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What Every Filmmaker Should Remember About Publicity

Written by Lisa M. TrifoneFor going on twenty years, I’ve worked in every aspect of independent film promotion. I’ve worked at top-tier film festivals, at arthouse distributors, and in 2017, I launched my own boutique film publicity agency, supporting films at every stage of their release. I’ve worked on Oscar nominees and self-distributed gems. I’ve drafted dozens of press notes, vetted thousands of film stills and revised countless synopses to help ensure each filmmaker is putting their best foot forward. And across all those films, and working with all those filmmakers, there are a few things about publicizing a film I wish filmmakers knew as they head into this key moment in the film’s lifespan. Now, I’m sharing all of that with you. Budget Now, Thank Me Later I realize that financing your film may be one of the biggest hurdles to getting your project made, and every line item on your budget is thoughtfully considered for how essential it is to the process. But please, please hear me when I say you absolutely want to build in a budget item for your promotional plans at the earliest point possible. As you build out your budget, remember to add line items for everything a promotional campaign entails. This includes materials creation like teasers and electronic press kits, as well as hiring the service providers you need to help your film reach the next level. These may include a professional publicist, should you reach a point that you need one, as...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Yesterday

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