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black-magic:workflow [2012/05/01 04:41]
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-====== Black Magic Cinema Camera Workflow QnA ====== 
-=?=== Raw requirements ===== 
-??? Black Magic decided to use only uncompressed CinemaDNG, how it affects workflow? 
-!!! Yes, it requires to use very fast HDDs until you finish transcoding to some non-raw format.   
-Comparable RED raw files are from 3x to 5x smaller. Other good format for raw storage is Cineform raw, it is also much smaller and much less demanding to disk infrastructure. 
-??? Can I just transcode to some compressed raw format to keep raw advantage, but reduce requirements? 
-!!! Yep, you can do it. Go to, check their blog and downloads. They have conversion utility that can work with individual DNG files (Black Magic produces  individual frame files).  
-Resulting format is Cineform raw, and you can define compression ratio used. It is called DPX2CF.exe, also comes with Cineform Studio Premium.  
-You can also try [[ | Blackmagic Cinema Camera Cineform GUI Utility]]  
-=?=== Storage related workflow ===== 
-??? Can I use Thunderbolt to directly access SSD in camera? 
-!!! No, you can't. Thunderbolt can only be used to capture image date, not to remotely access SSD. This is quite big design shortcoming. 
-??? Can you propose best approach dealing with 2.5" SSD Black magic is using? 
-!!! Best is to use USB 3.0 based solutions.\\ 
-For few Macintosh computers that support Thunderbolt, you can use much more costly, but same speed, Thunderbold based approach. 
-You can use either USB 3.0 based dock, simple USB 3.0 to SATA cable or get external enclosure for each used disk (if you ar on big budget and store every SSD separately). 
-[[ | Check ebay for various USB 3.0 based HDD solutions]] 
-??? Do I need RAID to speed up my storage system if I work with raw? 
-!!! Most probably yes. You can use either internal (with PCI-E cards) or external solutions (using USB 3.0 or Thunderbolt). 
-??? What external RAID solutions will work for raw? 
-**Thunderbolt based solutions** 
-  * [[ | G-Raid Thunderbold]] 
-  * [[ | My Book Duo Storage ]] 
-USB 3.0 solutions are usually much more affordable and you can find more options. \\ 
-If you are actively shooting they will be much better approach, as you could leave drives inside bay and store it so, or just remove drives and put them into storage.  \\ 
-Both ways will be much cheaper than very rare Thunderbolt. 
-**USB 3.0 based solutions** 
-  * [[ | USB 3.0 RAID multi bay solutions]] 
-=?=== Raw and NLE ===== 
-??? How new Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 will work witn CinemaDNG files produced by Black Magic camera? 
-!!! According to Adobe representatives you must not expect smooth working, as CinemaDNG support is not in production state yet. \\ 
-Most probably you'll be required to have intermediate step to reencode it into Cineform RAW or any of debayered formats for smoother work. \\ 
-See Cineform question above. 
-=?=== Raw workflow ===== 
-??? Any examples of working raw based worflows? 
-!!!  {{vimeo>32896210?large}} 
-=?=== Debayered formats ===== 
-??? Why we see only 4:2:2 format versions, and not 4:4:4? Is it camera flaw? 
-!!! Answer here is quite simple. Sensor of the camera has bayer structure, it is looking like this: \\ 
-{{ }} \\ 
-And 4:4:4 format require full color information for each pixel. In top cinema cameras this is done combining 4 sensor values (2xG, B, R), and requires 4x of sensor resolution. \\ 
-As you know, resolution of Black Magic camera is too low, so you can't make true 4:4:4 debayered format. Hence they use 4:2:2 variations. 
black-magic/workflow.1335847266.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/01 04:41 by vitaliy_kiselev