Tagged with america - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/america/p1/feed.rss Thu, 06 Jun 24 05:03:04 +0000 Tagged with america - Personal View Talks en-CA Make America Dirty Again: Biden brings Condor 3.0 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25521/make-america-dirty-again-biden-brings-condor-3.0 Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:57:06 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 25521@/talks/discussions BRAZIL

Biden meets Bolsonaro behind closed doors: https://brasil.elpais.com/opiniao/2021-04-14/biden-ameaca-sujar-as-maos-com-bolsonaro.html

Just next - supreme court to discuss puting Lula (China) out of 2022 elections: https://g1.globo.com/politica/ao-vivo/caso-lula-julgamento-no-stf.ghtml


Alm Faller plans military coup agains proposed joint venture by AR-China to make an port in Terra del fuego: https://revistaopera.com.br/2021/04/14/argentina-o-comandante-faller-no-farol-do-fim-do-mundo/


Biden tighten grip into Reichsgau Haiti: https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/governo-biden-tera-papel-fundamental-para-resolver-crise-no-haiti-brasil-perde-influencia-24879818


US GOV plans to make Reichsgau Mexico into slave labour supplier: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201700072


Biden proposes to topple governments like they did to Brazil, Peru and tried to do in Bolivia, Venezuela and Argentina: https://joebiden.com/es/el-plan-de-biden-para-fortalecer-la-seguridad-y-la-prosperidad-en-colaboracion-con-los-pueblos-de-centroamerica/


Biden will defoliate Colombia like US did in Vietnam, again: https://revistaopera.com.br/2021/03/30/biden-ressuscita-a-sua-invencao-o-plano-colombia-2-0-deve-comecar-no-proximo-mes/

America Set to Hand Off the Internet http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15530/america-set-to-hand-off-the-internet Wed, 17 Aug 2016 10:04:01 +0000 firstbase 15530@/talks/discussions The Department of Commerce is set to hand off the final vestiges of American control over the Internet to international authorities in less than two months, officials have confirmed. More here: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/america-to-hand-off-internet-in-under-two-months/article/2599521


Wireless Availabilities (Sound) Bill in U.S. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7710/wireless-availabilities-sound-bill-in-u.s. Wed, 07 Aug 2013 10:39:05 +0000 kingmixer 7710@/talks/discussions I may be late to hearing about it, but I just found out about this: http://broadcastengineering.com/audio/house-bill-calls-wireless-mic-safe-havens

At least it's an attempt to make life easier for us location sound people. Here in the U.S., of course they took away the 700 band and I had heard a rumor that in a few years time the 600s would go. So seeing this helps put me at a peace of mind – I already have enough trouble with finding good frequencies and not getting RF hits as it is. Just thought I'd share if anyone had additional news or wanted to contact their rep.

My last AF100 film will be playing before "Ted" at the Mall of America theater this weekend. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3703/my-last-af100-film-will-be-playing-before-ted-at-the-mall-of-america-theater-this-weekend. Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:01:22 +0000 Brian202020 3703@/talks/discussions "Len's Helper", my last AF100 film I shot before I sold it, will be playing before "Ted" at the Mall of America theater this opening weekend.

Len's Helper

