Tagged with grain - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/grain/p1/feed.rss Sat, 21 Sep 24 03:25:15 +0000 Tagged with grain - Personal View Talks en-CA Why people on a budget are not using the GH2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14968/why-people-on-a-budget-are-not-using-the-gh2 Sat, 16 Apr 2016 17:49:43 +0000 JuandiAznar 14968@/talks/discussions Hi everybody. First of all I would like to thanks Kiselev for his amazing work and Driftwood, who developed the patch I use. I start this topic as a conversation table, maybe kinda philosophic. I was using a Canon 600D but dirty look and incredible banding frustated me everytime (even being more a content guy that technic super sharpness/film look guy) The thing is, I grabbed a mint Pana GH2 with kit lens with less than 4.000 actions for 200 euros. This camera amazes me. Yeah, yeah, I know, 8 bit 4:2:0, but to me is a STEAL for 200 euros. It just have a very nice VIBE, a great noise pattern that doesn't bother me that much, a dynamic range that it's just ok and the amount of sharpness necessary (even with kit lens). To me, the camera is a tool, I paymore attention to my histories, so, if a camera just do his work for a little money, it's very ok. The thing is that this camera is a gem, don't know why filmmakers on a budget like me doesn't get this stuff for that little money instead of Canon Txi, I think it would be like my case, mainstream opinions makes you buy the Canon (it's true that they got their advantages like sensor, colour gammut...) GH2 it's just awesome.

Simply I wanted to thank the people who developed the hack and the patches and say to the world how much I like this camera, it's unique, go grab one and feel his vibe.


Excessive Grain (Not ISO Bug) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13886/excessive-grain-not-iso-bug Mon, 05 Oct 2015 21:49:52 +0000 jondshank 13886@/talks/discussions I recently loaded the Moon T7 hack onto my GH2.

In my most recent shoot I was using a 95mb/s Extreme Sandisk and 24H mode.

I played the video on my computer when I got home to find it looks grainy. I used 400 ISO throughout the entire shoot and according to my meter I was properly exposed.

Attached is a photo. I've seen shots from other people's moon t7 footage that are far more crisp. Any ideas?

Filming a music video at night with Minolta MD lenses & Panasonic GH2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10863/filming-a-music-video-at-night-with-minolta-md-lenses-panasonic-gh2 Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:04:21 +0000 dlzn 10863@/talks/discussions Shot with Panasonic GH2, Canis Majoris Night and some Flowmotion. Lenses used: Minolta MD 50mm F1.7 and Minolta MD 35mm F1.8. Mostly handheld + run & gun.



The Boy Who Disappeared - Hacked GH2 Short Film http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7517/the-boy-who-disappeared-hacked-gh2-short-film- Sun, 14 Jul 2013 04:40:37 +0000 nathannguyen59 7517@/talks/discussions I filmed this the Winter of 2011 but I just uploaded it to Vimeo. I've been so busy with school and everything.

Let me know what you guys think. Any helpful advice/tips are encouraged. Thanks!

Noise Test: Panasonic GH2 with Driftwood's 176mb GOP1 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1117/noise-test-panasonic-gh2-with-driftwoods-176mb-gop1 Thu, 06 Oct 2011 13:10:38 +0000 Gabel 1117@/talks/discussions
I shot 10 seconds (which now might have been too long) at each ISO value, with the body cap on. Settings were:
- Driftwood's "GOPStoppa" GOP1 176mb hack.
- White balance at 5600K
- Shutter at 50

I've upped the mids in After Effects quite a bit.

The major surprise was 320, which looks awful... Shot a second one, but had the same results! Very surprising...

Here's the video:

And the link to the original clips: