Sound and Music Thu, 20 Jun 24 11:53:09 +0000 Sound and Music en-CA Best Small Dual Recording Recorder and Best Zero Handling Lav Mic? Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:50:36 +0000 matt_gh2 11063@/talks/discussions I'm going to be working on a project where the actor will have a lav mic hard wired to a small recorder, and both recorder and lav will be hidden on actor. What I need is the best small dual recording recorder (by dual recording I mean the ability to record the lav to 2 separate channels, 1 at one level, and another one lower volume level, in case the actor yells and clips/blows out the sound). I also need the best lav mic that has the closest to zero handling noise as the actor may be moving vigorously with animated gestures. What would you recommend. (No wireless lavs here, I'm looking for hard wired.)

Thanks in advance, Matt

Mic Challenge - Help me mic this tough scene Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:35:45 +0000 matt_gh2 11003@/talks/discussions Hoping to hear from the audio experts and others with great ideas, because I have a scene that needs to be shot in a few weeks that I think may be tough. Okay here's the scene: we've got a man indoors, in a large jail cell room, might have tall ceilings, might not, but might be an echo issue too. The scene will last 6-7 minutes during which time the man will be moving around, sometimes waving his arms angrily, sometimes yelling and screaming, and other times talking in a normal voice. My concerns are that if I set levels on recorder to properly record the normal speaking, then the yelling will clip. I am also concerned that if I use a hidden lav on the actor, that I will get handling noise, particularly since he's moving around and waving his arms quite a bit. He'll also be walking around the room ( 12 ft x 12 ft area), and might occasionally turn away from camera while speaking.

So with all those difficulties, how would you mic this scene. I have a recorder and a lav mic, but can buy or rent more recorders and mics (boom, lav, or whatever type is needed), basically whatever is needed, I'll get. So what do you recommend?

Shotgun mics directly to the GH2 with the 448kbps hack. Choices and Advise Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:35:08 +0000 hexagonal 10692@/talks/discussions Hi everyone,

I accidentally started a conversation on the Driftwood patches thread on audio straight into the GH2 with the 448kbps audio patch.

I am a documentary photographer and recently joined the PV forum after deciding that a GH2 is the tool to have for my work.

I had two queries regarding spanning and in-camera playback and they both have been answered in the Driftwood patch thread: 64GB SD Sandisk Extreme Pro 95mb/s is the only card that spans with Moon T7 reliably and the 448kbps audio patch will make any clip non playable in camera.

Now, to the reason of this thread.

My needs are to simplify the gear I carry with me. I used to work with Rode Videomics plugged to my 5DII and that was that. The audio from them wasn't great.

Now, with the 448kpbs hack, the GH2 can be a great audio recorder without the need for an external recorder like an Edirol or a Zoom.

The conversation as left in the Driftwood patch forum relates to these two tests I found for shotgun mics (most of which can be plugged straight to the GH2) which are outdoors and at two distances.

The distance from where I work and from where the mics would be to my subjects is in between those two tests, both indoors and outdoors.

So far, through my DT770 32ohm which is fed by a Dragonfly, the MKE600 is a bit bassy but very good and the AT897 and the MKH 416 perform similarly at a distance. Close up, the differences are far more obvious.

Also, there has been a suggestion of using an ISK CM 60 which is battery powered:

However, I am unable to find a sample from it. @oto02 said he is getting one and getting ready to test it.

Also, @Jim_Simon mentions that the GH2 can record really good audio so I have hopes that I can work out this rather simple rig for documentary work (TV, festivals)

Many thanks for all contributions in advance.

EDIT: I just heard the tests again with my Sony V6 and still, the AT and the 416 sound roughly similar on both. I am not sure if the MKE 600 equalized would be similar to the 416 raw or if one can up the bass a bit on the AT and make it sound less flat. Both, At and 416, sound crisp.

Auto-tune sucks Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:02:49 +0000 MikeLinn 10874@/talks/discussions

Post production sound Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:04:30 +0000 spacewig 10727@/talks/discussions So, I was sitting at a table at a pub tonight with some fat , arrogant cunt that insisted on the idea that unless one was using a particular software it was simply not possible to achieve a professional post-production audio result for their video work. I respectfully disagreed and, following an absurd discussion on the stupidity of software dogma, would like to assist my fellow indie filmmakers struggling with audio on their film productions with some basic workflow/strategies/techniques to achieve the best possible results in so much as audio is concerned . Having said that, I have no desire to do this unless I know there is some kind of demand for such information. Should this be of interest to you, please reply. I'd be happy to share my knowledge/ideas. If there is enough demand I'd be glad to make some videos to illustrate the methods I use.

Need highly portable keyboard with weighted keys Mon, 16 Jun 2014 21:37:52 +0000 brianl 10619@/talks/discussions So my daughter , who is 12, is a talented pianist apparently. She has a good piano, but we'll be travelling this summer and she needs something electronic and portable for the road. Something. Piano coach says spend around $600, she said guitar center has some decent ones. She said Casio and Yamaha are good and that the keyboard should be "Weighted". So that's it, if anyone has one they want to sell, has a recommendation, or any bit of info, that'd be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Physical modelling synths Sun, 18 Dec 2011 01:58:49 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1770@/talks/discussions ($99 and more) (free) (various stuff) (String Studio)

BRASS 2.0 is a new kind of virtual instrument based on a physical modeling technology. It emulates a Trumpet, a Trombone and a Saxophone. All the characteristics of the real instruments have been analyzed and modeled through extensive research at world-renowned IRCAM institute
Steingberg WaveLab 8 Wed, 10 Apr 2013 12:28:38 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6660@/talks/discussions

New features in WaveLab 8:

  • Up to 8 monitor sets management
  • EBU R-128-compliant meters, with a graph, true peak and loudness data normalizing support
  • Plug-in management in a single window
  • iZotope MBIT+ dithering plug-in
  • Voxengo CurveEQ, Brickwall Limiter and Tube Compressor plug-ins
  • Master transport panel for easier navigation in the project
  • New SuperClip concept for combining multiple clips
  • Master plug-in section for storing plug-in chains
  • New audio editing tools: loudness management in audio parts, track lock, trim and split options, auto replay, new commands, etc.
  • Metadata support
  • Waveform zoom with 16-bit floating point resolution
  • Batch processing
Sound Mixing help : from lav/shotgun interview to warm voiceover Sat, 07 Jun 2014 05:40:23 +0000 astraban 10560@/talks/discussions I'm making a little documentary about boxing, and being by myself (shooting/editing/... everything!) it's always a compromise between what I want and what is doable. I already posted a small "teaser" showing the boxer

My issue is that a properly staged interview in the boxing club was cancelled in the last minute (figure me, all my gear & the boxer in front of a closed door at 9PM... "little" bummer!). But I had to do the interview that night because the boxer had a plane for mexico the next day... A dream situation for any shooter. Living in Paris there isn't any quiet place that I can find in the last minute, so I decided to forget the visual interview, do a voice over and just record audio in my (somewhat) quiet room. My issue is that I don't have a Ribon mic or any proper "voice-over mic". So I did it with what I have :

  • A lavalier : sanken Cos. 11
  • a boom : Sanken CS3e

So now I have my two mono tracks and hope to find a way to transform his voice into a voice-over with audition (I learn fast... but I don't know anything about mixing right now...). I will try to do what I can by testing over and over. But if someone can give me some advice on how I can enhance this voice it would be awesome. I don't necessarily want to transform his voice into something beautiful. I want to feel that I'm in his head. His thought... well a voice over. :-)

Wireless lav mike tips Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:29:45 +0000 chauncy 10519@/talks/discussions I'd like to know what people are using with lav mikes to avoid that damn rustling shirt sound. Any special tape or strategy. I need it to be quiet even when actors move and walk around.

I have sennh. g3 with Omnidirectional mike.

Wireless MIDI Interface Thu, 08 May 2014 18:20:06 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10344@/talks/discussions

Score Your Own Films! Sat, 03 May 2014 20:51:02 +0000 Gardner 10307@/talks/discussions

Keyboardist FAQ by Ed Diaz Sat, 19 Apr 2014 04:18:32 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10196@/talks/discussions

Feature film sound tutorials? Mon, 05 Aug 2013 10:48:18 +0000 tonalt 7693@/talks/discussions There's many tutorials about shooting, editing, color grading etc.. But I haven't found good tutorial about sound. This is the area in video production that I'm most unsure.

I would like to see tutorial (I prefer video tutorials) that explains from recording to post-production all steps in feature film sound production. How to place mic tips, recording, foley, syncing, post-processing (mixing, compressing etc.), how to attach post-recorded sound to scene so that it really sounds like it's from the scene and not from my clothes room etc...

IMO this is now the area that really makes difference in between amateur and pro videos.

I enrolled to online course called "Introduction to Digital Sound Design". . It gave excellent information about sound theory and music, but didn't really tell how to do things in practice for feature film.

So great tutorials, are there any?

I Need Help Recording A Grammy Winning Classical Vocalist in London Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:04:59 +0000 thepalalias 10143@/talks/discussions Hi Guys,

I've got a spec project I'm working on where one of my friends (a Grammy winning classical vocal soprano) will be tracking vocals in London. Unfortunately she doesn't have a studio of her own and we couldn't fit the session in while she was in L.A. because of a last minute scheduling conflict with the L.A. Phil.

So if anyone would in London would be interested in helping out, please let me know (and any info. about gear and space would also be appreciated). Thanks!

Kickstarter for audio capture and post-production tutorial. Sun, 23 Mar 2014 03:28:30 +0000 arum 9948@/talks/discussions I got the previous tutorial about audio these dudes made and I was pleased with it. It was easier to get and more entertaining than reading Jay Rose's book on sound capture (it also covers noticeably less stuff, but definitely covers what I thought was most important).

Maybe there are other people in this forum that would be interested.

Zynaptiq UNVEIL de-reverberation software Tue, 08 May 2012 04:41:56 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3142@/talks/discussions This video is showing us some of what UNVEIL can do for you in a Post-Production for film, broadcast, games and sound design situation. Examples include de-reverberation, up-mixing, ambience attenuation, hiss reduction, on-screen/off-screen placement and more.

Yamaha Tyros 5, new TOTL arranger Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:16:42 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8653@/talks/discussions image



Authentic Ensemble Performances
Ensemble Voice is an amazing function that utilizes parameters which « humanize » the performance to reproduce the subtle variations in timing heard in a real ensemble. This provides an authentic sound that sounds as if a group of actual performers were playing, and allows you to enjoy playing like an instrumental quartet with ease.

Welcome to Organ World
The Tyros5 features Vintage, Home, Euro, Concert, and Theatre organ Voices, all superbly reproduced with stunning samples that allow the Tyros5 to shine in any situation that an organist might encounter. With features such as a comprehensive set of realistic organ-style controls, adjustable effects, and intuitive operation that allows you to alter the sound in real time while you play, Organ World is sure to meet the demands of the most demanding performer.

Add Rhythm to your performances with Audio Styles
Adding forty new percussion-based Styles to the Tyros5’s impressive backing and accompaniment capabilities, Audio Styles add natural feel, ambience, and warmth to drum and percussion parts, offering greater expressive potential. Audio Styles also benefit from Yamaha’s Time Stretch Technology, which allows the audio to follow your tempo changes without changing pitch, so everything stays in perfect sync.

Enhanced DSPs for authentic effects that give you “that” sound
Not only does the Tyros5 have new and high-quality effect types, including Real Distortion and Real Reverb, it provides beautifully designed panel displays, with highly intuitive controls – just like actual effect devices. These also include VCM effects that use the same technology as the professional-level processing on Yamaha’s high-end mixers.

Real Reverb
Real Reverb is an improved version of the Reverb technology found in previous versions of the Tyros. New algorithms take a greater number of factors into account, producing smoother, more natural reverbs.

Real Distortion
Real Distortion effects are based on digital models of classic guitar amplifiers from the 1960′s and 1970′s. There are also digital models of legendary analog guitar effect pedals. The result meticulously reproduces the frequencies and dynamics of real distortion guitar sounds.

While digital solutions are increasingly prevalent in music production studios and performance venues, but older analog gear is still used to get the warm sound that digital effects typically cannot provide. Virtual Circuitry Modeling (VCM) technology provides accurate reproductions of the classic sound of such effects units.

A versatile high performance audio engine that gives you total control over your sound.
The Tyros5 is capable of playing back and recording audio files, and also possesses a range of audio manipulation features you can use to create “karaoke” style “minus one” tracks in the key and tempo of your choice.

Audio Link Multi Pad
Audio Link Multi Pad function lets you link your own audio files (sound effects, vocal phrases, and so on), and trigger them from the Pads as you perform.

Vocal cancel
A powerful Vocal Cancel function effectively cancels or suppresses signals like vocals and solos that play a central role in an audio file, allowing you to make your own “minus one” track and sing “karaoke” style with just instrumental backing.

**Time stretch and pitch shift **
Not all singing voices have the same range. The Tyros5 can put your favorite song in the key of your choice with a powerful pitch shift feature that lets you change the key without changing the tempo. If you do want to change the tempo, you can use the time stretch feature to slow down or speed up the tempo without changing the pitch.

Record styles
In another first, the Tyros5 allows you to record Audio Styles to hard disk as audio files, which you can also use in performances.

Cross fader
Cross fader lets you adjust the volume balance between MIDI Song playback and Audio file playback, allowing you to give DJ-like performances while playing. Moving the fader to the left increases the volume of MIDI Song playback, while moving it to the right increases the volume of Audio playback.

Panel Lock
Lock the panel to prevent any settings from being changed when you are away from the instrument—the perfect function for the live performer.

4 Sub Out
Tyros5 features four Sub Out line-out connections that you can use to adapt your sound to any performance situation, whether it be sending a specific part to a powered monitor, or sending a different sound to the house PA.

Vocal Harmony2
With Vocal Harmony you can sing along with three of your own virtual background vocalists. Vocal Harmony2 takes that a step further with pitch recognition and stability controls. A convenient real-time Mic Level indicator is included in the main display, and a intuitive graphic user interface makes it easy to experiment with your own mic settings, effects and harmony types.



  • Width 1140mm
  • Height 142mm
  • Depth 450mm

  • Weight 14.0g

  • Number of Keys - 61 / 76

  • Initial Touch/Aftertouch
  • Touch Response - Hard1, Hard2, Medium, Soft1, Soft2
  • Pitch Bend and Modulation wheels
  • Sliders - 9 (including 1 assignable), Cross Fader
  • Art. Switches - 2
  • Display - 640 x 480, 7.5" screen


  • Polyphony Number of Polyphony (Max.) 128
  • Preset Number of Voices - 1279 Voices, 480 XG Voices, 37 Drum/SFX Kits
  • Featured Voices
    • Ensemble 55
    • S.Art2 44
    • S.Art 288
    • MegaVoice 54
    • Live! 138
    • Cool! 81
    • Sweet! 37
    • Organ World 40
  • Custom Optional Wave Capacity - MAX 1,024MB (Optional)
  • Voice Edit Yes
  • Sound Creator/Voice Set Yes
Korg PA900 Arranger Fri, 28 Jun 2013 16:04:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7381@/talks/discussions image

The Pa900 sound engine uses double the PCM memory of the best-selling Pa600 and extends the amount of User PCM memory to 192MB. The number of user Style locations has also expanded to 1,200, which will cover almost every style imaginable, and the improved built-in speaker system delivers it all with clear, rich sound. Standard features such as the TC Helicon Vocal Harmonizer, an MP3 player & recorder, Dual Crossfade Sequencer and Video output for lyric display enhance your performance options. The Pa900 packs all this in a high‐quality instrument featuring aluminium side-panels and a silver body to provide a prestigious look on any stage!

Some features

  • Enhanced RX (Real eXperience) sound engine for improved realism and expressiveness
  • An improved built-in speaker system delivers it all with clear, rich sound.
  • Three assignable switches and a four-way joystick for total control of the sound articulation levels (DNC – Defined Nuance Control)
  • 61-key, semi-weighted keyboard action, with velocity and aftertouch
  • Large TouchView 7″ TFT display
  • Easy layout and intuitive graphical interface with new search function
  • 2-way speaker system for powerful, clear sound
  • Enhanced Guitar Mode 2 for “even more realistic” guitar parts
  • Chord Sequencer function, to record any chord progression on-the-fly
  • 4 Stereo Master Effects (125 FX Types) + 2 Global Effects (Limiter, EQ)
  • Enhanced compatibility with lyrics in graphical format (+G) for MP3
  • Fully-programmable SongBook database, based on styles, SMF, Karaoke and MP3, with instant recall of song settings, plus user-definable lists and filtering and ordering options.
  • Multi-language extended character set (lyrics can be shown in most original languages).

Product page -


Will be available in September 2013, price- $1899.

Drum sets for samplers and separate plugins Sun, 18 Dec 2011 15:19:35 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1773@/talks/discussions

Toontrack dfh: Superior Drummer® 2.0, EZdrummer,


KickLab XXL and VirtuaDrum ,

XLN Audio Addictive Drums

Native Instruments - Abbey Road Modern Drums, ABBEY ROAD 60s DRUMS


Drums of War 2

Ocean Way Drums Gold Edition]]>
Korg PA300 arranger Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:39:27 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9865@/talks/discussions

  • 61 keys
  • over 310 styles
  • more than 950 sounds
  • color TouchView display
  • Korg’s Enhanced RX (Real eXperience) sound engine
  • $849.99 price
The Right Equipment Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:40:48 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9846@/talks/discussions

EVO controller keyboard Mon, 05 Nov 2012 10:27:44 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5109@/talks/discussions

The evo is a pure keyboard controller that is connected to a computer via an Ethernet interface, and that communicates via Midi, OSC or our own in-house protocol with synthesizers, sequencers or similar. The keys are the special feature here. Every single key is equipped with a sensor that allows evo to read the finger position on a certain area of the key surface. Thus, every key offers, in addition to pitch and velocity, an additional level of polyphonic data input that can be used for continuous control of independent notes.

More at -

5.1 Audio Sun, 08 Jan 2012 09:03:43 +0000 lolo 1960@/talks/discussions Hello! does anyone know how to properly mix audio in 5.1, i´m mean there is standard right? of let´s say sound fx here, music there and so on?

and also a big question regarding the music, the music is premixed in stereo or is it in 5.1??

The Sound of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:51:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9403@/talks/discussions

Editing surround with headphones Mon, 20 Jan 2014 05:26:21 +0000 lolo 9395@/talks/discussions Hello, i recently saw that 5.1 and 7.1 headphones do exist, so i was wondering if anyone has some experience editing video with them i´m mean most of the surround headphones that i have seen have usb connection so, is that a problem for NLE software or they work just fine, does anyone has tried this??

Need help syncing audio Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:37:18 +0000 maxr 9233@/talks/discussions Hi there guys =)

Went to see some friends sound performance. As the only lighting was a desk lamp facing the wall I initially thought it was pointless to film anything. But then curiosity made me take out the camera and, much to my surprise, at ISO 1600 light was "enough". So I recorded one shot here, other shot there. My friend recorded the audio with a little Tascam.

Okay, now the problem I have is syncing shots with Tascam audio. I tried premiere built in sync, nothing, also tried plural eyes which managed to sync last bit (screen grab below). It seems to me, that the challenge is bigger because the kind of sound (mostly noise) and the distortion that both the camera and specially the Tascam picked up. Also both recordings suffer of what appears to be an in-built signal compression limiter

General timeline view of shots and audio

removed the audio files, there's no need of wasted bandwidth

In case you wonder, the audio doesn't make justice to massive wave of sound, distortion, reverberations and harmonics these two guys were "trying to tame". I'm not crazy about the noise musical genre but this one was goooood stuff, also got my ears clean, je je.
So if you know a method or analysis tool that can help me sync this particular audio and video, I'll be much appreciating your hand :-)
Good beginning of roman measuring time legacy new sector • max

Making Orchestral Christmas Music Sun, 15 Dec 2013 16:18:55 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9106@/talks/discussions Part 1

Part 2

Free lessons from Berklee College of Music Courses Fri, 20 Dec 2013 08:40:04 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 9153@/talks/discussions Software related and general topics:

And many others.

ControlBLADE ES - affordable but super powerful workstation Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:03:17 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7700@/talks/discussions image

Music Computing, a leader in touch technologies and advanced computer enhanced musical instruments releases ControlBLADE ES, a budget-friendly professional keyboard production station.

ControlBLADE ES is an all-in-one music production station, which allows users to compose, record, and mix songs that are ready for radio or direct Internet distribution.

ControlBLADE ES is powered by high-performance computer cores utilizing an Intel® Dual-Core 2.6GHz third-generation (Ivy Bridge) processor that is perfect for today's demanding musicians and the virtual instruments and software applications they use. The Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system is preconfigured for music production and can run virtually any software application or plug-in and is ready to use right out of the box without any bloatware to uninstall.

Run multiple plug-ins at once, record and sequence many audio and MIDI tracks simultaneously, and store millions of sound presets, the ControlBLADE ES packs a serious punch for the money.

“We designed the new ControlBLADE ES to allow virtually anyone on any budget to be able to produce radio-ready music.” Said Victor Wong, CEO, Music Computing. “However, it is still by far more powerful than any other traditional keyboard workstation and can do much more for half the price.”

The ControlBLADE ES is a 61-key model and comes standard with 4GB of RAM, which is upgradeable to 8GB, a 500GB 7200 rpms hard drive with upgrade options of 1TB, 2TB and 3TB, a DVD Burner, an external USB mini audio interface with 2ins and 2outs with various upgrade options, and bundled software including Windows 7 (64-bit) Home Premium OS, SonicSource Producer (8GB of VSTi sound presets), Audacity audio editor and recorder, and Tracktion audio production software.

Features for Audacity include: · Record live audio · Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs · Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files · Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together · Change the speed or pitch of a recording

Features for Tracktion 4 include: · Native FX plug-ins ranging from dynamics to modulation, reverb and more · Support for available third party VST and VSTi plug-ins · Mix Automation · Safe Record · Loop Recording · 64-bit, 192 kHz Mix Engine · Audio Clip manipulation · MIDI Editor · Filters – Volume / Pan, Level Meter, 4-Band EQ, Aux Send & Return and FX · Export to a variety of formats such as .wav, .aif, and .mp3

The ControlBLADE ES provides two (2) video monitor ports, which can be connected to standard LCD / LED TVs, general purpose computer video screens or Music Computing MotionCOMMAND touchscreens.

Good idea to get good affordable midi keyboard and fully integrate modern computer in it. This guys did it for quite long time, but mostly at premium prices and with big touchscreens.
