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Kai tests the Sony A1II while photographing the Manchester City game

Sony A1II at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy, FotoErhardt, FotoKoch, Calumet, WexUK, Clifton, CameraPro. Sony Australia. Sony 28-70mm f/2.0 GM at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy, FotoErhardt, Fotokoch, Calumet, WexUK, Clifton, CameraPro. Sony Australia. Kai tested the Sony A1II while photographing a game of Manchester City, who are currently playing very badly :) And a couple of other… The post Kai tests the Sony A1II while photographing the Manchester City game first appeared on sonyalpharumors....


Published By: SonyAlphaRumors - Friday, 3 January

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