Tagged with autofocus - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/autofocus/p1/feed.rss Sat, 01 Jun 24 09:12:58 +0000 Tagged with autofocus - Personal View Talks en-CA December 2022 press junket in Japan: rumours about future phase detect cameras coming soon. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27407/december-2022-press-junket-in-japan-rumours-about-future-phase-detect-cameras-coming-soon. Fri, 16 Dec 2022 07:09:12 +0000 EspenB 27407@/talks/discussions We all know that a bunch of Lumix users/influencers/ambassadors was in Japan for a press junket at Panasonic earlier in december. No leaks so far. Influencers usually get 14 days or so to make their review before anything is announced and embargo lifted.

Rumour: Lumix S5 replacement with phase detect autofocus...

Also the Lumix G 12-35 f2.8 lens was annouced with a Leica DG upgrade this week. This is clearly again a "kit zoom" for the upper end packages. It was one of the kit zooms back in the GH3 and GH4 days. Before the switch to the 12-60 f2.8-4 for GH5 and GH6. I guess there will be a new m43 camera announcement soon also with this as a kit lens. Hopefully also with that new phase detect autofocus which is rumoured after the december press junket in Japan. CES in january 2023 og CP+ show late february.


GH5S Autofocus test face detection new firmware http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25730/gh5s-autofocus-test-face-detection-new-firmware Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:54:56 +0000 tortoro 25730@/talks/discussions

GH5 AF Lock with an external monitor http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24682/gh5-af-lock-with-an-external-monitor Mon, 02 Nov 2020 10:55:08 +0000 LongJohnSilver 24682@/talks/discussions I switched my AF setting to AF Lock ON and AF Lock Hold ON as I've always done since GH2 but now I have an external monitor.

It doesn't work with an external monitor connected: I'm in AFS and a single press of the AF Lock button should focuses the subject and lock the focus.

I press the button, I see AFL on the display but the camera doesn't focuses. I shut off the external monitor or I disconnect the hdmi cable and everything works again.

The strange thing is that the setting I normally use for macro (AF-Lock: AF-ON) works perfectly. I found several post on the net. It's not the cable and not the monitor. Do you know if a workaround exists? I have the latest fw.

P.S. I forgot to say I'm a underwater videographer, so the camera is inside an uw housing hence no magical Jedi tricks as touch screen AF or manual focus for WA shots.

Focus Techniques with Panasonic Cameras http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16777/focus-techniques-with-panasonic-cameras Thu, 20 Apr 2017 08:38:24 +0000 Scot 16777@/talks/discussions There has been a lot of talk about Panasonic AF especially with the release of the GH5. Have to admit I'm disappointed in Video AFC myself. So here is my AFC tip on my G85 and I think this applies to most recent Panasonic releases including GH5. I have set the 1/2 press shutter button to stop auto focusing. This way when I have focus and don't feel it will be changing for awhile 1/2 press the shutter and lock focus no more unintentional in and outs. The downside is when I let it go it is sometimes hesitant to refocus. I get around this by setting the Fn1 on my G85 to AFL Lock which forces it to focus. I use to rely on the back button but this puts focus control all in range of the index finger and for me less chance of disrupting the camera while motivating focus off or on. I can also use the touch focus on the back screen which refocuses when you drag the focus box to a new location which also works great paired with the 1/2 press shutter focus lock. In this way if I want to risk using AFC I can at any moment. Hope that helps and would love to hear anyone elses tips on the AFC issue.

Improve DFD contrast based auto focus for video. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16596/improve-dfd-contrast-based-auto-focus-for-video. Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:21:43 +0000 cas1 16596@/talks/discussions Dear Panasonic,

I love to see a better video auto focus system. DFD has already removed the first wrong direction start of the focus pull, but I like to address the second wrong direction autofocus pull, the "focus confirmation" rack at the end of the auto focus pull.

I'm not an engineer but I like to understand what is happening what, how, where, when and why.

At this moment the Auto Focus system for video looks the same as for stills. And for stills it works fast and well, accept in continuous high when it has a hard time keeping up with fast action. For video (akin to a very high number of stills) the AF is way to slow, and the focus confirmation pull is very distracting and jarring.

If DFD is able to measure the blur amount, and therefore can measure how far the subject is, the I think a reprogramming of the focus system can help to get rid of that jarring focus confirmation refocus.

I can think of this focusing system:

Focus pull situation:

1) DFD measures the amount of blurr, 2) compares it to the current focus distance, 3) estimates subject distance, 4) smoothly starts racking focus, 5) measures amount of blur half way racking focus, 6) checks the blur shift amount of the first and second measurement, outputs second focus target distance, 7) at the last part of the focus rack the focus speed eases off to arrive at the second estimated focus distance.

Continuous AF situations:

1) DFD measures the amount of blurr, 2) compares it to the current focus distance, 3) estimates subject distance, 4) smoothly starts racking focus, 5) measures amount of blur half way racking focus, 6) checks the blur shift amount and compares it to the first measurement, calculates subject movement, 7) rack focus to second focus target distance, 8) checks the blur shift amount and compares it to the previous measurement, calculates subject movement, 9) repeat 7 and 8 until no blur.

10) If subject leaves the frame maintain the current focus distance for x time before starting with 1 on the new subject in the assigned focus area.

Maybe DFD blur measurements are hard & slow, so having measurements while the camera is auto racking focus is harder to do, but I prefer a slower focus much over racking past the focus and racking back in video.

As a compromise DFD could be used to make a 1 time focus distance estimate, the focus racks smoothly (s curve) to the estimated distance, and stops (without racking past the estimate focus distance AND racking back). This would be good enough for a G85, and the more processing heavy higher DFD sample rate for the high end GH5. I must admit this all hinges on DFD accuracy in measuring the blur and estimating the subject distance.

What do you people think? Love to learn how the current contrast and DFD actually works. Love to hear your suggestions of how to improve AF.

FS : Kipon AF adapter M43/EF http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14782/fs-kipon-af-adapter-m43ef Sun, 13 Mar 2016 13:06:04 +0000 Adam_Mercier 14782@/talks/discussions Hello, I'm selling my Kipon AF adapter M43/EF. Don't have any EF lenses anymore so no need for this AF adaper Comes with original box, front and back caps. Very good condition, like new. Updated to latest firmware.

Price of brand new adapter : 270€ ( not including import taxes)

My price 190€ with free shipping all EU.


GH4 Manual focus being over riden?? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12446/gh4-manual-focus-being-over-riden Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:30:09 +0000 AlanEHoward 12446@/talks/discussions Hi all.. the clip below shows several issues I've been facing with the GH4 but mostly focus... Having seen some online tutorials it seems manual focus isn't as simple as you've expect ... The following clip had the camera set up for manual focus but, as you'll see approx 40 secs in it starts to hunt for focus (but only then!)..... am I missing something in the menu? I can't explain this ... I've checked and the button at the back was set to MF, although in the menu AFS/AFF is set to AFS and continuous AF is set to on (surely MF on the back overrides all this??)...... as the video shows the subject hardly moved and I never touched the focus ring ... re audio on the video, I'm waiting for the musician to supply a clean audio track!

Also I'd love some input from others on colours and noise ... This was shot using a cinelike D mode with everything set to 0 and edited in Prem Pro 2014 , If memory serves I was on 800 ASA which is high but I expected better results for the noise ... The "black" bars are not the same black as the black surrounding them on my monitor... I output the clip using the factory preset for Vimeo which presumably is RGB as opposed to 709, so surely the black bars should match the black on my screen?? (the bars are a shade lighter)

Aside from the focus issue I'd be very grateful for comments / advice / guidance on noise especially in the blacks which are always a bit crappy ..



20mm pancake AFS http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/499/20mm-pancake-afs Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:15:14 +0000 LongJohnSilver 499@/talks/discussions The lumix lenses, when used in video mode, set automagically in AFC regardless if AFC/AFS is set on the camera. AFC is useless on all the lens except (maybe) on 14-140mm. I know that MF is the best option but for underwater use some housing doesn't have the focus ring so the half pressing the shutter button to trig the focus is the only way to get a decent autofocus.

Is this behavior (forced AFC) something triggered by the camera firmware or the lens firmware?

Thank you in advance]]>