Skill Tue, 18 Jun 24 13:14:19 +0000 Skill en-CA Flow motion software to improve the electronic shutter look? Sat, 14 Jul 2012 15:27:40 +0000 nomad 3901@/talks/discussions @Cbrandin came up with the idea to reduced the shutter effect with a Flow Motion software like Twixtor. I think his idea is quite promising for two reasons:

– When people see footage shot on RED with HDRx, they generally say it looks more cinematic. I think it's the motion trail generated by the longer exposure for the darker parts, blended mildly into the highlights.

– Twixtor works very well if you don't try to generate serious slo-mo, but only fill in frames. I used it recently for a well-known video artist, who had her project already shot in 50p to slow things down, but later was still unhappy since her camerawoman made a few turns a tad too fast (it was a very long uncut sequence). So, we tried generating intermediate frames to screen it with higher (albeit fake) temporal resolution. We both tested 1080i50 and 720p50, and she liked i50 the best. After all, i50 is blending the additional temporal information into the motion, and it looked quite smooth.

So, let's start experimenting with intermediate frames generated by Twixtor and mixed in by different overlay modes, maybe even blurred to some degree and see if we can make electronic shutter look any better. Twixtor ain't cheap, but you can always use the watermarked demo to test our theory.

Twixtor together with AE will do nearly anything you can imagine. I'd suggest a simple approach for a first try: just generate one intermediate frame for any given "real" frame. If I remember well (I'm traveling right now), you can bias frames to one of the neighbors, so maybe one should generate two, closer in time to the originals. Soften them and mix them in with an appropriate mixing mode, like "soft screen". Play with their opacity.

The Source Filmmaker from Valve Wed, 27 Jun 2012 20:02:51 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3710@/talks/discussions

The Source Filmmaker (SFM) is the movie-making tool built and used by us here at Valve to make movies inside the Source game engine. Because the SFM uses the same assets as the game, anything that exists in the game can be used in the movie, and vice versa. By utilizing the hardware rendering power of a modern gaming PC, the SFM allows storytellers to work in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get environment so they can iterate in the context of what it will feel like for the final audience.

See more at:

Blurry Photos Sharp Again Wed, 12 Oct 2011 19:32:34 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1166@/talks/discussions

Video is not the best, but idea is good :-)]]>
Can anyone figure out how to take an anamorphic photo? Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:45:56 +0000 jakepowell 3570@/talks/discussions is it even possible? with the gh2 specifically and an anamorphic then just take a photo or am i being stupid? would you need to be filming? then rip stills?? or take photos like you can as u film on the gh2? id just really like to see if its possible it would make for some epic landscape photography....

first video footage shot ... need help Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:32:19 +0000 jakepowell 3565@/talks/discussions

theres the link to the video i really just want technical advise , i know i need stabilisation stuff, and threes an issue with ghosting on the lens,i have a uv filter on the nikkor 50mm 1.8 is this it? why? what else?


complete noob sorry :S

Videography Demo Reel containing mostly GH2 footage with some GH1 and GoPro Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:52:42 +0000 sam_rides_a_mtb 3559@/talks/discussions Just put together an updated demo reel, as it had been about 5 years since I made my last one. Have been sending clients links to complete videos, though wanted to have just one that contained a glimpse of the various projects I have worked on recently. Most shots are from an unhacked GH2, a couple from a hacked GH1, and a few GoPro HD shots are mixed in.

Found some info online about recommendations for reels, though doesn't seem like there is any one rule of thumb. Let me know what you think, and could use some feedback, as I may make changes to it, if necessary.

Recover files from card with error Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:15:49 +0000 charlie_orozco 3537@/talks/discussions Hi. I come to you to ask for help, because I feel very frustrated. I have two Sandisk Extreme 32GB 45MBps SDHC cards, and today I was trying to copy the video files of a shoot I had yesterday, and the card started disconnecting quite often (it was plugged into an external card reader). With various retryings I was able to copy only 6 out of 25 (11GB in total) before the card threw me an error message saying that the card needed formatting. I then got tired and decided to copy the files using the camera, but when I turned it on it told me that the camera needed formatting as well. This never happened to me. I became a little desperate and downloaded the program that the card comes from (it's a one year license code that allows you to download and use RescuePRO Deluxe). I used the program and it recoverd 15,000 M2TS video files, all of them a single frame for only the first two videos (or so it seemed) that weighed almost 30GB. I then formatted the card using the camera and tried again. I formatted many times (it's been 4 or 5 hours now) and the best I could get were the full first two videos, almost by chance, and the ones that matter are the 3 last ones... Now the program shows an error saying that it couldn't recover any files because maybe the formatting added 0 (zeros) instead of the old data, and so it may be lost. But when I try again it recovers more files. Although now they can't be read. Is it getting worse eveytime? Is there no way to recover the files? Can you recommend another program that could work for me? I need this data by the end of the week when the job is due, and I feel desperate. It's kind of a documentary, so I can't shoot this footage for a second time... If you can help me I'll be truly thankful. Best regards.

Realtime HDMI YUV-shift fix in Max/MSP/Jitter Fri, 25 May 2012 05:10:26 +0000 dtr 3336@/talks/discussions 'zlp' on the MaxMSP forum posted a solution for correcting the GH2's HDMI YUV-shift in realtime. Great for live visualists and the like:

The basic idea:

  • Start with full rez (not subsampled) chroma
  • Shift each YUV channel by a half-pixel in certain directions
  • Convert to subsampled chroma format


IR photography and tips Sun, 03 Jun 2012 12:38:34 +0000 smb 3460@/talks/discussions In the process to transform a GH2 in a IR Camera, i need as more informations as i can and obviously will share all my journey to IR land...

How do I film still photos effectively? Wed, 30 May 2012 21:54:50 +0000 ahbleza 3420@/talks/discussions I'm working with a producer who wants me to film some photos. I told him scanning and doing Ken Burns crops in post is much better, but he insists that I zoom in on a 3"x4" picture, not showing the border, then slowly tilt down. Yeah.

Anyway, I have a variety of lenses, but wanted to know from the community -- what is your "go to" lens for this type of work? I have been trying the Voigtlander f0.95 25mm, and although it achieves focus, it's really too close to the image for comfort. Next I will try my Nikkor 105mm f2.8 mikro, but what else is a good option, and how do you light the images?

You don't buy a dog and then go around barking, chasing cars and pissing on trees.. Tue, 29 May 2012 20:02:37 +0000 Roberto 3407@/talks/discussions Having embraced DSLRs after 40 years with a light meter, tape measure and hyper-focal charts, I'd like to try resisting the urge to go backwards and use viewfinder loupes, manual focus and all those things which - after all - really require a team to be done properly.

I see my GH2 with a pancake lens, shooting away while sitting discreetly on a sock-full of rice, or attached to my belt. I've starting to read the manual and find I'm missing out on a lot of what the GH2 can do, automatically, to free me up to work faster and better - not to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but to become a more modern videographer.

So, within reason, I'd like to hear from fellow users like me.

[Edit] The stinger, "You don't buy a dog and then go around barking, chasing cars and pissing on trees" is an Australian variation on, You do not get a dog and bark yourself.

Fine Art Photographer Gregory Crewdson Thu, 01 Mar 2012 09:39:59 +0000 PixCanFly 2450@/talks/discussions Wow! I never thought a photography setup can be so elaborate.

Tips and tricks for shooting real estate videos with the GH2 Mon, 21 May 2012 19:45:22 +0000 azza_act 3293@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I'm (maybe) starting at a new company that is wanting to get into the real estate video side of things and I was wondering if anyone with like to share some advice on the subject?

I found this helpful

Just seeing if there is anything more info I could use. It seems lighting may be to trickiest thing to get my head around.


How to fix overbright backgrounds? Sat, 05 May 2012 22:05:10 +0000 acuriousman 3119@/talks/discussions Hi all!

So recently I've been having a bit of an odd issue. I have an off white table with white stripes I use for recording. When I record something that is not filling a lot of the frame, I'm fine. But as soon as I film something that nearly fills the frame, the entire background gets blindingly bright and overexposed. This happens with two cameras I've tried. (Kodak Zi8, Sony Bloggie DUO HD)

Here's some pics to give you an idea.

This is ruining my shoots and driving me nuts! Any idea how I can fix this?

Linux - PTool under Wine, video tools, anything Mon, 29 Aug 2011 04:47:21 +0000 Roberto 798@/talks/discussions @Ptchaw
>Also, just to confirm for anyone running Linux/debian variants, PTool works nicely with Wine out of the box.

I would have said so, too - until yesterday when I got the "Invalid floating point operation" exception trying to run PTool3_62d.
(Fedora 15.x86_64, Wine 1.3.24)
Thoughts on going no lower than 1/40 shutter Thu, 03 May 2012 04:12:20 +0000 NoiseSoulCinema 3091@/talks/discussions I think I'm starting to comprehend the look of the lower shutter. Here is a recent music video I made. I seem to recall being in 1/25 at some of the medium shots with the forwards hat. Otherwise, wild production.

I'm gonna stick to this above 1/40 shutter rule, it's definitely worth it I intuite.

Hack the planet!

Disk Drive's Sustained Speed for Hacked Bitrate Wed, 25 Apr 2012 11:24:53 +0000 Dusty42 3003@/talks/discussions I have an issue and hope an experienced person can help. I am using a couple of internal disk drives for editing in Vegas; one drive is for all the footage from the camera and the other drive is for rendering (audio/video). When I am working on a video, I do not have anything running. Just Vegas that's it.

According to spec sheet, the drives have a sustained speed of 110MB/s. Here is the issue that I have during editing.

For a GOP1 hack like QuantumX v5c B Pictoris (Nick's settings), the stuttering is bearable. For a non-GOP1 like Sanity 4.1, the stuttering is NOT bearable.

Pictoris is 40Mbps for 24L. Sanity 4.1 is 29.3Mbps for 24L. I like GOP1 settings except the noise. I have tried a few GOP1 settings from Nick's excellent work and noticed quite a bit of noise compare to Sanity. Do others notice that or it's just me? Nick, is there a way to reduce the noise in some of the GOP1 settings?

Anyway, 29.3Mbps is roughly only around 4MB/s. So a disk drive with 110MB/s sustained speed should be able to handle the bitrate with ease. Do I understand this correctly?


Rescuing bad footage - "before and after" Thu, 19 Apr 2012 06:01:14 +0000 Mark_the_Harp 2935@/talks/discussions Shot a year ago on the original version of Cake (before v1.1 firmware, I think). This is a "before and after" of what you can do to rescue insanely bad (and I mean, BAD) lighting and exposure. I was playing in the concert and had to set up the camera and trust to luck (wrongly, as it turned out)!

The first 17 seconds is the original exactly as shot, then it switches to the results of two hours of experimenting with grading and noise reduction stuff. Look in HD to see the noise that I was faced with. A real testament to the GH2, Cake, and the power of software that it pulls out at least a usable image after a lot of Guantanamo Bay style pixel-torturing. At 17 seconds in, it's as if someone turns the lights on. I think it's amazing.

Obviously it would be great to get it right in the first place, but sometimes you're stuck with something less than stellar and have to rescue it.


https://vimeo. com/40645611 (for those with portable devices - remove the gap in the URL)

Hopefully other people might have examples / stories of rescuing stuff.

Films restoration Wed, 11 Apr 2012 01:06:53 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2830@/talks/discussions

Best Filmmaking Cities... 2012 Edition!!! Thu, 29 Mar 2012 22:02:14 +0000 bwhitz 2724@/talks/discussions So the state of film-making has seemed to have change pretty drastically over the last few years (although the naysayers will disagree because they don't want to believe it) with better distribution, tech, and so on. So does LA still makes sense as the go-to town for future production? Let's be honest, LA sucks as a city. It's a cesspool of crap. Over-saturated, nepotistic, expensive. I mean, I came out here for the same reasons anyone would... but now that I look at it objectively, it seems like a trap. Hope-full film-grads and actors flock here in droves for opportunity... and don't get me wrong... it IS here, but I feel like those with great jobs have either had family ties to the industry, or have slaved away their 20's and 30's making $15k a year to finally land that REAL production position when they're 45. Which isn't wrong or anything... just not my cup of tea. Working as an assistant editor for the next 20 years is not my idea of a "film career".

I've landed a few legit gigs, but nothing great. I love making movies, but hate this industry mentality here. It's like they're still making movies like they did from the 50's. ...which actually makes sense because that's the generation who's running the studios now.

So in 2012, are there actually better options now? Any modern film-making cities? I'd love to go to Austin or Seattle... but I really don't have a clue to the amount of jobs or opportunity there. Everything online just says "go to LA!"... because it's the obvious answer. There is definitely an abundance of great actors here in LA... but again, the cost is so high, that it's impossible to get the capital for an real projects... (just as the studios want it).

I mean, if you want to work as a PA, the business side, or TV production. Then yea... LA is the place to be. But directing/writing for film seems like could actually be persuaded easier elsewhere. Especially for something like music videos... Austin seems WAY better for that type of film-making.

What do you guys think? Anyone having success (or just fun) elsewhere?

Video Appears noisy on different computers Wed, 07 Mar 2012 09:14:07 +0000 flyguy 2518@/talks/discussions Hello. I recently purchased a Panny AF102. I notice that video files from this camera appears noisy on the blacks on my core i7 laptop and my c2d desktop. the blacks is certainly very noisy. But on my girlfriend's macbook pro late 2011 model i7, the blacks are true black and its not noisy. On the non-apple computers, the black seems to be very washed out and noisy. And guess what, the iso was set at the lowest, 200!!!! but it looks to me like it is 3200

I dont have such problem on a Panny GH2 clips. what could be the problem? Thanks!

Fine tuning White Balance in multicam Tue, 06 Mar 2012 14:58:28 +0000 DrDave 2504@/talks/discussions Here's my question--I have six cams, all white balanced to the same card, and the color is always ever so slightly different. Of course light does not reflect uniformly, so there are always small differences. Is there a way to tweak the cams color so they match better other than by eye and trial and error? For example, is it worthwhile to sample a patch of a blue shirt in two cams and see what the difference is in Adobe Premiere Pro?

Workflow with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Tue, 17 Jan 2012 19:46:46 +0000 ahbleza 2041@/talks/discussions This is an excellent article on some of the challenges with processing workflow on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

In particular, I was stunned by the data rates required for handling the large image files. A single frame can be 45 MBs -- and the drives they require support at least 500 MB/s.

WiP: Chroma key music video on GH2 Sun, 19 Feb 2012 01:55:32 +0000 kavadni 2324@/talks/discussions I am going to shoot on next to no budget, as a freebie for a girl I know, Soda. She helped me out by operating a camera in the past. I am hitting her up for the cost of 10' x 20' muslims. I am however going to add cash and purchased some milled cloth, which should last longer, albeit heavier.

I intend to use Lightwave 10, DAZ Studio, Vue9 Complete, and PFMatchmove.

I am inspired by this

I think I have the skills in the 3D applications to get a result which will help me get paid work. I envisage most models being modifications of purchased models, DAZ .. Renderosity.

My first request for input is .. patch to use .. should I use a patch. I think there are some other topics that deal with the importance of even lighting, and acquisition, so lets assume everything is an even green and well lit.

I say; Should I use a patch, as I also have the option of recording uncompressed 10bit onto a Hyperdeck Shuttle, or in an AVID 10bit DNXHD using a Hyperdeck Syudio. I edit on AVID so this is attractive.

Opinions and thoughts please.

Thank you


Shooting in Rain and maintaining filmic look. Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:36:05 +0000 Donnie88 1685@/talks/discussions Jem Schofield Interview about making interviews Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:24:43 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1456@/talks/discussions

Quite useful stuff.
Made by Dave Dugdale from
Film Industry Internship Resume . . . any tips? Fri, 30 Dec 2011 16:59:54 +0000 B3Guy 1873@/talks/discussions
I'm guessing at least some of you are in the industry in LA. Any tips for what to include or exclude in a LA area film industry internship resume?]]>
do you know of any *free* educational sites for post production Sun, 22 Jan 2012 00:03:11 +0000 kenoah 2085@/talks/discussions i definitely need to upgrade my skill. I have a reasonable understanding of how to setup the camera and get good raw footage. but my post production game is killling me. I'm having a hard time finding any good tutorials online. I did's premiere pro & after effects tutorials. They helped, but did not go far enough. Thx in advance


Free HD stock footage Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:22:07 +0000 hedrox 2000@/talks/discussions Hi! I´m making a short web video, where first 30seconds are about people with active lifestyle.. a person for who I´m making it, wants there some horse riding but it´s january. A lot of mist , no sun and I don´t believe I´ll find someone this month riding a horse in my city.. So I tried to search the web for some free stock footage..but every page where was "free" you´ve had to pay for clips.. does anybody know about any website with free sports HD footage? thank you!

How To Improve Image Quality From Soft Lenses Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:52:05 +0000 apefos 1987@/talks/discussions The challenge: to use the lenses wide open to get the most shallow dof in GH2. But this makes the image soft because almost all lenses are soft wide open. So what is the solution? Watch the video tutorial on vimeo
