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What is a Pan Shot?

On your first day of film school, they're going to hand you a camera, give you a tripod, and tell you to pan. It sucks. The tripod you use won't have a fluid head and nothing you do will make your pan stable or engaging. If that happened to you, then the pan shot might have left a bad taste in your mouth. But I'm here to free you from your pan shot angst. Today we're going to to go over the pan shot camera move, learn how to use it effectively, and set you up with a few more camera shots to try out. Let's do it. Pan Shot definition A pan shot or panning shot is when you turn the camera on a fixed head. It is a technique where you follow a moving subject, and you can shoot this with a slower shutter speed to create a feeling of speed or action. The history of camera panning: Panning is almost as old as the moving image. In the early days, it was incredibly hard to move the camera, so people used pans all the time to convey movement through a scene. What is a whip pan? A whip pan is a type of pan shot in which the camera pans so quickly that the picture blurs into indistinct streaks. It is commonly used as a transition between shots, and can indicate the passage of time or a frenetic pace of action. This whip pan shows the...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Yesterday

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