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Hollywood Pumps Brakes – Film and TV Production Down 40% in the Last 2 Years

Anyone working in the film and television industry can tell you that finding work is getting difficult. Felt across all aspects of production, a lot of blame has been thrown around as to why exactly this is. Regardless of who is to blame, a ProdPro report featured in the Los Angeles Times breaks down analytics detailing the overall fall in production since 2022. Let’s take a look at why that might be. COVID-19 and mergers COVID took out the film and television industry at the knees. It was a blow that we still haven’t (and may never) fully recover from. Cinemas were closed, and physical production was impossible as the world recovered from a once-in-a-generation pandemic. Quite frankly, the world was not prepared. While COVID certainly seems the catalyst, the system was already set up to fail in many ways. The Disney-Fox merger, which came to completion on March 20, 2019, was a wake-up call for many creatives working in the industry. Two major studios becoming one was already a huge blow to production, as there would now be fewer places to produce movies. And yes, 20th Century Fox still exists as 20th Century Studios now, but the amount of (for lack of a better word) “content” being produced still remains lower than pre-merger numbers. Disney is the overarching parent now, so if Disney doesn’t want it, 20th Century Studios ain’t making it. Illustration by Guy Shield via The Hollywood Reporter. The merger also set a precedent that Discovery-Warner Bros...


Published By: CineD - Wednesday, 24 July

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