It’s 2025, and it’s time to get organized with the help of Swedish company CRDBAG. On the surface, you may think this is another review about pouches and tags (and you’d be partially right), but it’s also about better protecting expensive equipment and optimizing your on-set workflow. We all know time is precious and, of course…money. Problem: The day-to-day act of image-making involves moving hundreds of tiny pieces of expensive (mostly matte black) accessories back and forth. Lose one, and a camera may not record or power on. A monitor may not work. The list of complications goes on. In addition to writing for CineD, like many in this business, I wear multiple hats. I have a small production company, work freelance as an ICG Local 600 DP, direct, and produce. Often, my day-to-day work includes supplying equipment to multiple productions, which can be spread out over a large region. Other days, I’m traveling internationally and don’t have the luxury of redundancy. On those days, it’s vital a piece of technology doesn’t go amiss or fail in the field. I am in a terrific network of freelancers who help me make all of this work. We hand off camera and lighting packages back and forth and depend on each other to make sure these packages work. Keeping track of all these bits from various brands can be tricky. Loss & Damage happens on occasion, and it can be costly, especially for small companies like mine. No matter what type of...
Published By: CineD - Tuesday, 21 January