The latest epic episode of Media Division, THE MAGIC SAUCE / Create Cinematic Films (see embedded below!) distills a decade of experience into a recipe—or perhaps even a shortcut—for those on the journey to creating cinematic films. As always, it’s so well done and highly entertaining. Let’s dive in! If you love to film and edit, you have probably sat in the cinema before and thought: “I. Want. That. I want to create these stories and these images that are so powerful and almost magical in their very own way.” – something we call “cinematic” these days. The evolution of digital cameras and film gear has made the creation of cinematic content more accessible than ever. Yet, depending on where you are in your journey, you might feel that what you get out of your camera still doesn’t look cinematic – but why? What is the “magic sauce” that makes an image “cinematic”? Still from Media Division’s “Create Cinematic Films” episode. Composition credit: Media Division. Does all the magic happen in front of the camera or is it what happens behind the camera? Is the trick in how and where the camera is placed or how it is moved? And how important is the camera itself? Is it more about the lenses we use, the dynamic range, and the grade, or is it post-production magic? Did we arrive at a point where the camera is neglectable? Still from Media Division’s “Create Cinematic Films” episode. Composition credit: Media Division. The Media...
Published By: CineD - Monday, 17 February