Offtopic Sat, 29 Jun 24 12:29:53 +0000 Offtopic en-CA Google search? Mon, 20 May 2013 06:11:03 +0000 oscillian 7014@/talks/discussions I'm having problems with my computer. Can anyone please tell me how to do a google search to find a solution?

For video: GX7 vs A6000 Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:30:38 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 10848@/talks/discussions we all know that Sony is actually the best manufacturer of sensors and has done wonderful work with the A6000 which provides a number of options that make it almost unbeatable in its price range, only the inclusion of a clean HDMI video output makes it a serious camera.

On paper the specifications and level of A6000 seems better. However in my experience with the NEX-5N even consider Sony in color reproduction is some steps below respect to M4/3 (in FF is another story), the A6000 has greatly improved with colors, but I dont have seen a video that me is convincing in paragraph colorful as offering GX7, which seems a kind of mini GH4, si I do not understand that the manufacturer block the HDMI output when recording video.

If you were to stay with one camera between these two, with which you stay?

Birger Engineering still exist? Sat, 26 Jul 2014 05:12:08 +0000 elementalracer 10888@/talks/discussions Does anyone here know if Birger Engineering still exists? Their website looks like it hasn't been updated in over a year. I have a Birger Canon EF mount for a RED ONE that needs to be serviced and I'm not sure where to send it off to? I sent them an email just to try but I have yet hear back from them.

Anyone out there happen to have any dealings with them recently? Or possibly know of another place one could send a lens mount like this to get repaired?

Thanks guys!

RAW vs JPG Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:53:56 +0000 MikeLinn 10862@/talks/discussions

Obama at bilderberg 2014 Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:44:06 +0000 kurth 10836@/talks/discussions

Stupid Dropbox issue Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:33:41 +0000 gameb 10835@/talks/discussions Sorry to open up a dropbox issue topic, VK feel free to cancel that. But I am in one of these desperate moments: I was happily backuping all my work in dropbox with the automatic FCPX option. All the time, no problem, saved me some real trouble. Suddenly: dropbox is uploading all my video files without having activated any button. Obviously after a few minutes my dropbox is full, cannot backup anymore. I tried: Disable photo/video upload in Preferencies/General, Trashed dropbox and reinstalled, restart the Mac, no other reasonable options found in the net. And all this since yesterday. When Edward Snwoden in the Guardian talked about the insecure and not privacy issues of dropbox etc. Funny. Anybody had that issue too? Anybody has a clou about that?

Truly filmic and non filmic cameras flame Thu, 03 Jul 2014 19:39:53 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10721@/talks/discussions Dedicated to ripping covers and uncovering conspiracies of Japanese corporations.

Really black black Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:37:26 +0000 agoltz 10789@/talks/discussions At last a black that virtually doesn't reflect any light. Will it ever become affordable for optics outside the defence/space sector?

If this material ever escapes into the wild it could improve the performance of our lenses and cameras.

What do you want to see in our deals? Fri, 18 May 2012 03:56:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3248@/talks/discussions Want to ask about your preferences for our deals. Here I mean things that you really want and will buy.

Any answers, including specific things or just gear categories are ok.

GH4 wont update to 1.1 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 19:02:11 +0000 Volt 10778@/talks/discussions My GH4 wont see the new firmware. I copied the .bin file to the root like I've done a million times before with the gh2 but the cam wont recognize it. What should I troubleshoot first? Thanks

Where do you live? Wed, 02 Jul 2014 08:36:26 +0000 rockroadpix 10710@/talks/discussions No, I'm not spamming. We just seem to have one of the most far reaching little communities here and I'm amazed by different cultures. Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" made me think about this last night.

Me? Not so interesting- Glen Rock, NJ, USofA

FREE Microsoft eBooks - Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Office 2013, Office 365 Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:50:15 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10766@/talks/discussions

We are sharing another post this year with over 130 more FREE eBooks, Step-By-Steps, Resource Guides, etc., for your enjoyment. Plus we also include links to the free eBooks I shared in the past so you have all of them here in one single post, making this my single largest collection EVER (Almost 300 total)!

Google Glass Topic Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:58:22 +0000 Seethlaw 10755@/talks/discussions Has anyone been around a pair of glass? Would it be possible to hack a pair of glass? I just sent an email to the google glass employees asking if they would support a kickstarter project that focused on enhancing (hacking) the camera aspect of glass.

Anyways, here are the specs:

Display - High resolution display is the equivalent of a 25 inch high definition screen from eight feet away.

Photos - 5 MP
Videos - 720p

Bone Conduction Transducer

Wi-Fi - 802.11b/g

12 GB of usable memory, synced with Google cloud storage. 16 GB Flash total. Battery

One day of typical use. Some features, like video recording, are more battery intensive.

Malviviendo, last episode of 3rd season (SPANISH) Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:50:09 +0000 maxr 10752@/talks/discussions Malvivendo is a free online series done by a group of friends.
With this double episode we get to the end of the third season, maybe of the series. It has been an incredible adventure spanning some years and many hilarious moments. If any of you have had the opportunity of diving into Andalucia's culture (low culture, ha ha) you'll recognise, obviously exaggerated and with a satiric tone, many of the cultural and social references and values: drugs, partying, sex, cheating, stealing, deceiving, friendship, camaraderie, laziness, inventive solutions, loads and loads of humour and nonsense, racism, multiculturalism, whores, religious hypocrisy, homosexuality ambiguities, music, procrastination, etc. etc. I grew up there, so I'm at home. Unfortunately is spanish only with no subs.

They also made a shorter series El viaje de Peter McDowell prot. by a british visiting south Spain and his adventures while getting acquaintance with its peculiarities. - HOMEPAGE


An improved Head Up Display Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:02:33 +0000 goanna 10743@/talks/discussions

Until now, HUD displays in cars looked like text sitting on the windscreen. Now it appears to float in front of the car.


The head-up display, which Mercedes-Benz is introducing into its first vehicle model as of 2014, takes this to a higher level. The system provides data on vehicle speed and speed limits, and issues navigation instructions and warnings from assistance systems. The ‘head-up display’ supplements the information in the instrument cluster. As in modern day aircraft, important information is reflected onto the windshield, directly in the driver’s field of vision, ensuring drivers are less distracted away from what is happening on the road ahead. Furthermore, the eyes do not have to adjust between distance vision and short-range vision, because the information seems to hover above the engine hood some two meters in front where drivers can absorb it without having to avert their gaze or make optical corrections.

Perhaps with similar but wearable technology (a la Google Glass), city streets will no longer be filled with pedestrians looking down at their phones?

How to properly pack synthesizer Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:30:45 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10740@/talks/discussions

Same thing apply for any big item you sell or just ship.

We need GH4 Hack Mon, 16 Jun 2014 12:25:33 +0000 endotoxic 10617@/talks/discussions ITs not about the compression, or the bitrates, or even the curves you can achieve and have a grate perceived dynamic range. Its not about nothing of that.

The patches Driftwood manage to make, how he handled the matrices 4x4 no 8x8 matrices...dammnit even 2x2 if its possible on h264, the difference its clear. The looks is clear.

Please vitaliy, opening a film stock world again by hacking this Gh4 beast is something good for the masses.

Its not about performance any more, its about better image.

Tetris Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:34:11 +0000 MikeLinn 10731@/talks/discussions

We are in prehistoric stone age Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:48:12 +0000 apefos 10697@/talks/discussions I use to compare the video improvements with the automobile history, the car development in early stages is like the video improvement these days. Video tape, analog, black and white, color, digital, standard definition, hd, full hd, 4k, 8k, vhs, shvs, hi8, u-matic, betacam, dv, d1, mpeg1, mpeg2, avchd, h265, and so on... every small improvement and lots of money in new equipment which will survive for short time until it is obsolet... when small production houses invested lots of money in betacam-sp and then hdv showed up and broadcast turned into full hd... ouch, no way to sell the betacam to recover the money...

Of course if you have a hungry amount of clients which needs the up to date quality then you will make enough money to pay the investment, but if you are in a not so high end market then you can survive with average gear.

a7s and gh4 with small improvement in dynamic, range bitrate and codec, raw cameras with headaches workflow, flat images with difficult grading in post... rolling shutter in a 2.5k usd camera!!! fixed pattern noise in cmos sensors... so why not stop buying new cameras and try to extract the best possible from old dslr and mirrorless until a great tool comes to the market? this is what I am trying to do, to hold down my excitment about gear and focus in other things... I believe in a great audiovisual job with humble gear instead of expensive gear and so so results in terms of what is going on in the screen and audio.

there will be the moment when 4k retina displays will be popular, 4k streaming will be spread over the world with fast internet connections for everybody, 4k projectors in all theaters instead of 2k cinemas. 16 fstops dynamic range will be default, so it will be the time to get a powerfull camera with new sensor technology.

the sensor technology we have today cannot deliver so much dynamic range. it is a waste of time to try to get enough DR from silicon cmos without two streams merged or without the promissing quantum dots or organic sensors. in soccer broadcast we can see the stadium with sun and shadow in the grass and the high end cameras cannot show both with enough dynamic range... So the manufacturers try to implement gamma profiles to improve DR but the post grading will not be capable of recover gamma and contrast and keep so much fstops at same time... oh my god, do not ask me to work with raw workflow, it is a headache...

It is time to extract milk from the rocks, to deal with limitations. to put the camera on tripod to avoid aliasing, moire and rollling shutter perceiving, or to use a camera with good enough capability to a handheld job without showing so much artifacts...

I perceived that the old T3i with the vaf filter is good for camera movements because the aliasing in power lines is almost unoticeable, the magic lantern hdr is better dynamic range than all new cameras in the market. it is a matter of how to use it avoiding the motion artifacts and doing a careful sharpening and upscaling in post. the gh2 still rocks for resolution and all you need to do is to add light or reflectors to the shadows, old sony nex are amazing with focal reducers for wide angle and DR is good enough for a low budget camera.

I am addicted to gear, I keep researching about all new camera release, but suddenly I perceived it is a waste of time... Just a new sensor technology will change the game. I think the thing to do now is to do something amazing with old obsolet gear.

E3 2014 Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:58:29 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10556@/talks/discussions

Calling Boston Operators Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:04:57 +0000 kupchenpo 10695@/talks/discussions I'm looking for Boston (ideally) or Northeasterly located gh3/4 operators to work with on some online courses that I'm involved with creating. These are solid paying gigs, but I need people with strong skills, instincts, gear, and know-how. It could result in a consistent stream of jobs over the next few years. I'm not attached to the GH3/4 aspect of things, it would just be handy to mesh with my equipment on shoots where that would be convenient. I'm in Boston though Thursday of this week and would love to meet up with potential people. Shoot me a message if you're interested.

Nikon working on organic sensor Sat, 28 Jun 2014 00:43:27 +0000 apefos 10679@/talks/discussions This article brings some information about Nikon developing a organic image sensor:

Can't trasnfer .bin to SD card because it is read-only Sat, 14 Jun 2014 09:42:49 +0000 Starsailor 10605@/talks/discussions I can't transfer .bin to SD when the camera is connected to the PC. It says that it's read-only. I have a Panasonic G6. How do I unlock the camera so I can write files to it. I am able to take photos so the SD isn't locked.

Replacement flex cable for 14-140 zoom Thu, 12 Jun 2014 16:06:20 +0000 prey99 10594@/talks/discussions Hi guys, I am having a hard time finding a flex cable part to replace a defective unit in my lumix 14-140mm zoom HVS014140.

The lens is actually at a repair shop, which is how I know the flex is the problem.

But the repair person stumbled upon the problem that there is no orderable part number, and it is not showing on ebay.

So he basically told me that if I couldn´t find the part, he could not do the repair.

Panny already replied this lame answer: 3:37 PM (17 hours ago)

Dear Pedro, I am sorry the Flex Cable is not supplied as a service part.

Mike D11 Parts Data Coordinator Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company

Am I to assume that for an $20 buck part I will loose a $500 lens ? Remember I am in Costa Rica, son not many local or even regional options... please guys a little help!!!


Someone with similar problema in a transaction at Amazon? Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:33:58 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 10540@/talks/discussions On May 1 I bought the 25mm 1.4 PanaLeica to johnebel seller in Amazon, johnebel dispatched the lens via USPS to my address in Miami provided by my freight forwarding company.

According to USPS they delivered the package on May 5 , this is the date I have dont received the lens, as my freight forwarding company they have not been notified or received the package by USPS , the package seems if the zip code, but not delivered, in UPSPS site dont appear who signed the package delivery, I have written them for send me a scanned image or photo of the invoice and they dont have answered.

I reported to Amazon but as the package appears as delivered they are not responsible, equally USPS, equally my courier, the seller equally but I pay U$455 for an article I dont have.

I'm just shortening for give you an idea of the problem . This includes almost U$50 in international calls I made ​​to USPS without success.

I have thought about the possibility in demand to USPS and freight forwarding company in Miami, but I dont know if this is legally possible

I bought by amazon many times and never had this problem.

Lost my GH2. Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:25:25 +0000 Hallvalla 10518@/talks/discussions Won't bore you with the details, buy my GH2 + Leica 25mm have vanished.

I still have my kit lens and my (dare I say, beloved) Panny 100-300. Not ready to upgrade to the GH4 yet.

Wanted opinions on what the cheapest replacement would be from the Lumix lineup? Would like 60p video, but not a deal breaker. Mostly for nature photography with that lens. Were any other camera's hacked besides the GH2?


New Dad's topic Tue, 11 Feb 2014 09:53:32 +0000 endotoxic 9591@/talks/discussions Hi.

I'm gonna be a father, i have just received the grate news, me happy and wanted to share it with the community.

I'm very exited and nervous cos i never had children, and well, im the last of my never carried even babys! maybe twice.

Any advice?, the deal is done!

3 days reading Ibsen's Wild Duck in the street Thu, 29 May 2014 08:37:45 +0000 maxr 10485@/talks/discussions

Je je, whatzup guys?!!!

These are some shots (through a 3 days span in February of 2013) badly put together registering an idea we had at A Empresa de Limpeza (Cleaning Business): to read Henrik Ibsen's Vildanden (Wild Duck) outside in the streets.

At some point there's a tiny bit of Mr Jonathan Coulton's - Your brains live in L.A.

Camera was a P&S and I tried to keep it simple while experimenting on new visual approaches; dumping everything into premiere and grading (or conspurcating like @Alienhead likes ,-) with colorista and looks. Plus parts with a lighter tweak of Eran Stern’s false hdr tonning technique. I want to apologize beforehand to @jpbturbo and people with good eye-coefficient for any inconvenience or damage :P


Some pics during the process +)

Rockchip will start making Intel based chips Tue, 27 May 2014 23:35:01 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10472@/talks/discussions

Intel Corporation today announced it has entered into a strategic agreement with Rockchip to expand the breadth of and accelerate the rate at which it brings its Intel® architecture and communications-based solutions to market for a range of entry-level Android* tablets worldwide.

Under the terms of the agreement, the two companies will deliver an Intel-branded mobile SoC platform. The quad-core platform will be based on an Intel® Atom™ processor core integrated with Intel's 3G modem technology.

Rockchip is one of a handful of fabless semiconductor manufacturers based in China, presently specializing in the development of ARM based mobile SoCs. Under today's announcement however, Intel will be leveraging Rockchip to bring a low cost (entry/value) Intel branded SoC platform for tablets (read: sub-$150 Android tablets with connectivity).

Intel first started talking to Rockchip about this agreement a "couple quarters" ago. There are two primary motivations behind the agreement: it gives Intel additional resources to bring products to the market, and it allows Intel to scale IA based Android tablets pretty quickly.

By the middle of 2015 Intel and Rockchip will launch a new SoFIA SoC, featuring four Intel Atom cores and an Intel 3G modem. From the text of the announcement, it sounds like Intel will be providing the IP for the SoC while Rockchip will handle the integration of the design itself

It is very significant thing, as Rockchip is good in entry segment.

Suggestion on 0.71x aspherical focal reducer Fri, 23 May 2014 07:53:36 +0000 apefos 10439@/talks/discussions It is Apefos suggestion to some company (Sigma he said) the game of focal reducers for M43 and E-Mount.

They will have an aspherical design, also using extra low dispersion glass to improve edge sharpness.

Ffocal reducers will be 0.71x with 1 fstop increase in light.

Will be available in main mounts: Canon FD, Canon EOS EF, Nikon F or G, M42, MC/MD, OM, PK, Leica R, Yashica/Contax

Main problem of all focal reducers in market today is the edge blur, this is due to spherical lens design. Also some small amount of chromatic aberration is present. Someone will solve these issues using aspherical lenses and extra low dispersion glass.

This Apefos suggestion.
