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How "Original Short Film" Creatively Used AI to Win Cinequest

Written by Simon BallThe topic that seems to be at the forefront of every filmmaker’s mind at the moment is AI. The potential arises many concerns for a lot of people, namely how the new tools that emerge almost hourly can replace and render certain professions obsolete.There are two reactions to ingesting all of this information: Freeze. Accept this as inevitable and that our corporate overlords will soon sweep us away to a techno-dystopia where all things are automated and there’s nothing to do.Adapt. Get on top of this tech and use creativity to work out how to produce materials that no AI corporation could dream of.I chose number 2, and ran head first into a mammoth research phase to see what was possible with the different tools out there and how they could be wrangled to make some kind of interesting film. There were a couple of rules that had to be in place: The software must be able to be installed locally and be open sourceThe AI should be treated as a conscious entity.The first rule was important to ensure that our production company would not become dependent on outside infrastructure. We all know what it’s like when Adobe upgrades Premiere and we accidentally hit update in the middle of a project. It’s better to have a stable installation that we know the outputs of and can then apply creative thinking on. The second is personal preference. I like to imagine that if the AI we install and...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - 4 days ago

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