Beginners Wed, 26 Jun 24 06:12:45 +0000 Beginners en-CA GH2 Flow Motion v2 download Mon, 25 Mar 2013 12:34:50 +0000 alexeisadovnikov 6497@/talks/discussions Can somebody direct to me the site from where I can download GH2 Flow Motion v2 hack? I already read dozens of blogs and forums- lots of discussions, but nobody provides http address for download.

Thank you, Alexei

Can't playback videos Wed, 20 Mar 2013 08:42:56 +0000 Nori 6447@/talks/discussions Hey there, GH2 + 128 Gb Sandisk (45Mb/S). I hope I'm in the good section for my question. After hacked my GH2, I have troubles with Playing back my videos on the GH2. Sometimes it writes me 'Can't playback video'. The hack consisted using ptoo3.66d (beta) changed the bitrate to 88Mb, AQ=4 and PAL/NTSC Menu. I checked the integrity of the card, no errors found. No errors during recording videos (at least, no messages or breaks). May be my possible error was I put Increment to 12 and after rehacking it I put Increment 10. Someone already met this problem ? Best,

Change the resolution of the GH2 in mjpeg with ptool? Fri, 22 Mar 2013 07:20:50 +0000 Renovatio 6470@/talks/discussions Hi guys, let's go: with Ptool is possible to change the resolution in MJPEG mode. can you can lift it up and take it to higher values​​? For exemple 2488x1400..hopefully keeping the values ​​of compression to the original levels, for "balance".

Has anyone tried it?

Cause i can read about 2k in mjpeg mode with Gh2, but 2048*1142 is not 2k.

Settings for GH-2 used for live concert shooting? Tue, 19 Mar 2013 14:53:54 +0000 Rockstarmodelsusa 6442@/talks/discussions Looking for a 'sesame street' hack that will help with low light live concert shoots. Just got the GH-2 and leave in 2 weeks again, so simple and stable is good right now! Thanks and Cheers, Rockstar models USA

GH3 A cam, GH2 B cam settings? Mon, 18 Feb 2013 16:32:57 +0000 kupchenpo 6172@/talks/discussions I'll be doing my first gh3+gh2 two camera interviews in the coming weeks and I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with what the best settings are to match the two? I peeked around and didn't see anything about this, just comparisons. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...color profiles, hacks, +/- settings, ect.


GH2 first Hack [installation problem] Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:39:11 +0000 microfourthirduser 6407@/talks/discussions Hello! After a successful upgrade to the 1.1 Body Firmware, I'm trying to install different Hacks for the first time using ptools: but when I switch on my GH2 and "Play", I only read "No valid picture to play"

I've followed several times the exact procedure and searched any similar topics almost everywhere but I'm not able to solve the problem.

I'm using a 16 GB SDHC UHS-I Sony 94MB/s. Should I use only SanDisk? (the GH2__V11.bin firmware worked on it)

Thanks a lot for your help.


[Done] I've solved the problem. Don't know how was that possible but it started working. Dear admins, this thread (now useless) can be closed or deleted. Thanks

Chinese G2 (with full Chinese menu) hacked, setup menu 'REC' missing Thu, 14 Mar 2013 08:30:05 +0000 xu_alex 6397@/talks/discussions I am from China, I own a 'Chinese' G2 which can display Chinese menu normally, I hacked G2, format SD card, turn off and on the camera, and I found the first setup menu "REC" missing sometimes, while sometimes appears. Then I have to go back to the official G2 firmware Version 1.1 from Panasonic website. This does not happen with my 'Japanese' GF1 and G3. Does this mean that PTool can't hack 'Chinese' G2 normally ?

Ptools won't open with Wine Wed, 13 Mar 2013 15:37:41 +0000 stevenjulien 6392@/talks/discussions In the past, I have been able to hack my GH2 but this time I am having a problem. When I click ptools to open it, it asks me if I want to open with Wine. I click run directly with Wine but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?


Auto quantizer for 1080/720 modes unchecked in Ptool? Mon, 11 Mar 2013 07:29:36 +0000 casper 6375@/talks/discussions Hi, this is my first attempt to install the hack. I am checking settings that I loaded in ptool and I see that both "Auto quantizer for 1080 modes" and "Auto quantizer for 720 modes" options are unchecked. Is this expected?

Flash Assist lamp while updating firmware Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:04:11 +0000 emynach 6346@/talks/discussions Hi, I've Noticed That while updating my firmware today to flow motion. the flash assist lamp flashed once during updating. is that normal? everything is working ok, but i want to know if that is some kind of a warning or is it normal? i've updated with the dial on c3 if that can be the reason.

thanks in advance Emy

HBR Unstable with 3.66d hack Mon, 04 Mar 2013 01:30:02 +0000 shg 6318@/talks/discussions Hello,

I've looked around and haven't found this specific issue before. I've installed the 2.66d hack, and things seemed fine. I actually installed it a few times- the first time I didn't have the latest firmware, so didn't have the HBR setting. I then installed again with the latest firmware and everything seemed fine. I did a few short tests- working OK. Then I went and did a longer test, and while using HBR (my settings for the hack were 42mbs max, so not that high) I got the MOTION RECORDING CANCELLED DUE TO THE LIMITATION OF THE WRITING SPEED OF THE CARD error. Camera stalled out, so I had to pop the battery. Somehow the footage was still stored in the camera when I re-started, and I tried again- same issue. So I went to Motion Jpeg and that went fine- no issues.

I just reinstalled the hack again- and tried again. After a few tests, the HBR mode worked fine. Then I did a long test- just let it run. After 25 min and 52 sec, it just stopped. When I tried to hit record again- I got the MOTION message. So basically I can't rely on my HBR mode, which is what I use most. I installed also the NO ADVERSE AFFECTS SETTIGNS INI file from this link:

Any help would be appreciated. Do I Uninstall (not sure how to do that but I am sure I can figure it out) and then re-install?



GH2 multiple SD cards, swap hacks Sun, 03 Mar 2013 22:27:00 +0000 nevercool 6317@/talks/discussions I'm trying to figure out if I can copy hacks to SD cards and switch between versions. I'm wondering for instance if I can load a hacked patch on SD and then bring a stock firmware card with me on a shoot, switch back and forth. I'm assuming you can't do this because you would have to increment the version in Ptool each time?

HBR mode missing after hack install Sun, 03 Mar 2013 03:31:40 +0000 shg 6313@/talks/discussions Hello,

I am new to hacks for my GH2- just installed the 3.66d hack. It seems to be working except now my HBR setting is gone. I followed these instructions:

I must have done something incorrectly, obviously. I am not a complete idiot, just new to this world, so any help would be appreciated. I shoot projects that require 30p and like the HBR mode, so would rather keep it if possible. At the moment I have only Variable mode, Cinema mode, and Manual Movie Mode.

Thank you for any help.


What am I missing? (GH2 hacks not spanning) Mon, 18 Feb 2013 00:16:00 +0000 gcavy1 6164@/talks/discussions Just need to know if this is an SD card issue. (this is my first time hacking my GH2)
I'm using a 16 gb SanDisk Extreme Pro (95mb/s) card. (I also tried a run of the mill SanDisk 16gb Extreme card 45 mb/s)

I realize that neither of these cards are listed in the wiki concerning cards but the Extreme Pro is supposed to be a good card. Anyhow: I first tried Sanity 5.1 My record time in 24p 24H was really short. (maybe 20 seconds or so?) switching to 24p 24L yielded about a minute of record time. I tried the full manual mode and ran the "HD" setting for quality and got about 2 minutes. Everytime is says that the record time has exceeded the write capacity of the card. Oddly, I seemed to get better results with the cheaper card. It ran well over 3 minutes on 24p 24L, but still just over a minute on 24H.

I also tried Cake version 2.2 (I think) on the Extreme Pro card and it was terrible, record times were like 10 seconds or less. 720P was like 8 seconds.

The reason I picked both those patches is I wanted reasonable bit rates/files sizes and good reliability and spanning.

Any ideas? Could it really be the cards?
Just for the record, after loading the patches my camera said "this card is not formated to this camera and not suitable for recording" (or something along those lines) is that typical?

If there is a thread that deals with this just point me there, no offense searches didn't turn up a clear answer.

thanks! -Greg

qcks and on screen colors Sat, 23 Feb 2013 15:41:16 +0000 emynach 6235@/talks/discussions Hi, Is it normal that after instaling a hack, when i press recored the on screen colors changes a bit?

Copy firmware from camera A to camera B, possible? Fri, 22 Feb 2013 12:01:31 +0000 xu_alex 6214@/talks/discussions Appreciate for your concerning. I am from China.

I have 2pcs GF1 camera, camera A with Chinese menu, camera B without Chinese menu.

Is it possible to use any software, so that we can copy firmware from camera A to camera B, and then camera B can display Chinese menu?

Many thanks.

Need a reliable spanning hack with good quality Fri, 22 Feb 2013 22:52:56 +0000 archstanton 6225@/talks/discussions I need to film a live band tomorrow night in a small club with low lighting. I need a hack that is reliable, can span, and provide decent quality especially in low light. I was thinking of maybe using the Flow Motion hack unless someone has a better recommendation.

Apocalypse_Now_-_Cluster_v7 Video error. Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:15:59 +0000 jramos 6204@/talks/discussions Hello,

I used Apocalypse_Now_-_Cluster_v7 Sharp 2 this weekend I got a lot of files errors.

I did't have and ND filter so I had to set the shutter over 50 sometimes. (Shutter over 100 to 200.

Would the shutter cost the problem?

I was shooting at 24p H

The files that worked look really good!


My GH2 is not hackable! Sun, 17 Feb 2013 15:41:26 +0000 ivanlee 6160@/talks/discussions Hello! I just got my friend's GH2 to hack but it's not working! I have a GH1 and I hacked numerous times! with no issues, but it's not working on the GH2!

I do everything correctly, I have read ALL tutorials on the net and nothing works...

What's happening: When I load the camera with the hacked firmware, the camera recognizes and show the "Start Version up" screen, I put "yes" and everything happens as it should, BUT after the hack when I go to "Version Display" it still shows Firmware Ver. 1.1, not 0.0 as it should.

I have tried everything, and when I google I can't find nobody with this problem...

Any ideas?


GH2 hack issues... Sun, 10 Feb 2013 04:06:00 +0000 Blackfish 6075@/talks/discussions Apologies if this has been answered many times...I couldn't find the answer through my searching and this is my first time on the site.

I've gotten so far in installing my GH2 hack to get to saving the firmware on my Mac computer. However, each time I try and save it (as GH2__V11.bin), it says "Wrong file name, camera won’t be able to read such a file." I try a higher number, and same thing. Kind of baffled...any suggestions?

thank you


Looking for 244mbs Hack Sat, 05 Jan 2013 12:58:15 +0000 thejones 5671@/talks/discussions Hello, I have been doing a search and have seen many mentions of a 244mbs hack but cannot find the actual file. Could someone PM it to me or post a link to its location. If someone can also guide me to Driftwood's latest GOP 176mbs file I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you and Happy New Year

GH2 can I get 24p quality with 25p recording? Wed, 06 Feb 2013 16:19:18 +0000 manstok 6036@/talks/discussions I am looking for a high quality spanning 25p patch (to avoid flickering during recording because of theatre lights) to mix with my gh3 (pal version), tried cake 2.3, recorded a theatre show (HBR), but the difference in quality, with gh3 (25p, 50mb IPB) was pretty large.

I did a test (24p and HBR) with cluster x spizz, see images below;

The difference in quality between 24p and HBR (less detail, more aliasing) is something I see in all patches, can it be fixed with different settings or patch?

Anamorphic with 2.21:1 with 1920x868 resolution? Sun, 03 Feb 2013 06:41:46 +0000 eminogrande 5999@/talks/discussions Hi,

i am a bit confused. I bought a "16:9 widescreen lens" glass and everything looks anamorphic, picture is stretched too. After playing around with the footage and VLC i recognised, that my footage with (i've used the Anamorphic LPowell Flowmotion Hack) 1920x810 looks stretched here an example:

A few days later i checkt on a "square note" paper and saw, that the image is streched. I endet up with 2.21:1 with 1920x868 resolution. Is that right or am i doing something wrong?

Thank you and best regards Emin

Most stable patch & set for skateboarding filming @ 60p in GH2. Sat, 29 Sep 2012 07:08:45 +0000 kaikerr 4758@/talks/discussions Hi everyone in my first topic from Spain. I'm just looking for the best patch to film skateboarding videos @ 60p o HBR (i film in both but edit in 29,98p so can use 59,96 for slow motion). I have been using for a long time spanmybitchup but sometimes fails dropping frames (sometimes even 3 or 4 frames) and from time to time when i use HBR a somethinglikeagreenband appears at the bottom of the picture.

Here is some stuff i film in differents times and hack (most of the with the camera "naked")

Sorry about my english.


Hack Terms FAQ added to the Faqs section Thu, 24 Jan 2013 13:28:15 +0000 Brian_Siano 5893@/talks/discussions Some of us have written an FAQ to explain, in general terms, what Vitaly's Hack actually does for the GH2. It's a basic summary of how the GH2 compresses its data, and why and how this impacts image quality.

This is the FAQ to read if you're trying to read the forums, and finding a lot of technical stuff and acronyms that are going right over your head. It won't make you design hacks as good as Driftwood's or Sanity or Cake, and it won't tell you which hack is the best one to use. But if you read it, you will understand what I-frames and P-frames are, what GOP is, what intraframing and interframing are, and a few other details that'll help you follow some of the discussions here.

Good high bit-rate AND medium bit-rate hack? (extreme pro + class 10) Wed, 26 Dec 2012 18:50:33 +0000 Rodrigo 5588@/talks/discussions I finally got a sandisk extreme pro (95mb/s 64gb) card for xmas and though I've got tried it out yet, I'm really excited to be done with "could not write" errors.

I can also crank up my bit-rate since the new card can handle it.

What I'm curious about is if there's a go-to hybrid hack. As in, the 24H mode being hardcore, for when I'm using the extreme pro card, but the 24L mode being a lot more forgiving, ideally spanning on a class 10 card (Lexar 32gb 133x Speed class 10).

Basically, I don't want to move up into a hack that ONLY works on my sandisk, rendering my lexar cards useless. For the 'money' shots I'll use the 24H/sandisk, but for regular B-roll stuff, or if I'm running out of room, I'll use 24L and lexar.

What I currently have on my camera is Aquamotion v2 (it times out my lexar cards around 6min or so). It's better than the first hack I installed (Quantum).

Any suggestions?

Here's a film shot with my camera/aquamotion with primarily the kit lens and an olympus f1.4:

Is the hack installed Thu, 17 Jan 2013 22:26:39 +0000 Moviemaker 5813@/talks/discussions Okay, so it's the beginner forum so it's a very newbie question. Is there an easy waty to see on the camera if the hack has been applied? It still says firmware 1.1 (which I suppose it should)

Where to find the newest GH2 Patches? Tue, 15 Jan 2013 16:15:11 +0000 seemseemo 5790@/talks/discussions I apologize I am a bit new to this, but I have been on personal-view for at least a few days, and I still cannot seem to find a topic for the newest patches, or a way to sort through and find them. Yes, I have seen stable patches, but all date before October 2012...are those the newest stable ones?

Is there another site or page dedicated to simply listing any and all patches in order from newest to oldest or something like that?

Is this the newest patch at the moment? Cluster v9 'DREWnet' 'Boom 4444 matrix.

Where is the 244mb/s patch I am seeing in youtube/vimeo videos? Unfortunately some users didn't post the name of the hack. I have heard of patches bringing it to 280/290 mb/s..not sure if this is true or not, but where would I find these.

I would like to test the highest bitrate patch, but i am having difficulty finding them. I am looking for the highest possible quality for some situations..even if it doesnt play back in camera..thats what my computer is here for (also, I started with film so this doesn't scare me as with film you can never play back what you recorded)

ALSO, THANKS VITALY & DRIFTWOOD and everyone for everything. If I make some money in the near future I will donate! I am broke atm..



1920X1080P 30P hack? Hacking recording time only? Sat, 12 Jan 2013 01:51:37 +0000 jramos 5751@/talks/discussions Hello everyone!

I have 2 questions and I'm using the GH2.

1) Can you recommend a hack that would allow me to shoot at 1920X1080P at 30P and 1920X1080P at 60P?

2) I would also like to know is there is hack that would allow me to shoot with the original GH2 setting but let's me keep recording for more then 30minutes?

Thanks for the help!

Gh2 choppy online playback Wed, 09 Jan 2013 18:37:31 +0000 ade123321 5732@/talks/discussions Hi guys, hope someone has the time to answer this. Timelapses I have done with my gh2 have slightly 'choppy/stuttered motion when uploaded to Vimeo/YouTube. in fact all timelapses I can find on YouTube or Vimeo seem to have this . Do you know why this is? Maybe it is in all online video and timelapse clouds just show it up more. I see it in panning shots from dslrs on these video sites as well, My timelapse videos look perfectly smooth on my desktop media player. Many thanks.
