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Black Magic Cinema Camera Workflow QnA

Raw requirements

Yes, it requires to use very fast HDDs until you finish transcoding to some non-raw format. Comparable RED raw files are from 3x to 5x smaller. Other good format for raw storage is Cineform raw, it is also much smaller and much less demanding to disk infrastructure.

Yep, you can do it. Go to, check their blog and downloads. They have conversion utility that can work with individual DNG files (Black Magic produces individual frame files). Resulting format is Cineform raw, and you can define compression ratio used.

Most probably yes. You can use either internal (with PCI-E cards) or external solutions (using USB 3.0 or Thunderbolt).

Raw workflow

black-magic/workflow.1335666907.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/29 02:35 by vitaliy_kiselev