I shoot the most: Aircrafts in the sky (with a looooong lens). Which setting gives me the best render of the sky, the aircraft, and leaves a lot of room for fiddling around with Apple Color? I KNOW. A very difficult question. I've been trying to figure it all out by myself, but I have to face it... I need a little help. :)


Previous Settings were fine for this:

But not for this:

Is Leica 14-50 F3.8 better than Panasonic 14-45? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6611/is-leica-14-50-f3.8-better-than-panasonic-14-45 Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:48:04 +0000 cmountman 6611@/talks/discussions Hello

I need some help choosing between the Leica 14-50 F3.8-5.6 and the Panasonic 14-45 (not the pancake lens). I already have the Leica lens and am thinking to sell it to buy the 14-45 for quieter operation but I am wondering if the 14-45 will produce a lesser quality footage than the 14-50. The IOS is noisy but my main question for this thread is the actual difference in image quality between the 2 lenses

If any of you have any experience using both of these lenses I would really appreciate feedback


Pictures of Cameras [School project help] http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6605/pictures-of-cameras-school-project-help Thu, 04 Apr 2013 13:38:56 +0000 christianhubbard 6605@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I'm doing a project for my design class at UNI where we have to design a magazine spread. I was going to design one about cinema cameras and was wondering if any of you had and high-res pictures I could use? anything of cameras, preferably higher end stuff like alexa, red, sony f55 etc. Or if you happen to own one of those cameras if you could just take a picture for me you'd be awesome.

thanks guys!

Recommend Me a Camera http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5609/recommend-me-a-camera Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:38:08 +0000 Alex2Fischer 5609@/talks/discussions I'm obviously considering the GH2, because of the amazing detail. However, as an all-around camera, I've heard it struggles with low-light and photography. It also doesn't have nice features like focus peaking, zebra, and picture styles.

Is it worth waiting for new cameras at CES and CP+? Or maybe there are some other recent cameras which might be the GH2 Killer... OM-D E-M5 anyone?

So, for a budget student who's going for the film look, what's your advice for the best all-around camera, which is not only capable of amazing video, but helps the user get the most out of it?

Peace and Love, Alex Fischer

Using shotgun with GH3 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5606/using-shotgun-with-gh3 Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:17:56 +0000 clyde_t 5606@/talks/discussions I'm having trouble getting the GH3 to recognize my audiotechnica shotgun. when i plug it in the special mic icons remain greyed-out. does external mic only work with the new panasonic shotgun?

Which settings recommended for a dark short with the GH2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2707/which-settings-recommended-for-a-dark-short-with-the-gh2 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:34:52 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 2707@/talks/discussions Im not very technical, i trust by my instincts and I am sometimes some confused by the amount of patches so my english isnt very good. But i like council for this.

In April or May I will codirecting and making of DP in a short i wrote with a friend. The story have some common elements with the novel 'The tunel' of Ernesto Sabato. Its a psychological drama, with elements of noir cinema, thriller, etc. its dark. My intentions aesthetic are closer to the tenebrism of the painter Caravaggio, films like The Godfather, Stay, Gattaca, etc. Palette with predominantly brown-ochre, black and some of red.

I have this gear in the Panix with TerraQuake: Two cards SanDisk Extreme 16 GB @ 30MB/S Class 10. Lenses FD: 50mm f1.8, 35mm f2, 28mm f2, 80-210 f3.8 & 135mm 2.8. M4/3 glases: Pancake 14mm f2.5 and kit 14-42. But i think need to acquire the pancake 20mm f1.7 have a soft look.

Thanks by help friends.

PS: I have the first and probably one GH2 in my country. Everyone told me acquired Canon, so I hope show what can this noble camera.

Iscomorphot 16 mm HELP http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4304/iscomorphot-16-mm-help Mon, 20 Aug 2012 10:28:59 +0000 mlysbakken 4304@/talks/discussions Hi! I just received my new Iscomorphot 16 mm 2x, which I recently won in an auction on ebay. I haven't received my lens clamp yet, so I haven't gotten to thoroughly test it, but by simply aiming my taking lens through the anamorphic it becomes clear that its focus ring has no immediately recognisable effect. I believe common practice is to set the taking lens to infinity and rack focus with the anamorphic, but the only option I seem to have here is to rack focus with the taking lens and just leave the anamorphic be (which did seem to work allright in my initial test, but I can't be sure). Since I can't test this out thoroughly without a clamp, I'd be happy if someone could jump in with some insight! Is this common for this particular lens, or have I wasted my money here?


GOP In Ptools http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4168/gop-in-ptools Mon, 06 Aug 2012 22:53:28 +0000 filmsource 4168@/talks/discussions Ive used p tools off and on for sometime now. and i keep hearing about GOP i know it says the lower the number the less compression on it. Is this the only effecting compression? I also keep hearing the word Spanning Used alot with the gh2 on this site. can someone explain this too me.

Im trying to keep up with all these terms because im having problems with my camera as in when i hit record the video turns a weird green shift of colors. Ive seen some amazing videos from guys. i have a canon camera with Magic Lantern on it so I have hacked it and used its system. Ive used ptools so i know how to use it. but i feel some of you guys are doing something to the ptools or something. im not getting a good color.

is there some kind of link anyone knows of that can calabrate your gh2 screen to be right?

Heavy Duty Tripods Help http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2690/heavy-duty-tripods-help Sun, 25 Mar 2012 21:35:11 +0000 headofmush 2690@/talks/discussions I've been looking to no avail for a good heavy duty tripod that can support 10 lbs or more, preferably without a fluid head. For around $150. Can anyone recommend a good one for me? Any help is appreciated.

New to ALL of this... http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2698/new-to-all-of-this... Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:49:22 +0000 MisterBink 2698@/talks/discussions Im about to buy the Panasonic GH2. The hack info that I've found so far astounds me, especially the high bitrates, the 4K, and the 4x3 aspect because I shoot with anamorphic lenses and the 16x9 aspect is too squashed. Anyway, I'm trying to do all this for the first time, and coming from a Canon Magic Lantern background, I'm really keen to try. Anyone got some helpful tips and advice out there? Sorry for the huge NUBE sticker on my forehead! Thanks in advance everyone!

Hack help - can no longer adjust f -stop http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2002/hack-help-can-no-longer-adjust-f-stop- Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:58:29 +0000 xtra00 2002@/talks/discussions I am a complete newbie to the hack world, as can probably be gleamed from my question. However, I have attempted to hack my GH2 and though I had just about managed it but then when I went to adjust lens, (Panasonic 20mm) I could not longer adjust f-stop.

Am I missing something really simple? or forgotten something?

Thanks in advance

newb ptool no letter is turning green! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1791/newb-ptool-no-letter-is-turning-green Tue, 20 Dec 2011 00:06:40 +0000 jaj 1791@/talks/discussions
Ptool3d, gh1_132 from panasonic, and setb from blackout all in one folder on my desktop.
I open ptool, load the 132 firmware and not one letter towards the bottom of ptool becomes green.

very frustrated, at a stand still, ready to donate when I get the hack working.

i have faith p-v.com will come through in the end here...]]>
Beachtek XLR issue or is it my GH2--HELP! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/892/beachtek-xlr-issue-or-is-it-my-gh2-help Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:45:36 +0000 No_SuRReNDeR 892@/talks/discussions