Top Settings Mon, 03 Jun 24 16:15:11 +0000 Top Settings en-CA How do I know if hack is loaded? Wed, 12 Mar 2014 22:12:32 +0000 arsharif4620 9868@/talks/discussions Is there a way to find out how many mbps my camera gh2 is recording at?


Best Settings for TZ10 need help please Thu, 11 Jul 2013 20:14:06 +0000 boyka 7498@/talks/discussions hello I'm new here, I have a TZ10 and I was wondering if it was possible someone post the best configuration for AVCHD Movie? Or Maybe someone can share some pictures, with all the best settings/changes to apply in pTool for TZ10?

I'm a bit noob when it comes to shooting video, but if it is possible to improve it and liked someone help me to choose the best settings for that.

By the way, I already have pTool 3.66d, and the original firmware (TZ10_V12) I'm just waiting for some tips from someone more knowledgeable for the the best changes to make! AC3 compression is worth it?

Excuse my english I'm Portuguese...

PS: By the way, can someone share an optimal settings for shooting please?

I'm a little disappointed with my photos, they are too grainy with iA mode...

Sorry if i create a new topic in wrong section.

GH2: lossless conversion with avi to mp4 (low bitrate) = Incredible quality..? Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:32:07 +0000 jahmannnn 7402@/talks/discussions Hello everyone and worker alternative firmware gh2

I really try to find the best way to avoid losing the details of a video taken with a hacked gh2 moont5 24h I ustilise vegas pro, but converting to mp4 (AVC 1080 internet) at the same bitrateque mts original, I saw a loss of quality.

I realized that by completing rendering uncompressed avi with a higher bitrate to 1GB / s Then using the file recompress avi to mp4 (hd 1080p internet) with 15mb / s The video quality is much more like the original has

when I was finalizing directly mts to mp4 (1080 online) has 50mb / s and above a 15mb / s it will look like nothing in the original pixel square, much less retail etc ...

it says there may be a better method, I Demade you trying to tell me if it works for you too?

ps: avi rendering is very fast despite the 1GB / s on average much faster than the mp4

voici le resultat a 15mb/s qu en dites vous?image
