Tagged with help - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/help/p1/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 22:13:41 +0000 Tagged with help - Personal View Talks en-CA How to hack Lumix Gh2 with ver. 1.2 (body) installed http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28003/how-to-hack-lumix-gh2-with-ver.-1.2-body-installed Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:41:14 +0000 Ogitele 28003@/talks/discussions I've been stuck on this problem, i want to hack my gh2 with something like Moon T7, but after using ptools, formating card etc, the responce is "No valid picture to play". I think the problem is about the camera beeing on ver. 1.2, is there any way to downgrade to 1.1 again or a hack for 1.2? Im really dont know what to do at this point, please help.

gh5 1.1 firmware http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26612/gh5-1.1-firmware Mon, 10 Jan 2022 02:36:00 +0000 q296247032 26612@/talks/discussions gh5 1.1 is better ,but i 2.7。how 2.7 to 1.1.
Mr. Vitaliy_Kiselev i want firmware downgrade . Please help me thanks . this is gh5 v1.1 :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rha3pM0Ux-5Ajpw_-rqsSHJnKsOaN8O_/view?usp=sharing

Cinematic m43 lenses http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5931/cinematic-m43-lenses- Mon, 28 Jan 2013 14:03:13 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 5931@/talks/discussions I'm saving to buy a good optical native M4/3. In the range angular to a maximum of 35mm. I have the pancakles 14mm 2.5 and the 20mm 1.7 but both some digital look.

My needs is lightness, quality and look, I do not like that look digital lenses.

  • At first I thought the Nokton 25mm 0.95 seems a superb lens, but I think it would have to last much saving, keep in mind that no cinema live, my investment is to make my short films that also costing my pocket and projects future.

  • The PanaLeica 25mm 1.4 lens seems interesting, but almost all the references I find are still photo and price does not seem so high. Does anyone have references to the?

  • The other option was the SLR Magic 35mm T1.4, but I read of problems for autofocus.

  • While I have read that the Samyang is not recommended.

  • I think SLR Magic comes with a 35mm and a 25mm both t0.95, but I think his price will be close to Nokton.

Thanks in advance!

Gh2 noob easy hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16530/gh2-noob-easy-hack Thu, 02 Mar 2017 05:08:16 +0000 Erlucios 16530@/talks/discussions Hi, I've just bought a gh2 at low price with a 14-42 only for video purpose. I need a simple hack that remove the time limit and that is reliable. I'm not searching for high bitrate, I like to use 1080 50p and 50mb because I send videos to local tv. Can someone suggest me a hack with this features? Or can someone suggest me how to hack the original firmware by Panasonic? I'm able to use ptool.

Panasonic GH1 SD Card Door http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15579/panasonic-gh1-sd-card-door Wed, 24 Aug 2016 08:44:32 +0000 adamxp12 15579@/talks/discussions OK so I have been a reader on this forum for quite a long time, even before I made an account, but this is my first post, I have a GH1 which I still think is an awesome camera for the work I do, I don't see the point in spending lots of money on a newer model if the GH1 does all I want + without the stupid EU 30 minute time limit thanks to the hack, I like to do timelapse's and so the no limit recording time is a feature that only a brand new GH4 can support but £1k is way too much for a 17y/o to spend on a camera

So that's where this comes in, the SD card door on my GH1 recently broke, not sure how but it has, it don't latch properly at the front of the camera making it protrude, I saw a post about this on personal-view where someone fixed it by gluing a needle to it, but with quite vague directions, the only other solution I can think of is either buying a used G1/GH1 just for a door, or to somehow figure out how to fix my door

Does anyone have an idea of how it can be fixed? pictures would really help here as I have no idea what a non broken door looks like, its not one of them things I really paid attention to before it broke

Tony Robbins- my time working with him http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16066/tony-robbins-my-time-working-with-him Sat, 19 Nov 2016 07:04:50 +0000 chauncy 16066@/talks/discussions I launched tony robbins(sort of). This is about my time working with him in Los Angeles years ago. Nothing he does has changed. The true story behind it all. includes movie review for Netflix: "tony robbins: I am not your guru".

Part 1. Look for link to part2. firewalk episode coming in a few days.

Question for timelapse photographers http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16017/question-for-timelapse-photographers Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:49:16 +0000 MischaB 16017@/talks/discussions Hello everyone,

I'm working on my graduation project, I want to create the following, and I'd like to hear how you think about it;

"A mobile app, with information about how to make the best timelapses, using any technique (1080p, 4k, HDR, stereoscopic 3d etc) with tips and tricks for the settings."

It will not be an app that makes the timelapse, nor will it be an app that tells you exactly which settings to use; it should be more of a reference work, a helping hand.

Now I'm trying to use the design thinking method to build this idea, so that's why I need opinions. What do you guys think? Is it worth working on? What do you think should definetely be included or excluded? I'm thinking about an app because I suppose it's nice to have it with you when you're shooting a timelapse, but maybe that's a wrong assumption?

DIY experts help. Possibly Im lost in translation http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14263/diy-experts-help.-possibly-im-lost-in-translation Tue, 22 Dec 2015 13:39:33 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 14263@/talks/discussions I'm trying to build a small dolly cart, I have several pieces, but there is something I cant get. Is the axes system it comes with toy cars, garden cars and another work cars. I put some yellow arrows on the piece or two component parts, they make the wheels can turn on.

My idea is my dolly car can make circular movement so. But I dont get on amazon and ebay, it comes. I think may be Im "lost in translation", i write "axi for gorilla cart", ""axi for trolley cart" etc and the result is the car. Some idea?

Thank you.

Looking for an A7s for sale http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14073/looking-for-an-a7s-for-sale Tue, 17 Nov 2015 02:25:32 +0000 AnamatisRmG 14073@/talks/discussions Hi guys, looking to upgrade from my fs100 after 3 years of heavy shooting. But on student budget... Trying to find a deal under $2000... Anyone care to keep an eye open on this?

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13944/canon-ef-50mm-f1.8-stm-lens Fri, 16 Oct 2015 19:56:29 +0000 seeblind 13944@/talks/discussions I own a GH2

I recently purchased the following lens from B&H:


and the following adapter from Amazon:


Thing is, I can't get the lens to focus. Does it need to be activated by a Canon camera and then set to MF? Do I need an active adapter to use this lens? Did I totally screw up this purchase bundle?

Still pretty much a noobie on understanding lenses. Any and all help or explanations would be much appreciated!!

QUESTION - GH2 AVCHD Timecode Corruption on Import into FCPX http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5349/question-gh2-avchd-timecode-corruption-on-import-into-fcpx Sat, 01 Dec 2012 19:34:22 +0000 nyexcuse 5349@/talks/discussions So I have had this issue for a couple weeks now, and I don't know where else to turn.

I hacked my GH2 a few months ago and things have been pretty lovely so far. A couple weeks ago, however, as I was importing some AVCHD files from my SD card (64GB SanDisk Extreme) into Final Cut Pro X and some of them gave me this error upon import:

"Import Failed: The following clip encountered an error during import and is still referencing media on the camera: Clip Name: 2012-12-01 19:21:00 Event: X Original Name: Clip #X Volume: NO NAME"

After looking around, I noticed that the files that presented this issue had a strange timecode. Instead of displaying a normal start time of "00:00:00:00" they started with "23:27:41:06". Only some files are like this, and as far as I can tell it only happens to clips that used lenses that have been adapted to the camera (non-4/3 Panasonic lenses).. Other than that I don't know what's going on.

Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything I can do to fix it?


GH4 with GH3 same video settings as possible ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13416/gh4-with-gh3-same-video-settings-as-possible- Sun, 19 Jul 2015 15:55:11 +0000 sergeiicz 13416@/talks/discussions Hello, need some help to set my GH3 to same settings as GH4 .. is there anybody using both ? GH3 as gimbal camera and GH4 as rigged. Now i am running on GH4 with Portrait +3,+1,0,-5,-2 this setup looks good to me and on GH3 with Natural -5,-5,-2,0 but GH3 is still too contrasty (looks more like cheap handy camera) any tips or tweaks will be great - shooting next weekend important project. Thank you

Exactly what are GH2 hacks? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12673/exactly-what-are-gh2-hacks Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:31:03 +0000 Fieel 12673@/talks/discussions I've been practicing with my GH2 for some weeks now, this is my first serious camera. I've always filmed with a Gopro but i never had money for a serious camera, after asking in many forums i decided to buy an used GH2, and people suggested me to hack it.

Now i feel like i want to hack it, but i have no idea what it is, how it works or what are the differences between all the hacks around here. There are a lot and i have no idea what changes between them. I've been following this guide: http://www.movingpicturetv.com/gh2-hack/ and even if it is idiot proof i still have some questions!

It asks me to download the original firmware and links directly to a download. I'm worried it might be dated? The guide is 3 years old.

It tells me to choose the patch i want, and links the "most popular one": http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1375/ptool-v3.63d-topic/p1?Sort=newest[2]

Isn't it outdated, too? I mean, i know nothing about different patches and i don't know which one i should choose, can someone help me? How am i supposed to choose the one i want if i don't even know the peculiarities?

At some point is asks me to "Format an SD card in your GH2." . How am i supposed to format it in my GH2...? The only way i'd do this is by formatting the card on my PC and then inserting it on the camera.

I have so many doubts.

Found this lens in a thrift shop http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12449/found-this-lens-in-a-thrift-shop Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:30:59 +0000 MBlue 12449@/talks/discussions I need some help figuring out how to use this lens I found in a thrift shop. I've been lurking around this forum for a couple weeks and you guys seem like the friendliest most knowledgeable group so I figured I'd give you a shot.

I'm pretty new to m43 photography, and digital in general. My last camera was a Minolta X370. I just went out and bought a used GH2 and an adapter for my old MD mount 50mm f1.7, but I've been wanting more lenses so I was cruising local thrift shops and I came across something that looked like an anamorphic lens. I bought it without thinking (it was pretty cheap) but now I have no idea how to use it.

It says "SANKOR ANAMO-PRIME LENS f=95mm-3.74in Japan" on the side in blue letters. I googled that and apparently there are a million just like it on ebay, but no reviews, camera tests, stats, nothing. It looks kinda like this:


Except its a little more beat up.

I've read about mounting anamorphics with a taking lens and focusing both of them to the same distance, but that doesn't seem to be working for this one, or at least not with me hand holding it against my 50mm. It only cost $30, but after buying the GH2 I'm pretty broke and now I'm scared I threw away what money I had left on a shitty, unpopular lens I can't use.

Does anyone know anything about this lens?

I need some help understanding the Speedbooster for M43 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12168/i-need-some-help-understanding-the-speedbooster-for-m43 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:44:59 +0000 magellan14 12168@/talks/discussions I have a Panasonic GH3 and am considering the Mitakon Lens Turbo for M43 to Canon EOS EF. I understand this adapter gives an extra stop of light and allows me to use 35mm glass. My question is, how do I determine what the f-stop will be and focal length of a full frame lens once equipped with the lens turbo? For example, if I attach a Canon 50mm f1.4, would the focal length still be 50mm and the f-stop still 1.4 - or would it be less?

I appreciate your help,

Ok First off I'm a noob lets get that out of the way. But I have a Lumix GF3 question. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11593/ok-first-off-im-a-noob-lets-get-that-out-of-the-way.-but-i-have-a-lumix-gf3-question.- Sun, 19 Oct 2014 08:17:52 +0000 newcents88 11593@/talks/discussions Hey everyone I have a quick question. I have seen videos online with the Lumix GF3 hacked. I have found out how to hack the gh2 and gf2 but I can't figure the gf3 out. Also when I'm at No adverse effects I cant download the links it only give me the PNG options. First things first has anyone done the firmware hack on the GF3 ?? If so please help.

How Much Per Hour Should I Charge For Work Such As This? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9253/how-much-per-hour-should-i-charge-for-work-such-as-this Sat, 04 Jan 2014 15:12:51 +0000 TATZU 9253@/talks/discussions Our company is developing some youtube videos for our customers. These are short video clips lasting 2 minutes in average. There are several categories,

  • demonstration of product features using shooting live video
  • illustration of products with animated video
  • screen capture to show web interface usage

You will be working with our marketing people on the idea and implement it.


  • must have developed at least one type of videos listed above
  • skills manage video collection at youtube, including editing, posting, organizing
  • students and college grads prefered


Google search? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7014/google-search Mon, 20 May 2013 06:11:03 +0000 oscillian 7014@/talks/discussions I'm having problems with my computer. Can anyone please tell me how to do a google search to find a solution?

Anamorphic newbie.. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/182/anamorphic-newbie.. Sun, 05 Jun 2011 08:44:39 +0000 MarkV 182@/talks/discussions I think this is really nice community that is able to help each other..
I have hackable GH1 .. and I'm preparing for a really large project next month and I think this is the right time for the anamorphic lens for my GH1..
First .. There are two types of anamorphic lens squeeze, right? 2,0X and 1,5X? .. what is the general output difference here? Like the final aspect ratio?

And second thing.. I decided to buy a anamorphic lens for my GH1 of the eBay.. and I need some good tips for cheap (you know.. I don't have lot of money as a digital multimedia, motion advertising and motion picture student at this moment) anamorphic lens and also some converter (adapter) (?) to mount it on GH1? I really have no idea how this works.. so maybe you can help me to get started with this stuff.. :-) Basically, I need a great anamorphic setup for a lower price (I really don't have hundreds dollars for this.. you know) for my GH1..

So maybe this can be a really helpful information for others, with a idea of buying an anamorphic gear for GH1/GH2..

Thanks everyone in advance!
Help with subtitles translation for a Movie Teaser http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10353/help-with-subtitles-translation-for-a-movie-teaser Fri, 09 May 2014 14:53:42 +0000 Aksel 10353@/talks/discussions HI Everyone

I need PV community help. We are a big community and from all over the world so I was wandering if you can help me translate few sentences to different languages so I can add them to my movie Teaser.

I want to add different languages for 2 teasers of my movie "The Killing Silence" for now I have just Spanish and English. so any other language is welcome, Russian, Chinese, Japanese...etc

here are the sentences that need translation and thank you in advance

I am...not your mother

I need to know the truth about this house

sit down

I don't remember this place

I need to see her...she is my mother!!

Don't be afraid it's me "Anir"

watch out !!!

Hi, I am Anir

Have you been here before?

I don't remember this place

What's happening in this house?!? Samir,

what's in this house?!?

Come on!! Stand up and go bring her to me

Open the door!!!

Help meeee!!!

English: Done

Spanish: Done

Swedish: Done

German: Done

Portuguese: Done

Russian: Done

Dutch: Done

Selling Audio Visual Video of a Small Music Festival. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9861/selling-audio-visual-video-of-a-small-music-festival. Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:40:31 +0000 DanaS 9861@/talks/discussions I am trying to do some research about the legality of selling concert footage. We put on the music festival and filmed the entire thing with permission form the bands. We are working out a contract with the bands to release their performances. These are all unsigned underground bands. What other types of clearance or publishing rights do we need? We do have a few covers and I know we will need to get the rights from the original owners. I am VERY new to this so any info would be very helpful. Thanks all.

trouble reverting back to factory settings from Flowmotion hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9754/trouble-reverting-back-to-factory-settings-from-flowmotion-hack Sat, 01 Mar 2014 18:00:16 +0000 niceprguy2 9754@/talks/discussions I installed the latest flow motion hack the other day and when I try to revert back to factory settings the camera does not recognize the new file when I insert my memory card into the camera

Looking for a GH2 Hack For a somewhat specific project. Final Uni Piece, so must be perfect. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9709/looking-for-a-gh2-hack-for-a-somewhat-specific-project.-final-uni-piece-so-must-be-perfect. Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Wilrus 9709@/talks/discussions Hey guys, next month, I'll be shooting my Final uni film, and im looking to make my shoot look phenomenal... I have a 'Class 10, 45/mbs sandisk Extreme 32GB card' and I will be shooting it on a (if all goes to plan) Canon 50mm (F/1.4) There's alot of dialogue in the film, and im planning to try roll from one end of the convosation to the other (about 10 minuets in length) (im not sure if this will cause 'spanning' (I think its called) ) Long story short... I'm looking for the best cinematic-looking hack that i can can shoot for 10 minuets without fear of overheating and won't fill up my card like crazy (as I have about a 6 hour shoot, so am looking to be able to carry a fair amount of footage (obvously i won't be shooting for 6 hours straight, but i'll still walk away with a fair bit of footage)

Thanks in advance guys

Cranking frame rate on GH3 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8846/cranking-frame-rate-on-gh3 Thu, 21 Nov 2013 13:33:55 +0000 gh2simon 8846@/talks/discussions So I finally broke down and got myself a GH3. Could almost not be happier with the ol' GH2, but the one thing I was missing was the higher frame rate for 1080p. Thing is, I bought the new camera in Sweden, and default settings do not include 60fps in either of the modes, only 50fps, I think. 50 is fine I guess, but it bugs me that I lack the slightly faster setting. Switching output from PAL to NTSC seemingly does not do the trick, and neither does updating firmware to the official "GH3__V12.exe" from Panasonic. Am I missing something or am I screwed? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Panasonic DMC-TZ40 Japanesse Only http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9345/panasonic-dmc-tz40-japanesse-only Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:51:46 +0000 darkemi20 9345@/talks/discussions Hi, i have this version of camera TZ40 only japanesse laguage! Is possible change this language ? PTool version enabled to change ? Thanks.

Need help syncing audio http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9233/need-help-syncing-audio Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:37:18 +0000 maxr 9233@/talks/discussions Hi there guys =)

Went to see some friends sound performance. As the only lighting was a desk lamp facing the wall I initially thought it was pointless to film anything. But then curiosity made me take out the camera and, much to my surprise, at ISO 1600 light was "enough". So I recorded one shot here, other shot there. My friend recorded the audio with a little Tascam.

Okay, now the problem I have is syncing shots with Tascam audio. I tried premiere built in sync, nothing, also tried plural eyes which managed to sync last bit (screen grab below). It seems to me, that the challenge is bigger because the kind of sound (mostly noise) and the distortion that both the camera and specially the Tascam picked up. Also both recordings suffer of what appears to be an in-built signal compression limiter

General timeline view of shots and audio

removed the audio files, there's no need of wasted bandwidth

In case you wonder, the audio doesn't make justice to massive wave of sound, distortion, reverberations and harmonics these two guys were "trying to tame". I'm not crazy about the noise musical genre but this one was goooood stuff, also got my ears clean, je je.
So if you know a method or analysis tool that can help me sync this particular audio and video, I'll be much appreciating your hand :-)
Good beginning of roman measuring time legacy new sector • max

Fisheye for GH2 : Rokinon 7.5mm f3.5 OR Rokinon 8mm f2.8 with adapter ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8798/fisheye-for-gh2-rokinon-7.5mm-f3.5-or-rokinon-8mm-f2.8-with-adapter- Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:41:27 +0000 TruHype 8798@/talks/discussions Hello everyone,

I just recently wanted to buy a fisheye lens to filming skateboard videos, but I came across 2 different fisheyes :

  • The Rokinon 7.5mm f3.5 for Micro 4/3


  • The Rokinon 8mm f2.8 for Sony E-mount (NEX-7, NEX-5, NEX-3...) + Adapter

The thing is I know the Rokinon for M4/3 is going to fit directly on my camera (tried it in a shop), but the Rokinon for Sony is much faster, but maybe a little less wide...

Can you please help me choose ?

Thank you.

Missing or corrupted footage http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7940/missing-or-corrupted-footage Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:21:28 +0000 ghinson 7940@/talks/discussions Hello and thank you for reading this. I shot an event with a hacked GH2 using the FlowMotion patch, and it seemed like everything went swimmingly. I recorded approx 40 min worth of footage on a 32 GB San Disk Extreme Pro. At the end of the night, I took a single picture with the GH2 using one of the scene modes (by accident), then I put the camera away for the rest of the night. A couple days later, I looked to make an image file of the card and quickly found out that the contents are "corrupted." And when I looked in the STREAM folder, there is only a single 334 MB file named with a string of weird characters... Suffice it to say, I started to feel sick.

So I bring out the GH2 and pop the card back in and I notice there is no longer an indication of how much recording time is left on the card.

In the past, I have recovered photos from a corrupt card. Can I do the same with video footage? Any advice/instructions on how to extract the files would be greatly appreciated.

Question Regarding GH2's Settings (FSH/FH/L/H/SH/H ) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7879/question-regarding-gh2s-settings-fshfhlhshh- Sat, 24 Aug 2013 01:23:08 +0000 brettciao 7879@/talks/discussions Forgive me if this has been posted before. I cross-referenced, wikipedia'd, googled, and searched to death the differences between these video settings. Yet I have never found a succinct answer.

Basically, I'm shooting straight 24p with a hack. My footage has come out incredibly well thanks to that. However, can someone please explain to me what the core differences are between settings, and what are the pros/cons with each one?

  • 24H / 24L

  • FSH / FH

  • SH / H

Also, I hear shooting slow motion on a GH2 is best achieved with AVCHD 720, 60i. Again, what are the core differences between those settings? I am so incredibly confused, so you I sincerely thank-you for your patience.

Help reach the top 10 of the Danish "hit chart" http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7756/help-reach-the-top-10-of-the-danish-hit-chart- Mon, 12 Aug 2013 06:43:49 +0000 mlysbakken 7756@/talks/discussions Hi all! My film "Dewey - the Musical" from 2012 has just been selected as a candidate for the Ekko Shortlist - which is the "top 10" of contemporary Danish short films. Now I need as much help as I can get from you guys in the community, as the shortlist selection happens in the manner of a public vote. Reaching the top 10 would be a very welcome boost for my career, and it would make it much easier for me to get funding from the Film Institute in the future. I'm forever grateful if you take the time to help out - it means a lot!

The film is located here: http://www.ekkofilm.dk/shortlist/film/dewey-the-musical-/ Both views and votes count positively.

Thanks, Magnus
