Offtopic Sun, 09 Jun 24 15:10:05 +0000 Offtopic en-CA GH3 patch joke Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:55:22 +0000 larsarus 6129@/talks/discussions GH3: patch "Electricians Bliss" v1.0

On behalf of the Gaffa Group, I am proud to announce that we beat the team to the first proper, official GH3 hack. Our team has now been testing this hack extensively, with some really exciting results. We estimate that the chance of bricking the camera by applying this patch is less than a tenth of a percent, and therefore feel that it is finally safe to let it out to the general public.


First you have to make sure you have one of the compatible firmwares for your GH3. The list of compatible firmwares are:

  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 preproduction firmware v0.4
  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 firmware v1.0

Check in the camera menus and make sure your firmware is one of those. We also believe there is a good chance the hack will continue to work, as is, with Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 firmware v1.1 when it is released. Beyond that it is hard to predict to what extent Panasonic will try to hinder this hack from working.

Problems this hack addresses

  • sloppy SD-card bay door


We threw everything we had on this problem to find a way to install this hack with the regular PTool method and using SD-cards, but all work was to no avail. The breakthrough came when we saw we could go back a few generations of technology, all the way back to tape, and install this hack through the use of one of the GH3s many cleverly hidden tape decks.

See video:

First you have to go to the hardware store and get some black electricians tape for the installation. While you are there, also pick up taPTool v1.0 for your system if you don't have taPTool already. Now, since the electricians tape is for full-frame systems, you need to cut it down to the GH3 standard MFT crop-factor of two, like shown in the video. Now, the best suited tape deck on the GH3 is for some strange reason placed right on the outside of the SD-card slot, uncomfortably close to the opening. Just pin the cropped tape down over the crossing ridges, apply some light pressure, and then close the SD-card slot cover door. Wait about one second and check if the patch was installed correctly. You should notice if everything went well almost immediately.

Future plans

  • Fix for floppy camera strap ends
  • Continuous EVF mode
  • Additional on-lens letterbox formats, (CinemaScope 2.35:1, ++)

Final note

We would love to hear back from you guys on your experiences with the "Electricians Bliss" patch, and if you want us to continue with hacks for the GH3, remember to donate! To keep things simple, the Gaffa Group has joined forces with, so just donate using the regular channels.

What happened to Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:38:27 +0000 hamanoshun 6125@/talks/discussions What happened to It seems like it was down for a long while.

I would like to have a pen - Free script for a short movie Sat, 09 Feb 2013 15:47:05 +0000 apefos 6070@/talks/discussions I would like to have a pen, but not any pen...

a pen to describe the peoples face inside the bus in the way to work... each expression, the sadness in the eyes due to life is not the way they would like it to be... the lines drawn in their face by the bus motor noise everyday hurting their ears made to listen birds singing...

a pen to expose my emotions when everybody tells me to hide them...

I would like to downgrade my pen sometimes for a pen-cil to have the option to rub the paper vigorously after write a mistake in my life, erase the missed opportunity and rewrite it into an orgasm of happiness

I would like to have a pen-is not to cum for porn dreaming about girls I will never have, but a pen-is to write in my girlfriend's skin how much my heart pulses for her... hoping the ink cum would last forever... just like a tattoo...

I would like to have the courage to exchange my beloved DSLR for a hacked pen in which the ink would be automatic multicolored changing taking into account the the meaning hidden between the text lines...

I would like to have a pen which could draw a movie in an electronic paper to avoid me the hard work to turn my ideas into a feature film and this way I could celebrate my sinful sloth

I would like my pen to be a sharp knife to hurt the film emulsion just as the film emulsion sometimes hurt us and make us cry inside the movie theater... and this way my sharp knife pen would write the story direct into movie images just like Norman McLaren did.

I would like to have a pen and some pieces of paper to make this writing task my lonely work to avoid the need to beg people to help me mainly when my sweaty money is not enough to pay for their willing

I would like to have a pen to tell how much Mary waits for John everyday in the bus station twisting her hopes for he to stop just looking and take the action

So my pen could tell that John can't imagine Mary looking to her mirror to perceive if her beauty is enough to make him overcome his shyness and make the move

And my pen would find the words to make people imagine that mid age woman with her shining eyes in a hopping face when she sees the young lawyer inside his black suit up the bus stairs and stand by an old washed out advertising of the Nothing Hill movie.

My pen would have the power to describe the angels taking care of us hidden against the sunlight in the sky where the DSLR poor dynamic range could never see them... and they just laugh about the joke God always do not giving each one of us our operating instructions when we was born

So my pen could write the second life many people would like to have forgiven the beloved partner instead of breaking up...

I hope my dreamy pen do not stop taking the virginity of paper and makes me more happy than my never perfect DSLR

and I also hope I do not upgrade my pen into other tools to avoid turning myself into a forum member to discuss voice recorders, computer keyboards, writing softwares and printers.

Adriano Apefos

"Eu amava como amava um pescador, que se encanta mais com a rede que com o mar." (Oswaldo Montenegro)

Chavez gives free oil to poor in the US. Fri, 08 Feb 2013 15:54:24 +0000 Diffusion33 6060@/talks/discussions Venezuela donates free heating oil to 100,000 needy US households

Apple to discontinue Mac Pro in EU after March 1st Mon, 04 Feb 2013 11:58:13 +0000 inqb8tr 6007@/talks/discussions

"As of March 1, 2013, Apple will no longer sell Mac Pro in EU, EU candidate and EFTA countries because these systems are not compliant with Amendment 1 of regulation IEC 60950-1, Second Edition which becomes effective on this date. Apple resellers can continue to sell any remaining inventory of Mac Pro after March 1,"

"The Mac Pro met the previous standards prior to the amendment 1 addition. Obviously it's a very safe and very reliable product," added the company.

At issue are the large fans within the Mac Pro. Since they are unprotected, it would be possible to touch the fan blades.

"The new requirements necessitate fan guards and some increased protection on the ports on the electrical system," explained Apple.

Another nail in the Mac Pro coffin.

Help identify/find the movie (pushing mother down the stairs) Wed, 06 Feb 2013 04:16:39 +0000 Riker 6030@/talks/discussions Im trying to watch a movie I once saw, very long time ago, all I remembered was this scene where a young pretty blonde holds and then deliberately pushes her mother (i think) down the flight of stairs.

For some reason, that was a shocking scene to me...I cannot be 100% sure, but I'd say I'm 99% sure it was something from the 60s, and it certainly looked well made, like Hollywood production, so Im certain it wasnt some obscure B movie...

anyone got the idea what Im talking about?

Lens crop and full frame equivalent flame Sun, 14 Oct 2012 22:12:39 +0000 vicharris 4892@/talks/discussions This might be a dumb question but why the hell does everyone on all these boards compare every damn lens' focul length to full frame cameras? It's really driving me crazy. Isn't most of what's being shot and has been shot professionally about a 1.5 crop for our cameras? I know there's many types of cameras and sensors out there but would anyone agree that a 1.5 is more sensible than all this 2.0 crap? Most of what's being shot that I'm seeing is on Reds and Alexas at the moment with the occasional Panavision Camera thrown into the mix. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills over here!!!!

$100,000 prize for Liberty documentary -- open world wide Fri, 01 Feb 2013 10:30:59 +0000 ahbleza 5980@/talks/discussions If you are skeptical about the current globalist and capitalist world government, then here is something that might interest you. Alex Jones and his Infowars web site are offering a first prize of $100,000 for a documentary or short film on the topic of "Liberty."

I certainly plan to be entering. Note that it is NOT only for US citizens, but is available world-wide. You have THREE MONTHS to make the film -- and it has to be new, i.e., not previously shot footage, with all necessary releases. Entries close April 30, 2013.

If you're concerned about the Police state, global government, and curtailment of liberty, then make a video about it.

700 Terabytes packed into a Single Gram of DNA Fri, 17 Aug 2012 18:47:07 +0000 artiswar 4283@/talks/discussions

Comparison of M43 versus Full Frame lenses Sat, 02 Feb 2013 13:38:51 +0000 ahbleza 5993@/talks/discussions Here's an interesting article on how micro 4/3rds lenses compare with full frame equivalents. In particular, it focuses on the comparison of depth of field, and argues that focal length is invariant (which I agree with) and that it's field of view which changes depending on the crop factor. There's also some discussion on aperture equivalence.

Mama (the movie) Fri, 01 Feb 2013 19:20:42 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 5987@/talks/discussions Has anyone seen this yet?

A Must See "How To" tutorial: linking 2 TV's Fri, 01 Feb 2013 00:36:57 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 5976@/talks/discussions the conversation between mom & kid is the best part, I give the kid credit for saying "recording a video" and not "filming"

if there is a "funny" thread for these kinds of videos let me know VK

Nice 360° video - Helicopter flying above volcanos Thu, 31 Jan 2013 18:02:13 +0000 lenuisible 5970@/talks/discussions

Flexible OLED display Wed, 30 Jan 2013 04:09:35 +0000 AKED 5956@/talks/discussions This looks interesting:

Just the OLED, not the presentation video.

Online Film Distribution Fri, 25 Jan 2013 15:24:33 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5905@/talks/discussions image


Nonsense of the settings Thu, 24 Jan 2013 13:01:49 +0000 tonalt 5892@/talks/discussions I became very frustrated when I saw again another topic about "top settings" and people started posting their sample videos how amazing the settings are. Because of my frustration, I posted this message:

"If you ask me, all these different settings are just a big hoax. There's absolutely no real difference that the end user will notice. Random videos from random users, usually with no comparison to anything."

Luckily one person got my point. Hoax is big word and I admit it was little provocative - no offense for the settings developers. But when I see new settings, I have absolutely nothing where I can compare it and what proves the greatness of the settings.

For me, simple screen capture from same scene vs. other settings could do it. But there is no such thing. Always different compressed videos in vimeo or youtube about random scenes. It doesn't tell me anything. And then the bitrate charts or what you call them. Do you look at the bitrates or at the video?

If someone asks me what are the best settings, I say that them are probably Intravenus. Why? Because shian says so, not because I have "seen" it myself.

And with end user I meant normal people, like my friends or co-workers. They don't give a **** about the settings, because they won't ever never notice the difference.

And yes, I see the difference between stock and some popular settings. Put not after the video is in youtube.

Shit's going to get real Thu, 24 Jan 2013 20:41:43 +0000 ahbleza 5897@/talks/discussions Yes, I know its SFX, but it's very cool. :-)

"Cinematic" - what does it mean ? Tue, 02 Oct 2012 10:10:24 +0000 lumiere61 4791@/talks/discussions Hi to Everyone !

I am very interested in video making as a hobby.
Actually I would like to purchase a nice and little camera. Anyway I have just started the learning process. I read often this adjective, "cinematic", and I understand that there could be cameras more cinematic than others. Maybe the term "filmlike" is easier to understand. I think it should refer to a look of the video recordings similar to those of film movies. What is your opinion/experience on the subject ? Is it just a highbrow discussion ? Thanks and regards, gino

Jack Reacher - The Movie Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:52:05 +0000 apefos 5868@/talks/discussions Hi Fellows

What are your impressions and opinions about the Jack Reacher Movie considering:

Script, Direction, Photography, Actor/Actress Performance...

And how do you describe your behavior while watching the movie?

"Best Camera" fun video - WOMP Tue, 22 Jan 2013 15:12:58 +0000 Henry 5869@/talks/discussions Canon T4i beats out the GH2(hacked and stock) Please don't shoot the messenger, I'm only posting for amusement.

GH2 FPN noise and flicker Mon, 21 Jan 2013 04:19:56 +0000 bahtia23 5853@/talks/discussions I am new to mirrorless video recording. Anyone care to explain?

White streaks against dark background (wall):

Dark streaks against bright background(computer screen):

How the moon hoax was not done Fri, 18 Jan 2013 20:25:13 +0000 LPowell 5831@/talks/discussions

Original title was old school film guy explains how the moon hoax was not done
Changed by VK

NYC GH2 users--would love to connect with you Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:22:01 +0000 HimaB 5828@/talks/discussions I'm back in NYC & would love to connect with GH2 users (esp ones who are using Macs). I'd really love to pick you brains about work flow issues.

GH1 Crop factor 2 or 1.8 ? Wed, 19 Sep 2012 20:01:05 +0000 simurg 4636@/talks/discussions Quote:

"Yes, am sure your bored with it all, but this needs to be resolved! the GH1 is not as people think 2x crop factor, well thats my theory anyway. Note, I succesfully overlapped almost pixel for pixel a 4:3 and 16:9 image shot from tripod and then overlayed in PS. If the crop factor was changing due to crop diaganol then they shouldnt of overlayed as the 4:4 diaganol is longer than then 16:9. Therefore this leads me to believe that the camera sensor should be considered at its max for the 16:9 width ie 19mm aprox and its max height, 13.5mm. 23.5mm diaganol, so more like 1.85 actually. This is possible as the 4:3 ratio then behaves as if the two sides are cut-off to provide this ratio.

The following though shows just how wide the 14mm setting is on a GH1 as compared to full frame and aps-c Canon. This was not my shoot but in 16:9 format the crop is definately better than a 17mm at 1.6 ie 27.2 mm and a little bit less than the 24mm full frame. See for yourself, and it does look as if the GH1 is around 25mm-26mm."

What do you think about true crop factor 16:9 / GH1 ?

Obsessed : Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:55:41 +0000 brant_moore 5788@/talks/discussions I was not going to put this out at first because of several changes I wanted to make,
but after watching again I cannot remember what these changes were so here it is.
With an original idea falling through this was created last minute for a video one class with almost no planning.
Criticism of any/all aspects of the video is expected.

Thank you for your time.

The State of Indie Production Wed, 16 Jan 2013 07:59:50 +0000 shian 5794@/talks/discussions

If this isn't a joke, if this is a serious ad, then I'm gonna make a lateral move into doing flower arrangements or something. At least those people actually get paid and can work indoors, mostly.

The body of the message is pasted below for when the ad is removed, as it will be inevitably.

Looking for a cinematographer, a good one. So someone with ASC or BSC membership, please. Not sure what that is exactly, but we were told they were the best so that's what we want.

This is a difficult shoot that takes place outside at night. Shoot dates prob eighteen days in February. Must be experience with shooting in cold and with some messy situations. Rain and mud play a big factor in this story.

This is probably going to be the best film you'll ever work on. We've had friends and family read the script and everyone loved it. So, it may not be a big money-maker for you, but it will be a great film on your resume. Maybe even win an Oscar. It's just that good.

No pay, and can't cover travel expenses, but there will be reels and meals--I'm talking killer sandwiches!

Contact us at the email above. Ideal candidate has own equipment and insurance. And lights and maybe some sound gear, too. A big van would seal the deal! ;-)

P.S. If anyone knows Robert Deakins, told he's pretty good. Need a contact #.

Location: Denver and Scenic Aspen

Compensation: no pay

Flicker effect on my gh2 running flomotion? Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:47:02 +0000 CTK121275 3991@/talks/discussions Anyone have a diagnosis for this flicker effect on my gh2 running flomotion? A possible solution? Heres a vimeo link to some of the footage.


Windows Phone 8 Wed, 20 Jun 2012 13:35:22 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3644@/talks/discussions

109 years later "Le Voyage dans la lune"can be viewed as it was intended - in COLOR! Fri, 11 Jan 2013 03:55:30 +0000 kronstadt 5748@/talks/discussions a true masterpiece of imagination. Enjoy!

GH3 lines or banding at high ISOs (3200 6400) in video mode Thu, 10 Jan 2013 12:04:49 +0000 djhessler 5738@/talks/discussions I'm curious if anyone is getting lines or banding in high ISO's with the GH3 in video mode, I get horrible lines/banding that honestly make my gh2 more pleasing to the eye. I have attached a file with file of 6400 ISO to make my point, of course I would probably never use 6400 but even at 3200 the lines are noticeable, any one else have this issue?

UPDATE: lol I always end up finding answers to my problems, well as it turns out, I was testing the high iso feature with a 14-42 X lens and that was causing those lines, I slapped a manual lens with no IS and no electronics and now I see how clean my 3200 setting is, so people watch out with those Panny lenses :-)
