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What is a Flat Character?

When you're trying to figure out which character types to put into your screenplay, you have to first consider what you need your characters to accomplish in your story. Outside of protagonists and antagonists, there are going to be a lot of people across a lot of scenes who have different goals. Some of those characters you develop will be known as 'flat characters.' But what does that mean, and how do they function within a story? Let's dive into the definition and look at some examples. Flat Character DefinitionFlat characters are straightforward and uncomplicated. They often serve a single purpose within the story and lack depth and complexity. Are Flat Characters Good or Bad? In general, flat characters are just useful bodies in the story you can use to advance the plot. But if someone tells you your main characters or villains are coming across as flat, then you have a problem. This is one of those great writing conundrums. Flat characters are going to happen. They'll be the person your detective gets information from, a funny sidekick, or the gas station attendant who calls the coin flip. They can be memorable and important, just not as important as everyone else. Why Do You Need a Flat Character? Here's a little secret from a screenwriter with some modest success: not every character can be completely full. Some characters need to help the plot move forward and that's all. Now, you want to make these people feel unique and real, but they...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Yesterday

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