Showcase Tue, 25 Jun 24 23:36:07 +0000 Showcase en-CA Venus Transit Tue, 05 Jun 2012 20:54:53 +0000 5thwall 3482@/talks/discussions Figured there'd be a lot of people shooting Venus today. So if you have vids, let's see 'em!

Just shot this in my parking lot around 3:30 PST. A little blurry at first, but it gets a better mid-way through.

Shot with GH2, Panny 14-140, Ex. Tele, Variable ND, ISO 160, 1/2000th, Spanmybitchup (old school!) Sped up in FCPX about 800%.

@thepalalias - curious to see what you shot at the observatory. Thanks for reminding me!

GH2 Stills Tue, 01 Nov 2011 20:39:22 +0000 Lumen 1328@/talks/discussions Around the world on a bike for 9 months with a GH2: A Guttersurf. Sun, 20 May 2012 13:26:34 +0000 SuryA 3279@/talks/discussions Hey guys, As I've mentionned a few times around here, I'll be leaving with a buddy for 9 months around the world on a tandem bicycle, and we'll be shooting a free web series (that'll be edited when we come back). We don't want to make a typical travel show but a show that focuses on the cities, particularly young groups of people with something in common (passion, hobby, lifestyle...) or not, to try to see what their life is like around the world these days. It'll just be the cameraman and sound guy (me and my friend)

This is the presentation video for our crowdfunding campaign:

as we're lacking funds for audio equipement (no zoom h4n for us) and a few things here and there. I've read a few times the objection some have to the crowdfunding concept, as often people are asking for money in exanche for their product, when there is no further info as to who they are or any proof of the validity of their product. I agree.

This is not that, we're looking for donations only (with some fun thank you rewards) and the show will be free for all, we're looking for support not customers.

I'm not really here to ask for y'alls money though (although do please feel free!), what you all could do to really really help us out is help me spread it around a little. It makes all the difference to us! Social websites spread the word in a near exponential way if it has even a mild success, and it'll be the best way for us to expose our project to potentially interested people. A "like" on fb or retweet can go a long way! Find us here on facebook : but you can also link us directly from the indiegogo site which contains everything. You can also tweet our capaign directly from

Also I know a lot of you are spread all over the world and we would love to meet up with anyone on our way (or anywhere in between), so if you find yourself in it don't hesitate to reach out we'd love to find you! There's a complete list of all the cities at the end of the video, and we'll add it soon on the webpage.

Thanks, Surya and Paco.

Driftwood Sedna q1 vs Red Epic 5k Thu, 29 Mar 2012 14:19:30 +0000 woodybrando 2721@/talks/discussions Here's a comparison video between my friend's r3d EPIC and my gh2 with driftwood's sedna q1 hack. we're planning a feature and wondering if it'd b better to shoot on 3 gh2's or one EPIC.

first impressions were that the r3d footage made the gh2 footage look like I'd turned my contrast all the way up in the gh2 I couldn't believe how contrasty the gh2 footage looked in comparison. and I used smooth -2,-2,-2,-2

anyone have any experience using an ultra con filter to flatten the gh2 image?

also, noise @ 320 in the darks on the gh2 was pretty bad. about 2 times worse than the epic. maybe it was the iso bug we'll have to test again. or maybe i need to turn noise reduction up it was pretty much a dealbreaker as far as planning to use the current gh2 to make the feature

good news was sharpness was on par with the 5k image. In fact, I actually added sharpness to the epic footage to match the gh2.

is there anyway to flatten out the gh2 in the matrix?

UPDATE: turns out my friend's monitor was exaggerating the difference between the cameras. I color corrected, sharpened and denoised the clips to match each other. Check out the vid and let me know which u think is which:

and here's the evidence that it really is epic footage vs. gh2 footage

The Boss - GH2 shot short film Tue, 27 Mar 2012 05:53:06 +0000 amokalex 2705@/talks/discussions Hey guys! Shot a short with the GH2 and thought I'd share it with you lot:

It was all shot at 720p50, using a Voigtlander 25mm 0.95, Canon FD 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8.

As a cautionary tale, I attempted to shoot with the Flowmotion v1.11 patch, but found when getting the footage in it was averaging a very low bitrate of between 14 - 17 mbps, which I can only attribute to me not having applied the patch correctly. So always test your bitrates before going out into a shoot! I can't work out why this patch won't work for me as I don't have problems with any others.

Anyhow, just wanted to express my thanks for all the work you guys do on this forum, and to show how great this little camera can look even without a massive high bitrate patch!

Music video filmed with use of Wondlan Carbon and GH2 running on Sedna patch Fri, 01 Jun 2012 08:50:35 +0000 sdope79 3439@/talks/discussions Hi! we've filmed this music video entirely with use of Carbon stabilizer both in glidecam position and monopod, very useful, quite quick to adjust, and light, i can say that i am one happy user and i can recommend this piece of gear.. peep the clip! and if you got any questions shoot!

BLICKWINKEL | a lebanon journey | GH2 Wed, 30 May 2012 08:01:58 +0000 Blancblue 3410@/talks/discussions a video of an awesome lebanon trip:


Panasonic GH2 Nokton 25mm 0.95 Olympus 12mm 2.0 Panasonic 14-140 OIS Vario ND Filter (no tripod)

Edit: Final Cut Pro 10.3 Magic Bullet Looks

Corona style web commercial shot on GH2 with a nikon 24-70mm 2.8G Wed, 30 May 2012 19:22:43 +0000 peterosinski 3417@/talks/discussions

This is a short video ad I created for the MACPA. The creative agency that hired me wanted to do a mock corona ad for this. It was fun to shoot but unfortunately we had a small window of time to shoot it, the clouds came out while we were there as did the wind, and my crew was limited to me and the talent.

We bounced as much light as we could onto the backs of the beach chairs to create a more even look but the real problem was the guy in the suit could barely keep the whiteboard from falling over from the wind as he was pulling it. Everything worked out in the end, client loved it, and the color grade worked out well.

Tall Painting Making of Video Tue, 29 May 2012 16:32:02 +0000 B3Guy 3406@/talks/discussions Here is a short video I just finished up. My sister did this for the final project in her college painting course.

I think my GH2 is still on Sedna AQ1. I used a Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8 stopped to f2-ish (riding between clicks). Hopefully I captured the unbridled awesomeness of repeatedly pouring paint over a tall form. Enjoy.

Music Video I shot with GH2 & Sedna Q20 Wed, 30 May 2012 14:38:15 +0000 Americus 3413@/talks/discussions Thanks to @driftwood and the folks of this site for giving me the tools and info to make this. Your patches make my state of Kentucky look awesome! This is my first post on the site, but I love peeping it everyday. Enjoy!

GH2 Hack at Central Part East - NYC. Wed, 30 May 2012 09:50:56 +0000 willianaleman 3411@/talks/discussions The video was removed by the poster

An Undying Door, GH2 Short Film Fri, 18 May 2012 15:46:40 +0000 B3Guy 3261@/talks/discussions Here is a short film that I was DP on last winter. Looks like he bought a GH2 to finish it off.

Swedish Basketball Champions "Dolphins" - Music Video (Sanity 5) Sat, 26 May 2012 03:35:46 +0000 oscillian 3353@/talks/discussions Put this together for the pride of my hometown! Sanity 5 720 50p>25p Music: Massive Attack

Trailer for "Citizen 672" Wed, 23 May 2012 13:30:09 +0000 bostonmike 3314@/talks/discussions A quick trailer of our short film entitled "Citizen 672". Our Sci-Fi entry in a 48 Hour Film Contest. Unfortunately we were two hours late submitting this one due to a faulty audio track (GH2 needs headphone monitoring for sound badly), so we're not in the running for any awards. We had to pitch out 2 minutes of dialogue and improvise with a propaganda-type voice over.

We filmed this one on a gh2 with Driftwood's Terraquake hack. I used the kit 14-140mm lens on the opening tunnel shot, the staircase shot and driving shots...a Vivitar Series one 28-90mm lens on the sewer tunnel shot (out of focus because I was the cinematographer and the only guy who would go into that tunnel) and a 40mm Hexanon lens on the interior prison shots.

Imagine a future where one government controls the entire Earth and human beings are reduced to numbers. One citizen daydreams of a revolution, but in 2065 even daydreams are forbidden.

The beach never looked so good Thu, 24 May 2012 20:46:51 +0000 mpgxsvcd 3330@/talks/discussions The beach never looked so good as it did when we finished the 200 mile Reach the Beach Relay race.

I used the Panasonic GH2 + 25mm F1.4, 45mm F1.8, and 14-140mm lenses. I also used the No adverse affects hack settings for stability with the slower Eye-Fi wireless card.

Rookie Footballer Tue, 22 May 2012 16:13:28 +0000 arteology 3307@/talks/discussions A soccer fan is casually taking a troll in the mood of a football game. What happens when he finds a strange object.....

Hope you all like it.

Party promo clip with Gh2 and Carbon glide. Sat, 19 May 2012 11:39:56 +0000 sdope79 3270@/talks/discussions

"The Raid" shot with af101 Sat, 19 May 2012 02:02:38 +0000 Mimirsan 3264@/talks/discussions Saw this at my local cinema (4k projection) Great film, looked dslr-ish. Held up well on the big screen.

Looked it up and saw it was shot with Panasonic af101

Goes to show its not just what you shoot with but how you use it ;-)

Coastal Black Winery Short Film - 9 months of driftwood settings Wed, 09 May 2012 18:48:50 +0000 pchristoph 3162@/talks/discussions
This project was a real labor of love as it began last summer during the berry harvest. Wine pressing started in November. The winery received their own bottling machine in March 2012 - so I waited to film this part until it was all setup.

Shot on quality 'driftwood' settings. The wine tasting shots were with Sedna AQ1, and Orion v4b. The harvesting/pressing shots were reQuainted 176 GOP1 and Spanmybitchup GOP1. Lighting was from some Lowel prolites, shop lights and a little 'Walli' light I found here on personal-view which made for a great hair light.

The music was written by me and recorded using Logic 9.

I hope you enjoy it. cheers

Nevada Wed, 16 May 2012 19:22:05 +0000 pvjames 3230@/talks/discussions Some footage of areas i visited after NAB in Vegas. GH2/14-140/PPro-AE.!i=1839888705&k=MRv4WS9&lb=1&s=A

stills here:!i=1811765012&k=948CFtK

Music Videos: EX1, GH2+Cluster and GF2+Cluster Wed, 16 May 2012 09:56:43 +0000 kavadni 3227@/talks/discussions Nothing special in image quality here .. this was a rush job .. a promo for "Jac Dalton's" management to get the band considered for the European festival circuit.

This is from the 36Mb Offline proxies .. I have to finish the four clips.

The EX1 is the A-cam the GH2 is the handheld, and the GF2 was locked off .. not much of it in there.

I shot the four songs in 9 hours to playback with a crew of 4 including me .. I don't think I sat down more than once .. to produce 6.5 hours of footage. Each take was about 20 minutes .. had them run through the four songs 11 times .. 18 angles.

At least I think I know what I need to do to the footage before I finalise the 4 clips The 24Mbs means that's waht I uploaded

Lighting was stage lighting and a single kino

One shot music video with an anamorphic Sankor 16C Sun, 26 Feb 2012 17:13:01 +0000 beeldlab 2413@/talks/discussions Like to share a Music Video I created with the Sankor 16C paired with a Canon FD 50mm 1.4

Tequila Museo (Commercial shot on Orion V4b) Thu, 10 May 2012 17:33:45 +0000 Greek_m43 3174@/talks/discussions Hey guys, here's a commercial I shot in February on Orion V4b. Setting were 1080/24p, 1/50 shutter, ISO 400, smooth -2-2-2-2, and 3 notches to blue. The lenses were Canon FD, 20mm pancake, an SLR Magic 12mm. The gear I used for movement was the IndiSystems Jib, Konova slider, and Pico Dolly. It was lit with Arri 1ks and 650 frensels. In post I conformed with 5DtoRGB to Proress422(hq) with 701 and full range. I edited with Premiere Pro CS5.5 and CCed with Colorista 2.

Edit: Forgot a few details

A Guttersurf and the Hardly Shot Shot- Need feedback for a crowdfunding video! Thu, 10 May 2012 13:03:43 +0000 SuryA 3173@/talks/discussions I'll be leaving in a few months on a bike trip with a buddy that will take us around 9 months covering Europe and South-east asia. We will be shooting a form of travel show (episode format), but the travelling part of it will be minor. We're focusing on the urban aspect of the cities we'll be stopping in (about 2 weeks for each): looking for young urban communities that gather around a common passion/hobby/lifestyle, and trying to capture their atmosphere. At the same time, instead of giving it a traditionnal travelogue format, we're aiming for something slightly more entertaining with a fair bit of fiction (mainly skits).

We're still lacking funds for a few things and will be launching a crowdfunding campaign pretty soon, it'll also serve to publicize it of course (redirecting to the page). We've made this video for the campaign, and I'd like some feedback.

The thing is that we've gotten some feedback that it might not be appropriate at all for a campaign, since it's not as direct as most crowdfunding videos, and might lack some info. Info that will basically be clearly written in the text that goes along.

The question is: Do we have to modify this video, or entirely redo it, or do you think it serves its purpose well. To me the goal of the video is to give the viewer and idea of who we are, and what we could do, and not as much just give all the essential info that can be given by text. I'm possibly entirely wrong. Redoing it would potentially delay the whole ordeal, and in that case, I'm thinking of making a very simple and direct explanatory video (us in front of the camera) along with some kind of a short to show what we want to do, an example if you will.

Password: guttersurf

This isn't the very final edit, there are a few kinks left to be worked out (mainly sound and timing on some jump cuts), don't hesitate to point any more out! It's of course entirely shot on a hacked GH2 with Sanity 4.

Thanks guys!

BRLN (T2I magic lantern) Wed, 09 May 2012 16:10:54 +0000 qzkow 3160@/talks/discussions

I've been to Berlin last weekend and this is what came out. Everything is shot handheld with a magic lantern(april 9th build) t2i and a nikkor 50mm f/1.8 + an unknown 35mm f/2.8 m42 lens. In case you should be interested in the music, it's by "SBTRKT"

The GH2 Feature Film Mon, 07 May 2012 00:00:57 +0000 vurias06 3130@/talks/discussions saw this teaser independent feature film in vimeo... all shoot by gh2 VK hacked using sir driftwood patched quantum v100...amazing works by Resound Productions ( all footage are straight of the camera )

Great Netflix Streaming Documentaries on Low Budget Filmmaking Mon, 07 May 2012 00:58:32 +0000 CRFilms 3131@/talks/discussions Firstly apologies to those outside the US, these probably won't be available to you, but I'm sure you can find them...somewhere.

Let's start with Popatopolis. A doc about veteran B-Movie maker Jim Wynorski. He's made over 70 films, some with titles like "Bare Wench Project", "The Da Vinci Coed", and the classic "The Return of Swamp Thing". This time he's making a move called, "The Witches of Breastwick" and he's trying to do it in 3 days. We can all take some lessons from him, especially his casting choices. ^_^

Next let's go underage and gory! A 12 year old girl decided to make a zombie movie. Zombie Girl: The Movie This follows the multi-year journey of young Emily Hagins and her desire to make a full length zombie feature. Great flick and you can learn a lot from seeing the problems she encounters along the way.

Her next movie played at SXSW, here's the trailer.

And finally we go overseas to the heart of Africa with Welcome to Nollywood. Did you know that Nigeria has the third largest movie industry, IN THE WORLD?!?! You could almost believe this is a mocumentary, but no way could anybody write fiction like this.

Love the boast about importing Nigerians to put hollywood out of business. Not sure about that, but they'd definitely give Wynorski a run for his money.

Documentary shot on GH2 Fri, 04 May 2012 10:39:41 +0000 RBertoni 3104@/talks/discussions I've produced & directed this 38' documentary about dry stone masonry last year. The movie was commissioned by the IPCH of Slovenia for the REVITAS project. It should be broadcasted soon on RTV Slo HD... Apart from some scenes in the introduction filmed on Red, the movie was shot using a hacked GH2 (Driftwood patches, sorry I don't remember the exact versions...mostly gop3). I've disabled the 1080p option to enable HD playback on the iPad. Feel free to download it. ps: Sorry, no subtitles.

Update: had to disable embedding.


Supervillian Rex Velvet terrorizes Seattle with YouTube video Thu, 03 May 2012 15:00:54 +0000 LPowell 3096@/talks/discussions

Vimeo Awards 2012 Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:08:58 +0000 thougts2uk 2910@/talks/discussions Hello,

I have some GOOD NEWS! My short film 'Hooked / 중곡' has been short listed in the Narrative category ( at the Vimeo 2012 Awards in New York. I think it is the only Korean movie, so I would very much appreciate your help in spreading this exciting news so that people can vote for my film, so please pass this link onto all of your friends, students and business contacts. People can vote once a day until the 30th April so that is 13 votes you can all make for me, so please help me to inform people to vote for me everyday. People should have a VIMEO account ( if not you can sign up when voting. Thanks.

During the next round, HOOKED will be reviewed by the Narrative category’s two judges: Gabriel Bisset Smith, and James Franco. From April 17-30, the public are invited to watch the shortlisted videos and vote for their favorites. The finalists for each category will be announced onJune 1, with the winning videos unveiled at the Vimeo Awards show in New York on June 7. Thank you for your support and I apologize if this email sounds like spam.

Remember, please vote for me everyday!! All you have to do is go to the link at the top. In the narrative section - scroll down and select my film HOOKED and hit VOTE. That's all. And try and do this everyday until the 30th of April…

Thanks :)
