Tagged with 360p - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/360p/p1/feed.rss Mon, 17 Jun 24 08:14:32 +0000 Tagged with 360p - Personal View Talks en-CA 90% of my audience enjoys my clips at 360p. I need to get the most of it. Any tips? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9523/90-of-my-audience-enjoys-my-clips-at-360p.-i-need-to-get-the-most-of-it.-any-tips Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:45:28 +0000 UEstudios 9523@/talks/discussions Im currently releasing my work on youtube and I live in Vietnam. Here internet tops at 4mbps, that means that the 1080p option is only usable if you are going to download it or for the richer people. But when it comes to the general public, the 360p option is what most people is using. So I need my videos to look the best I can get them to look in that option. I I found out after a few tries that uploading files at the same bitrate as the camera which is around 70mbps (shooting on a Gh3) it doesn't make much difference than uploading files @35mbps or @100mbps. H264 codec.

Sometimes I even got superblocking going there even uploading such huge files. I exported from After Effects and Premiere and even Vegas, and results are gorgeus on my computer and so on but I can still can't get to have the 360p resolution that I have seen around youtube for some famous music videos. For example Gangnamstyle at 360p looks rather nice.

My videos with issues:

Check out that super blocking at second 16. Notice how the title graphic looks great. May it be some wrong I-frame P B Frame setting? this one uploaded at 70mbps.

Check out throughout this whole clip how from 360p to 480p the change is massive

This videos on a 24inch screen are absolute sharp and added filmish grain too.

How can I manage to have youtube render my video the best possible at the 360p option? I guess changing some format settings to match youtube's or something may do the trick?

Vevo stuff:

Notice how at 360p the quality is rather ok. Do Vevo people get more bitrate or something? Upload uncompressed?

I find this rather important, it means the first sight viewers have of the piece. Even more important for me when I know 90% of the public enjoys it at 360p :(

Thanks for reading
