Showcase Mon, 17 Jun 24 10:00:44 +0000 Showcase en-CA Heaven: Documentary on belief Thu, 26 Jul 2012 06:47:59 +0000 ahbleza 4050@/talks/discussions Here's a first teaser for a documentary that I'm working on based around interviews with people from different religions, about ideas of Heaven. Shot primarily with GH2, but some also with AF100.

Music video I shot on Red Epic with a dash of GH13 Tue, 24 Jul 2012 00:15:35 +0000 n5p 4020@/talks/discussions Hello everyone, been reading these forums for a long time, I mainly shoot music videos here's one that I shot mainly on the Red Epic at 4k actually not 5k and my gh13 as B cam.

One Hackney Festival 2012 featuring the London School of Samba - Shot with a Panasonic GH2 and Af100 Thu, 26 Jul 2012 07:33:19 +0000 Felix 4052@/talks/discussions

Shot with a Panasonic GH2 and Af100 - We go behind the scenes showing the setup and prep for the One Hackney Festival 2012 featuring the London School of Samba. Feeling inspired? Join this amazing family of the London School of Samba for the 2012 Nottinghill Carnival.

Feet - My short (90 sec) film for DepicT film festival! Sun, 22 Jul 2012 17:02:20 +0000 Dreamcore 4010@/talks/discussions Hey!

Check out my short film for DepicT film festival. You could only make it 90 seconds long which was quite a challange, plus I don't have much experience. Post your comments/suggestions below, ty!

GH2 hack 150mbits music video.. by far the best work i've done Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:49:59 +0000 madmax 3988@/talks/discussions Shot this a few months back and they finally released it. Wanted to see and push the GH2 hack (150mbits) to infinity and beyond. Had fun shooting this. Great team. I hope you guys enjoy it. GH2 is an amazing little beast. Please leave comments. Thanks :)

A rare and beautiful instrument from J.C. Hoffmann, c1720 Thu, 19 Jul 2012 04:02:57 +0000 DrDave 3967@/talks/discussions Hoffmann was one of the greatest instrument makers of the early 18th century, and a friend of JC Bach. You can see and hear one of his viols played by Shirley Hunt; Shirley performs a work by Carl Friedrich Abel, a colleague of one of Bach's sons.

DIVERGENCE is now released Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:53:52 +0000 DouglasHorn 3846@/talks/discussions Several months ago, I filmed an 11-episode series on my GH2s and a Canon 5DII. We released the first episode of DIVERGENCE today. This is a high-end series, aiming for what you'd expect on an HBO or AMC series, but designed from the ground up for the Internet. I hope you'll check it out.

My work Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:08:11 +0000 ValentinDeluy 3926@/talks/discussions Hello to everyone,

My name is Valentin Deluy, I am a French DP Director (so don't be scared of my English skills) and I'm not new here, in fact it has been about one year that I read everything I possibly can on but I never posted any topic or even commented. So this is my first everything !

I have been working so hard for the past four years to get to my personal very top but I do not receive the gratitude that I would love to get especially from you guys, the enthusiasts !

I'm not going to talk more about my life, I'm just going to ask one question ...

What tools and more precisely what cameras do you think I have used ?

After that I'm gonna tell you why and what is the real point of this topic.

Here is one of my last projects, happy watching ... (inevitably in 2K, please)

This is a music video of French rappers that I made few months ago:

And this one for a quality / dynamic range test

Ps: You looked good @driftwood on the Revenge of The Great Camera Shootout Part Two ! :)

GH2 comes back to life! Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:18:25 +0000 Blackout 3880@/talks/discussions I had scoped out the "dry seat" and been on this ride many times and wanted to do a quick no editing Trumpet Dinopup bit (2 shots with 1 lens change from outside to inside) while I control and do the voice of the puppet.

Be sure to watch full screen 1080p with the sound turned up. Only problem here is skew from me doing a one man deal and whipping the camera all over but it came out fun and it's the clearest version of the ride up on youtube. Ride operators aren't allowing stabilizers on the ride. ;P

The camera died for a few days and then magically came back to life.

  • Blackout
Animal Kingdom Wed, 11 Jul 2012 18:16:22 +0000 Diffusion33 3870@/talks/discussions I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but here it goes anyway.

If you like your films shocking, bleak and provocative, with a distorted sense of good and bad, incredible cast and acting, beautiful cinematography and a wonderfully unobtrusive soundtrack then you MUST watch 'Animal Kingdom

Gameboy Music (Chiptune) Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:31:16 +0000 leejb4 3886@/talks/discussions Hey guys, one of my friends is a Chiptune artist and has recently been gaining recognition in the chiptune scene here in virginia. When he found out that I was starting to learn to shoot, he asked if I could shoot a video for him considering chiptune artist here in VA have not ventured that far. So, we didn't spend much time editing the video, but this is the final product!

Music video Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:02:55 +0000 sdope79 3882@/talks/discussions

Strange undesired effect with picture Wed, 11 Jul 2012 00:02:42 +0000 bostonmike 3862@/talks/discussions This is a strange effect I noticed. I took about 500 pics and this is the only one that came out like this...almost looks like video game graphics..strange...anyone ever had this happen to them?

GH2 Tilt-Shift Videos Sat, 10 Sep 2011 22:03:44 +0000 spreegurke 914@/talks/discussions

2012 US National Sport Climbing Championships Tue, 10 Jul 2012 08:51:09 +0000 mpgxsvcd 3850@/talks/discussions In 2013 The Olympic committee will vote on whether climbing should be added as an Olympic sport for 2020. If you enjoyed the video below then please rate it by clicking the like button.

This video shows some of the strongest and most talented kids competing for their country's National Championships. Hopefully in 2020 they will get the opportunity to climb for the US at the Olympics.

Climbing is sport that requires more than just raw strength. It is a chess game played on a vertical wall with real consequences for errors in judgement.

Check out my YouTube channel to see other climbing videos and please help support climbing in becoming an Olympic sport in 2020.

Filmed handheld with a Panasonic GH2 and the 25mm F1.4 and 45mm F1.8 lenses. About 30 % of the shots were filmed with the 45mm F1.8 lens and the 3.9x ETC mode hand held. It is pretty tough to hand hold that focal length. The 35-100mm F2.8 lens cannot get here fast enough.

Tools and drugs Mon, 09 Jul 2012 15:09:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3836@/talks/discussions

Good skill and hard drugs can result in such things.

The Dark Knight Rises - Behind the Scenes Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:39:43 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3830@/talks/discussions

Floras Lake (Sedna AQ1, Voigtländer 25mm f/.95) Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:03:43 +0000 Sangye 3835@/talks/discussions

Beyond being a cinematic montage of what my dog Isis and I saw at Floras Lake on the Oregon Coast last week, this is also my response to anyone who ever thought that the MFT format couldn't get beautifully shallow DOF.

Smooth -2,-2,-2,-2, edited in Adobe Premiere, color graded in Magic Bullet Looks.

Music: "Seasun" by Delorean.

Thunderstorm at one in the morning? PERFECT time to shoot my first anamorphic footage. Sat, 07 Jul 2012 17:57:42 +0000 B3Guy 3817@/talks/discussions Feedback welcome. Hope you like it.

macro closeups / retroadapter on 7D Fri, 06 Jul 2012 12:24:02 +0000 meniK 3799@/talks/discussions testshots. supercloseups with a 15-85mm 3.5 canon optic in retroposition.

7D for closeups. 550D with magic lantern for offtopic shots.

im okay with the first test. eyemacro coming in parttwo.

its pretty much fun. try it for yourself.

have a damn great day, don

New Music Video (GH2 - Cake) Sat, 16 Jun 2012 14:44:29 +0000 smcleod 3599@/talks/discussions Hey Guys, check out my new music video I shot with Zeiss Super Speeds using the GH2 and Cake hack. Let me know what you think.

Sedna AQ1, Short video. Just some fun out on a horse farm. Thu, 05 Jul 2012 06:50:12 +0000 JPB1138 3787@/talks/discussions

Basically just went out with camera and shot. Nothing planned.

Smooth -2


Tokina 11-16mm 2.8 Zeiss ZF 50mm 1.4

Singh-Ray Vari-N-Duo Vari-ND and Circular polarizer in One

ps: I use rgrain for grain, but youtube just kills the grain so that is the werid stuff you see in the sky, looks much better in original!

Here is the Vimeo version where you can download the original if you like.

Here are some before and after stills from grading:

Swedish Summer Wedding Wed, 04 Jul 2012 16:37:52 +0000 oscillian 3781@/talks/discussions Recent highlight reel for some friends of mine. The Bride gave me two thumbs up and wondered which button I pressed to make her look so good :) She works as a law enforcement officer and rarely wears high heels, so this was quite an extraordinary day for her. (In Swedish)

Short Reach Fool-short shot on GH2 Wed, 04 Jul 2012 11:23:27 +0000 wyodude 3779@/talks/discussions Not really planed. One staged shot with the bottle, the rest is just random shots of the day. Most shots done on GH2 with cbrandon 66mbs. Canon FD lenses. A couple of shots on Canon 5d MarkII.

Had a hell of the time sorting trough random shots to fit the story. Did not plan to shoot anything specific then spontaneously staged the bottle shot and didn't have time for anything else. May be next time will put a little more though into next project.

Trash the dress video shot with Driftwood Sedna A Tue, 03 Jul 2012 11:08:09 +0000 DaleCampbell 3766@/talks/discussions

A slightly arty trash the dress.

Almost entirely shot with a Panasonic GH2 running Driftwood Sedna A at its highest quality setting.

The timelapse shots were don a a canon 60D & 550D. Motion with a Kessler Crane Philip Bloom Pocket Dolly with electra drive. And some steady cam shots on a Glidecam vest. Some de-noising with neat video for the high iso night shots, Magic bullet looks for grading and then I added varying amounts of Gorilla Grain.

(The dress used here was made almost entirely out of crepe paper, doilies and ribbon.)

Amazing dop reel using GH13 Wed, 20 Jun 2012 03:23:12 +0000 mrbill 3639@/talks/discussions

'Persona' - Trailer for a series of micro narratives shot on GH2 Sun, 01 Jul 2012 09:03:04 +0000 rrsduncan 3746@/talks/discussions Hi There,

Owing to wonderful support that exists on here I thought I'd put up a trailer for some work I shot on the GH2 (Sedna I believe) on HBR.

The series is a Teen Soap, sort of like Hollyoaks, designed to shown in small parts on Intelligent Telephonic Doodahs.

Anyway, hope you like it.

Silverlake Sat, 30 Jun 2012 18:44:58 +0000 mikethelaw 3740@/talks/discussions

Random fun test with GH2, Olympus 38mm 1.8 and Sedna AQ1 at 2am in Silverlake after a film shoot.

Graded in Colorista II

Mjpeg clip Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:08:52 +0000 TrackZillas 3724@/talks/discussions Just watch this video on vimeo & the guy claims with his hack GH2 can record MPEG2 4:2:2 @ 2K (2048x1152) let me know what you guy's think about it, or if it's fact or fiction..

Mulberry - Short Film Fri, 29 Jun 2012 01:12:16 +0000 apriori 3719@/talks/discussions Hello all,

This August I'll be directing a short film titled Mulberry, based on a true story about a young black man's struggle against racism in a Florida phosphate mine of the 1940s. We'll be shooting with 3 hacked GH2s (I'm a Sedna AQ1 man), using primarily Oly 12mm and Panny 7-14mm glass (we'll have a 25mm and tele zoom on hand as well). I plan on posting footage/stills and sharing relevant production experiences in this topic.

We've launched a Kickstarter campaign this week, and have been fortunate enough to have been selected as a Staff Pick. You can learn about the film on our project page, linked below, which includes a synopsis, video pitch, cast and crew head shots, and some storyboards. Feel free to share our link far and wide, but please defer any pledges to @Vitaliy_Kiselev and @driftwood, whose work has saved my production thousands of dollars. They'll both be receiving a 'Special Thanks' in our end credits as well.

On that note, I'm happy to answer questions about Kickstarter or crowdfunding in general. It's a learning process, but our pledge rate is exceeding our initial expectations. Running a Kickstarter campaign is a TON of work and can be emotionally draining. I'm optimistic, but the 'producer hat' still fits a little awkwardly on this introverted writer-directer :)

The biggest lesson I've learned in the first three days: whatever you do, make sure potential backers know their pledged monies WON'T BE CHARGED until AFTER THE DEADLINE, and ONLY IF the funding goal is reached. And if they seem like they understand the process, explain it again! Early momentum is crucial, and many of my contacts delayed pledging due to mistakenly believing the funds would be transferred from their account immediately. They understood the all-or-nothing aspect, but mistakenly assumed their pledges would be charged instantly like any other online transaction.

That's it for now, but I'll update as my campaign progresses.


After a successful Kickstarte
