Offtopic Tue, 04 Jun 24 11:59:37 +0000 Offtopic en-CA GH2 with Metabones SB Sat, 23 May 2015 13:34:59 +0000 club_irate 13038@/talks/discussions I got the Metabone Canon EF Lens to Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster which i wish to pair with my next purchase, Sigma 18-35 1.8 lens onto a Panny GH2 body.

Does the Speedbooster feature activate on the GH2 only with a external third-party 5 Volt MicroUSB power supply?

If yes, could anyone who has experience in it share a tried and tested third party 5 volt MicroUSB brand i would need to buy for the same?

Please feel free to share any other views on MB SB+ GH2 setup.

Death of Universe threatens release date of GH5. Tue, 11 Aug 2015 03:22:16 +0000 brianl 13529@/talks/discussions

A study of more than 200,000 galaxies, encompassing wavelengths of light from the far ultraviolet to infrared, shows that the universe is producing half as >much energy as it did 2 billion years ago and continues to fade. “Newer galaxies are simply putting out less energy than galaxies did in the past,” >astronomer Mehmet Alpaslan, with NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif., told Discovery News. SNIP

How soon they will stop? Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:01:47 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7472@/talks/discussions image

HUAWEI Mate, phone with 6.1" screen :-) Samsung also have similar things.

May be next year trend will be promoting 7" tablets as smartphones? What do you think?

Why GH2 Is Ever Out Of Cinematic Look, Even After Hacks... Fri, 23 May 2014 06:44:00 +0000 producer 10438@/talks/discussions Some of you know me here as opposed to the direction the hack patches went from the very beginning. That's why I know in advance that this thread will be followed by spitting of many persons here, but this is my opinion especially after I saw this: and I just want to share it shortly.

So, let's put aside the most common theoretical arguments about that GH2 is not a full frame, not a RAW video camera, about the codec, etc. Ok, the video quality of GH2 after the most of the hacks gets increased - little less noise, higher image details and everything else described for every single patch.


Just take a look at the examples "Before" and "After" below and see the difference. At first sight nothing surprising - the "After" frame (with GH2 Intra Patch) looks higher detailed at all, no doubts! Let's save all that can't be said about that more.

Let's see the "Before" frame now - ok, less detailed, loss in the shadows, little burnt highlights, etc.

But what are my own impressions and conclusions - the "After" frame has all the characteristics of a digital video, lacked of dense and getting flat. No, I don't mean the "flat image style"!!! I mean that the hacked picture simply lost its material depth!

While the "Before" frame produces much more characteristics of a movie look, looks much more cinematic closer to the Hollywood motion pictures.

And before some of you are ready to post reply, now it's time to pay attention to the 3rd attached frame, which is from "Tokarev" 2014 (with Nicolas Cage). So: simply compare this frame to any of the "Before" and "After" frames. WELL, WHICH GH2 FRAME IS DEFINITELY CLOSER TO THE 3RD MOVIE FRAME IN EVERY ASPECT??? Of course, I've found hundreds of movies with EXACTLY the same characteristics, and NO ONE with hacked GH2 image characteristics! Just don't let me to upload with hours :)

Like it or not, that's the general reason why every hacked GH2 video, raw or graded, looks always far from what everyone calls "filmlook". Yes, I've seen only few with clear detailed and nice look, but compared with ANY movie production frame, the resemblance is saying at least minimal. Since the GH1 era I posted some ideas about where the hack work should be turned to, but the history of this forum can show you the reactions.

Anyway, it would never happen, but at least I wrote it.

14 Camera Moire Shootout Sat, 01 Aug 2015 21:14:14 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 13492@/talks/discussions

Californians cut water use by 27% Fri, 31 Jul 2015 03:11:38 +0000 brianl 13485@/talks/discussions If we can reduce water use, why not oil? why not any resource? Maybe we're not so stuck in our avarice.

Urban water use in California dropped by 27% in June, according to figures released Thursday by the State Water Resources Control Board

]]> a website for Panasonic Storytellers Thu, 30 Jul 2015 10:01:43 +0000 tylerknight 13482@/talks/discussions It's been a while since I've had time to post anything on the forum, but I have been holding out for something big!

I was approached by Panasonic several months ago to speak at the Canadian G7 release in Toronto on my experience with Panasonic cameras and my move to 4K video.

Since that time, more opportunities have come to light and I couldn't be more excited to share this with everyone!

Panasonic Canada has created a new website called which highlights several videographers and photographers and I was lucky enough to be featured on the site for my work with the gh1 through gh4. Have a look through the site and check out some of my work as well as some of the other talented shooters!

On top of that, I will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia this long weekend to do an in-store hands-on test day at Henry's with the G7 and new GX8 as well as teaching a 1 hour workshop on my 4K video workflow in Adobe Premiere!

If anyone is from the east coast of Canada and is interested in participating in the workshop, or would like to show me around the beautiful city of Halifax, please message me on here! The link to the workshop is here:

There is a lot more in the works and I can't wait to share it with everyone!

What's your top favorite zombie films? Mon, 27 Jul 2015 12:29:44 +0000 Gardner 13465@/talks/discussions

Light>matter>burritos Sun, 26 Jul 2015 00:02:47 +0000 brianl 13457@/talks/discussions If they can figure a way to make burritos from subatomic particles, this could solve world hunger.

Researchers have worked out how to make matter from pure light and are drawing up plans to demonstrate the feat within the next 12 months.

"The theory underpinning the idea was first described 80 years ago by two physicists who later worked on the first atomic bomb. At the time they considered the conversion of light into matter impossible in a laboratory.

But in a report published on Sunday, physicists at Imperial College London claim to have cracked the problem using high-powered lasers and other equipment now available to scientists.

"We have shown in principle how you can make matter from light," said Steven Rose at Imperial. "If you do this experiment, you will be taking light and turning it into matter."

The scientists are not on the verge of a machine that can create everyday objects from a sudden blast of laser energy. The kind of matter they aim to make comes in the form of subatomic particles invisible to the naked eye.

The original idea was written down by two US physicists, Gregory Breit and John Wheeler, in 1934. They worked out that – very rarely – two particles of light, or photons, could combine to produce an electron and its antimatter equivalent, a positron. Electrons are particles of matter that form the outer shells of atoms in the everyday objects around us.

But Breit and Wheeler had no expectations that their theory would be proved any time soon. In their study, the physicists noted that the process was so rare and hard to produce that it would be "hopeless to try to observe the pair formation in laboratory experiments".

Oliver Pike, the lead researcher on the study, said the process was one of the most elegant demonstrations of Einstein's famous relationship that shows matter and energy are interchangeable currencies. "The Breit-Wheeler process is the simplest way matter can be made from light and one of the purest >demonstrations of E=mc2," he said."

No more 30 minute limit? - WTO members agree to eliminate tariffs on more than 200 IT products Sat, 25 Jul 2015 14:10:08 +0000 karl 13455@/talks/discussions According to a press release from the WTO, WTO members representing major exporters of information technology products agreed on 24th July 2015 to eliminate tariffs on more than 200 such products - and according to (German) press articles I read, the list of goods does include "video cameras".

So next time a camera is sold crippled to whatever absurdely short maximum video recording period, manufacturers will probably need to use a different pretense for their market segmentation measures. I already hear them blather about "heat dissipation problems" and such...

Why 4K TVs are stupid Fri, 17 Jul 2015 08:21:44 +0000 apefos 13404@/talks/discussions This article talks about 4k, fullhd and 720p considering the real world situations where people will watch the content to discuss if 4k is a must have or not:

These two articles also compare 4k with 1080p and 720p with closeup from screen images and interesting graphic tables for viewing distance/screen size:

in all these 3 articles the conclusion is: if you are 10 feet (around 3 meters) away from a 50 inch TV 720p is enough.

A good thing using 4k resolution is home theater projectors with high lumen output to allow large screen, but affordable 4k projectors are far away to be real.

AI Thu, 23 Jul 2015 21:08:46 +0000 kurth 13448@/talks/discussions

We have what may be an extremely difficult problem with an unknown time to solve it, on which quite possibly the entire future of humanity depends. — Nick Bostrom

...makes skynet seem quaint !

Checker Board HDR Sensor Idea Thu, 23 Jul 2015 14:35:04 +0000 apefos 13447@/talks/discussions I think the checkerboard design for hdr sensor can be better to avoid aliasing and moire and more easy for image reconstruction in missing pixels in each exposure (dark/bright) compared to alternate lines (simpler algorithm):

Maybe this can be good for 4K hdr video in 3840 x 2160 pixels sensor, and much better for 1080p because in 3840 x 2160 pixels sensor each four pixels will be one pixel after downsize, so the debayer and interpolation will be very good. this design using 7680 x 4320 pixels will be amazing for 4k hdr, because each four pixels will be one pixel after downsize.

3840 x 2160 will be great for 1080p hdr (8.240.400 pixels, easy to do in M43)

7680 x 4320 will be great for 4k hdr (33.177.600 pixels, easy to do in sony full frame mirrorless)

If you look following the diagonal, you will perceive there are two pixels besides an empty pixel for red, green and blue, same diagonal direction for red and blue and other diagonal direction for green. this makes the interpolation more easy and better to do when comparing to the alternate line pairs design.

Monsanto....Let the Farmers Grow What They Wanna Grow Mon, 20 Jul 2015 19:00:01 +0000 babypanda 13426@/talks/discussions

Micro Four Thirds 4K Cine / Ultra HD MultiAspect Dream Sensor Sat, 18 Jul 2015 07:33:04 +0000 apefos 13408@/talks/discussions The dream sensor for future Panasonic and other M43 cameras:


Sony Exmor RS RGBW sensor with HDR video. Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:45:51 +0000 apefos 5693@/talks/discussions Sony developed a new sensor which allows better low light performance and also the low budget dream: HDR video for the masses (not the hdr cartoon look, but the perfect balance between shadow/highlight). At this moment it is real for mobile devices (since August 2012), but maybe in a near future this technology will be implemented in camcorders and DSLRs. Probably other manufacturers will develop something similar to keep on the race.

This web page shows all information:

Web Design: The First 100 Years Tue, 21 Jul 2015 00:45:50 +0000 bigshotpp 13428@/talks/discussions

A modern, articulated, amazing rant about our current technocracy, coming from (but not exclusive to) web design. Everyone should read it, but I thought of Vitaliy when reading it.

Documentaries about other movies that you recommend? Tue, 21 Jul 2015 02:17:00 +0000 suresure123 13429@/talks/discussions Ive watched a couple of docs recently that are about other movies or movie makers, some the making of and some have another angle like NOT making them. Most were absolutely brilliant and very entertaining for me as an aspiring filmmaker. I was wondering if there are any others that people recommend?

I have seen and recommend. Some you can find on Youtube.

Stanley Kubrick: A life in pictures.

Room 237 (about people ideas and meanings of The Shining)

The Death of Superman Lives, What happened? (really fun due to Kevin Smith, about the aborted version of Superman directed by Tim Burton starting Nic Cage!)

Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (really interesting...quite long)

Yet to of watched but plan to:

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (making of Apocalypse now)

Lost in La Mancha (Terry gilliam and an aborted movie of Don Quixote)

Jodorowsky's Dune (again an unmade movie version of Dune, looks very interesting)

Ivan0135 ....cgi fraud ? Sat, 18 Jul 2015 11:08:40 +0000 kurth 13409@/talks/discussions

Ok....something light ! And in response to V's "no ufo's here" , what'd ya'll think about these obviously cgi created internet mythmakers ? In my experience of distressing imagery, I find them pretty well made. If you want to google Ivan0135, there's alot of speculation...some good...some ridiculous.

Enjoy...unless the overlord zaps them with his magic wand !

The Fall of China? Wed, 15 Jul 2015 18:49:30 +0000 babypanda 13389@/talks/discussions

Blank Gun and Squibs! Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:35:03 +0000 Gardner 13406@/talks/discussions For an upcoming film I'm working on it will require some blood and guns, Tarantino style. I wanted to know if anyone had any experience with squibs and blank guns? Previously we used real weapons with empty magazines and had the actors act out the recoil, but seeing films with blank weapons has sparked my interest. I know blank guns can be extremely dangers, references Brandon Lee, but I would love to get some input. As far as squibs go, I've tried the same technique that Director Gareth Evans used in "The Raid" but I can't get them to really explode to make it believable.

Planned Parenthood exec discussing organ harvesting! Tue, 14 Jul 2015 17:57:33 +0000 Gardner 13382@/talks/discussions

Suicide squad Wed, 15 Jul 2015 18:09:42 +0000 kurth 13388@/talks/discussions Some subliminal now warner bros is telling americans....hey, it's ok to employee terrorist criminals as long as they're on our side....kinda of like what we did with isis !

Gaza is getting hammered... Mon, 19 Nov 2012 17:08:40 +0000 brianluce 5246@/talks/discussions Gotta be a better way folks. Not sure if the mainstream media is giving this accurate coverage.

Put the fucking guns down.

Photos here:

Two films that are having a profound indonesia Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:37:10 +0000 kurth 13390@/talks/discussions

from the filmmaker Werner Herzog, a producer for both films. “He said, ‘Joshua, art doesn’t make a difference — long pause — until it does.’ ”

Replace Voices Sun, 12 Jul 2015 20:10:09 +0000 4CardsMan 13370@/talks/discussions Is there any software that can sample a voice and replace another one with it? For example, if I record a clean sample of someone's voice, the software would allow another person to speak in the sampled voice, like the Terminators did in The Terminator and Terminator 2. A Google search turned up results worse than nothing.

Social media disruptor? Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:33:54 +0000 suresure123 13217@/talks/discussions I was shown this cool app recently, it combines a Telegram messenger app with cryptocurrency so you can send money to people just like you would a text message. What I like is in theory it could bypass the big social media companies as the app connects advertisers with users (as much as they want) but must pay for their attention. Kind of brilliant idea I think. You earn coins by inviting friends, it could go crazy viral soon so I bought some of the coins hoping for another 'Bitcoin'. If you download the app post your address and maybe I'll send a few coins so you can test the app.

Masalama Omar Sharif Fri, 10 Jul 2015 09:40:48 +0000 maxr 13356@/talks/discussions image
April 10, 1932, Alexandria, Egypt -- July 10, 2015 Cairo, Egypt
gashô       gashô       gashô

Palette, physical interface controller Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:37:02 +0000 maxr 8847@/talks/discussions Palette

Though they're on kikcstarter campaign, it's possibly a good investment ;-)

That chinese buttons' store is just crazy 8-)

ASC Training Workshop, Sony Mon, 06 Jul 2015 23:03:12 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 13334@/talks/discussions
