Here at CineD, we’re constantly creating original content throughout the year – equipment reviews, lab tests, databases, factory tours, a weekly podcast, industry trade show coverage, and, of course, daily news. Now, we know that in today’s fast-paced world, not everyone has time to leave a comment, but if you enjoy what our team does, consider showing your appreciation by hitting the “Like This Article” button! It is no exaggeration to say that our dedicated team is working around the clock to keep a steady flow of valuable industry information coming your way. Inoue-san in Japan, Luciano in Argentina, Graham in the U.S, Jeff in France, Francesco in Italy, Omri in the Netherlands, Mascha, Jakub, Felix, Lex, and Gunther in Austria – all are putting in a considerable amount of time to create original content. Behind the scenes, Florian, Jackie, Claudia, and Slavik ensure the site runs smoothly, office work gets done, and of course, MZed, our educational platform, continues to flourish. In other words, Nino and I are extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful, hard-working team! New “Like” Button on to show some love! A while back, Ram, a long-time CineD follower, approached us with a simple question: “Why isn’t there an easy way to show appreciation for written content without leaving a comment?” And they’re right. After all, so many people are consuming our content, but commenting takes an extra step – and sometimes, you just don’t have a strong enough opinion on a topic. So,...
Published By: CineD - Yesterday