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Why Are These People Criticizing 'The Godfather' on Twitter Today?

I am begging the world's youths to get an education in film before opening their mouths. Twitter is where you go to find out if people agree with you. If your echo chamber is sound, then you're never going to know the chaos going on outside. Still, sometimes the real world leaks in, and you're forced to confront things you wish you never saw. Like when I came across a tweet saying The Godfather was "underlit." No, this wasn't a tweet from a confused Paramount executive from the past, but of a young filmmaker who followed it up with a short tutorial on how to light. Somewhere, cinematographer Gordon Willis is rolling in his grave. Several other users chimed in elsewhere that they didn't like the shot, either. Normally, I wouldn't shame people for their tweets here. I firmly believe No Film School should be used to educate the masses in a collaborative effort to make better films and TV. But this one time, allow me to smack some knuckles with my ruler. We have an excellent article explaining the film's look and feel. We have an explainer on film theory. Read More...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Thursday, 31 March, 2022

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