Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hack/p7/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 18:22:31 +0000 Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks en-CA Can't playback videos http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6447/cant-playback-videos Wed, 20 Mar 2013 08:42:56 +0000 Nori 6447@/talks/discussions Hey there, GH2 + 128 Gb Sandisk (45Mb/S). I hope I'm in the good section for my question. After hacked my GH2, I have troubles with Playing back my videos on the GH2. Sometimes it writes me 'Can't playback video'. The hack consisted using ptoo3.66d (beta) changed the bitrate to 88Mb, AQ=4 and PAL/NTSC Menu. I checked the integrity of the card, no errors found. No errors during recording videos (at least, no messages or breaks). May be my possible error was I put Increment to 12 and after rehacking it I put Increment 10. Someone already met this problem ? Best,

Any comparisons between stock and hacked GH2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/573/any-comparisons-between-stock-and-hacked-gh2 Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:51:39 +0000 jimtreats 573@/talks/discussions
I just wondered if anyone had put up any stills, or clips of the same scene between a stock and hacked GH2 where the improvements are clear to see?

I've yet to hack mine and am about to go away for a week's holiday with it next week, I'm torn as to whether to hack with stable settings or just leave it as is because i'll be away from my computer so unable to revert anything if i encounter an issue.

My gut says play it safe and wait, but I just wondered if there were any comparisons where the difference is so large that it'd be worth me hacking to try and improve any footage i get.

Turning GeForce GTX 690 into Quadro K5000 and Tesla K10, must work for other cards http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6446/turning-geforce-gtx-690-into-quadro-k5000-and-tesla-k10-must-work-for-other-cards Wed, 20 Mar 2013 06:16:29 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6446@/talks/discussions

When you buy GeForce GTX 690, the most expensive dual-gpu graphics NVIDIA has in their offer, you expect the best performance and every feature enabled. Well this is actually true, however it does not support the same technology as it’s professional counterpart Quadro K5000.

If the GeForce could be modified into Quadro, you would save $1000. A member of the EEV Forums did just that, because his GeForce GTX 690 would support NVIDIA Surround (multi-monitor technology) in Windows, but it would not support Mosaic in Linux, which is exclusive technology for Quadro series. What is worth noting is the fact that NVIDIA Quadro K5000 is a single-gpu card, clocked lower than 690.

In order to understand how this modification works, we have to bring up few facts. In the past it was actually very easy to modify GeForce cards into Quadro (and opposite), by changing the hardware straps on the board. These straps control the PCI Device ID, which carries the information what card is connected to the slot. So if you knew the codes for each card, you could manipulate them to emulate specific model of the card. However NVIDIA changed the way to control the ID. To change it on the GTX 690 it requires some modification to the board itself. By changing the analogue values of certain components we can manipulate the ID. The modder gave us a whole list of values corresponding to specific codes:

  • 5K = 8
  • 10K = 9
  • 15K = A
  • 20K = B
  • 25K = C
  • 30K = D
  • 35K = E
  • 40K = F

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 has an ID of 0×1188, while Quadro K5000 has 0x11BA and Tesla K10 0x118F. Long story short, it equates to 20K and 15K resistors to be enabled in order to change 690 into K5000, whereas it requires 5K and 40K resistors to transform it to Tesla K10. And that’s it.

Other users suggest that the same way can be applied to GeForce GTX 660Ti/670 to transform them into 680.

Check http://videocardz.com/40218/nvidia-geforce-gtx-690-modified-into-quadro-k5000-and-tesla-k10

Full Feature film shot on Hacked GH2 + Nokton 17.5mm http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6140/full-feature-film-shot-on-hacked-gh2-nokton-17.5mm Fri, 15 Feb 2013 15:47:10 +0000 Stills 6140@/talks/discussions B-cam'd about 5% of the feature with a 5D. Alot of compression went into the video for upload. A better quality trailer will be out soon. In the meantime check out what this amazing little cam can do...

Also a big thanks to Vitaliy, Driftwood and all the testers for the Senda hack that was used on this film.

CHDK-Like Motion Detection Possible on GH2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6358/chdk-like-motion-detection-possible-on-gh2 Thu, 07 Mar 2013 23:59:46 +0000 ragnar 6358@/talks/discussions I've been experimenting and using the motion detection scripts from the Canon CHDK hack on my Canon S100 and from what I've done it looks like it's going to come in real handy for set-and-forget bird photography, which is what I mostly do. It made me wonder if such a motion detection parameter might be possible in the GH2 hack? It's been fun going into the various motion.bas scripts and turning on/off masking areas of the screen and changing the sensitivity of the motion detection so it got me thinking of doing the same with my GH2? Possible? No? Yes? Hope so, but I probably would have heard about it by now.

I did do a search of the term 'motion detection' but only found one incidence which was a request for it in the coming GH3 hack.

Thanks, Harold House

Hack for Feature Lenght Documentary Film for the BIG SCREEN - "Digital Cinema Package" http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5491/hack-for-feature-lenght-documentary-film-for-the-big-screen-digital-cinema-package Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:41:03 +0000 MisterJ 5491@/talks/discussions Hi!

It's been around a Year I signed in here for the very first time. So now, after many test shoots, I'm planning to choose GH2 for the next film project.

Film is about 85 minute long documentary. Films shooting style is mainly situation-based documentary (Cinéma Vérité aka Direct Cinema) with some "cinematic scenes". So some of the scenes are classic documentary and some more stylistic - fiction like - with lightning crew, dolly, directed action etc.

These situation-based events I'm going to shoot with GH2 attached to the Steadicam Pilot. And yes, no interviews. This means I don't have very long takes.

I really like Lee's Flow Motion v2 and Nick's Sedna (AQ1-A) or Cluster v6&7. These I've tested quite a lot. What I'm looking for is best combination in detail and in fluid motion (motion rendering - no strobo effect). And of course hacks reliability is a virtue too! =D

So does anyone has any extra pointers about taking a project to Big Screen? Or if You think there is superior Hack for this kind of project - please don't hesitate to speak out.

Thanx and all the Best, MisterJ

The Crazy Life - Trailer - Hacked GH2 Feature Film http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5966/the-crazy-life-trailer-hacked-gh2-feature-film Thu, 31 Jan 2013 12:38:13 +0000 matt_gh2 5966@/talks/discussions

This is the trailer for The Crazy Life. It's feature film being shot with hacked GH2.

Flowmotion hack Short Documentary "Alwine Road" http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5923/flowmotion-hack-short-documentary-alwine-road Mon, 28 Jan 2013 02:55:53 +0000 chriscalifano 5923@/talks/discussions This Short Documentary is based on an interview in studio with Josh Cameron. He talks about the journey to make his upcoming album Alwine Road. The short was shot on a hacked GH2 with 14-42 kit lens. Alwine Road will available on iTunes in 2013.

Most stable patch & set for skateboarding filming @ 60p in GH2. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4758/most-stable-patch-set-for-skateboarding-filming-60p-in-gh2. Sat, 29 Sep 2012 07:08:45 +0000 kaikerr 4758@/talks/discussions Hi everyone in my first topic from Spain. I'm just looking for the best patch to film skateboarding videos @ 60p o HBR (i film in both but edit in 29,98p so can use 59,96 for slow motion). I have been using for a long time spanmybitchup but sometimes fails dropping frames (sometimes even 3 or 4 frames) and from time to time when i use HBR a somethinglikeagreenband appears at the bottom of the picture.

Here is some stuff i film in differents times and hack (most of the with the camera "naked")


Sorry about my english.


Where to find the newest GH2 Patches? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5790/where-to-find-the-newest-gh2-patches Tue, 15 Jan 2013 16:15:11 +0000 seemseemo 5790@/talks/discussions I apologize I am a bit new to this, but I have been on personal-view for at least a few days, and I still cannot seem to find a topic for the newest patches, or a way to sort through and find them. Yes, I have seen stable patches, but all date before October 2012...are those the newest stable ones?

Is there another site or page dedicated to simply listing any and all patches in order from newest to oldest or something like that?

Is this the newest patch at the moment? Cluster v9 'DREWnet' 'Boom 4444 matrix.

Where is the 244mb/s patch I am seeing in youtube/vimeo videos? Unfortunately some users didn't post the name of the hack. I have heard of patches bringing it to 280/290 mb/s..not sure if this is true or not, but where would I find these.

I would like to test the highest bitrate patch, but i am having difficulty finding them. I am looking for the highest possible quality for some situations..even if it doesnt play back in camera..thats what my computer is here for (also, I started with film so this doesn't scare me as with film you can never play back what you recorded)

ALSO, THANKS VITALY & DRIFTWOOD and everyone for everything. If I make some money in the near future I will donate! I am broke atm..



I P B Scaling Tables? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5757/i-p-b-scaling-tables Sat, 12 Jan 2013 14:09:39 +0000 kseaq 5757@/talks/discussions Hello,

First time user, simple question.

Based on the various hack settings, I'm instructed to input a variety of values for Scaling I P B. However, I'm becoming frustrated because under the quantizer scaling tables section in Ptools the only options I see are Scaling high, med, low T1, T2, T3.

What am I supposed to do about these scaling settings? No problems other than this.


Suggest me cinematic settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5755/suggest-me-cinematic-settings Sat, 12 Jan 2013 13:25:08 +0000 DaveVegas 5755@/talks/discussions Hi there!

I know this has been discussed over and over but I don't find a simple answer to that. What is the best cinematic hack, with best quality image (I have 95mb/s 64gb card) I just need to know.

I'm shooting a short tomorrow with quite a lot of VFX and I tried some hacks and from what I've read Canis Majoris is the best? I also tried Sedna Q20 which I liked but I'm not sure...

Can someone assist?

Thanks! Best Dave

Noise Test: Panasonic GH2 with Driftwood's 176mb GOP1 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1117/noise-test-panasonic-gh2-with-driftwoods-176mb-gop1 Thu, 06 Oct 2011 13:10:38 +0000 Gabel 1117@/talks/discussions
I shot 10 seconds (which now might have been too long) at each ISO value, with the body cap on. Settings were:
- Driftwood's "GOPStoppa" GOP1 176mb hack.
- White balance at 5600K
- Shutter at 50

I've upped the mids in After Effects quite a bit.

The major surprise was 320, which looks awful... Shot a second one, but had the same results! Very surprising...

Here's the video:

And the link to the original clips:
Good cheap SDHC for hacked cameras http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/286/good-cheap-sdhc-for-hacked-cameras Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:15:56 +0000 vishalrana 286@/talks/discussions
What are the best/fastest SDHC cards you guys have had success with for HD videos with GH1 without breaking the bank?
I'm looking to buy a class 10 but what brands/type(speed/transfer rate/kind) would you recommend? I'm not concerned about the size(GB) of the card but I am keen about the type of the card.

I'm your average/casual user.

Please let me know what's the best price/performance point for a good SDHC? Patriot seems good but then sandisk are supposed to be the best. Aren't they but there are just so many choices. Not sure which ones will even work with GH1. The site just says SDHC.

Thanks in advance.

Vishal ]]>
Hack and bitrate question http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5599/hack-and-bitrate-question Fri, 28 Dec 2012 08:45:52 +0000 Tatum 5599@/talks/discussions Hi,

Well, I would like to know if someone could help me to know if my hack is working well. I was using this last month the 88Mbps United hack. The first problem : when I check the bitrate for the different video, it's never the same : I can have 38Mbitps, 44, 88... I was using a SDHC card 32Gb 45MB/s class10. I check the bitrate by right click on video and check the details (in Properties) in Windows.

I wanted to try the Flowmo v2.02 hack to test a higher bitrate. And something stable. The installation seems to be OK. I'm using now a 95MB/s SD card Extreme Pro. Well, the bitrate is now really low (38Mbits max).

I'm recording in 24H mode.

Someone could explain me if I'm checking the bitrate in the good way? Have we an other way to check if the hack is working? Why have I all these fluctuations in my recordings?

NEED HELP to find the best (set of) Settings for my Project http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5474/need-help-to-find-the-best-set-of-settings-for-my-project Thu, 13 Dec 2012 06:21:30 +0000 MetaControl 5474@/talks/discussions Hi guys!

Once again I am pondering a decision to which I would like to inquire on this forum's awesome knowledge of all things GHack2 related.

So what is this all about? You see, I am in pre-production for a no budget webseries called JÄSØN (http://creativemonkeys.org/jason/), a satire about a failing wannabe serial killer klutz. The style I am going for is grimy dark and dusky narrative. A lot of Se7en and 8mm. The first episode has a long low steadicam shot going through several rooms of Jäsøn's trashy apartment, showcasing his failed and broken life. There are moments of serenity, when light breaks through barred windows and plays with dust in its path, there are many dark corners and an overall low saturated, mid/hard contrast range and a wicked eeriness I want to achieve. Then there is a low light scene in a bathroom with flickering fluorescence light, and one ultra slow motion moment.

Our DoP will light it properly, I have no doubts, but I would like to have the proper Hack for the right shot prepared. I thought about getting a couple of cheap and slow SD cards and store different hacks on them and use them on set as we need them.

But here is my problem: My DoP is not familiar with the GH2 - he has a 5D MKII he suggested to use, but I think the GH2 has a nicer film look - and I want to make it as easy for him as I can, by having the best settings ready. And since I am not so good with cameras to understand the finer details as much as many of you do. This is why I am turning to you for help.

I need a set of 3-5 hacks that I can swap on set when needed, to accomplish the best shots. The premises are:

Best Quality - The best possible image quality. Is 2k HD MotionJPG an option? Any other suggestion? Film Look - as close to narrative cinema (80/90ies) as possible. I am considering to use anamorphic lenses here and there, so that should work too. Slow Motion and Ultra Slow Motion - I don't mind using 720p and upscale it later for those shots. How much difference is GOP1 and GOP3. Good Low Light - I do have light, so I am not too worried about low light situations, but I might want a shot were we deliberately do not use any light and for that, I would like to be prepared. Equal Quality/Equal Style - All the hacks need to work and/or work together flawlessly. 25FPS - Living in Europe, I have to adjust to the 50Hz issue. This is why I am opting for 25FPS, but IIRC it should work just as well with 24FPS as long as the shutter is set to 50/100 etc. right? [Edit] Greenscreen - For some effect shots, we will use a greenscreen and a good setting for that, to preserve as much color and details as possible, would be great too.

I am looking forward to your suggestions (including in-camera settings, workflow etc.) and thankful for your help.

PS: I forgot to mention: I have a 64GB 45MB/s SanDisc Ultra and currently no budget to buy the 95MB/s version, as I have to put the few bucks I have into other things, but spanning is irrelevant for me, as there are no shots that should be longer than 3-4 minutes. Thoughts?

Setting for B&W shooting. Is there a chance to improve existing settings? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3924/setting-for-bw-shooting.-is-there-a-chance-to-improve-existing-settings Mon, 16 Jul 2012 06:20:38 +0000 nachelsoul 3924@/talks/discussions Hello. I was wondering if you (masters of Ptools) can design a setting for B&W shooting. The goal could be to improve the detail and the Dynamic Range for example. Is it worth?, Could be a real improve from existing ones?. Many many thanks to Nick, Vitaly and others developers. Pardom my english.

Ptools 3.66 wont load ini files? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5447/ptools-3.66-wont-load-ini-files Mon, 10 Dec 2012 22:18:17 +0000 andycl 5447@/talks/discussions Hello All,

I've ran into a slight problem. I downloaded the new ptools and now when I try to load a patch from 'my populars' basket, it wont recognize the patches/ files. I can however make a patch of my own and save it. Am I the culprit here or is this a glitch of some kind? Pardon my ignorance, I'm not new to this but l'm no genus either, this is the first problem with using ptools, it might be me, and if it is I'd like to know what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance

GH1 Can it still be improved http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1012/gh1-can-it-still-be-improved Thu, 22 Sep 2011 21:11:43 +0000 rigs 1012@/talks/discussions ]]> GH2 patches are installed - how do i switch between them? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5412/gh2-patches-are-installed-how-do-i-switch-between-them Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:24:18 +0000 pic2post 5412@/talks/discussions I managed to use ptool to save a "new" version of firmware and installed it on the camera. I have different patches/hacks on all the green buttons A - J (except F - i don't know why this happened). can i switch between patches/hacks once they're loaded on the camera, or can i only load one patch per "new" version of firmware? if multiple hacks are loaded onto the camera, how do they appear in the menus?

thanks, g

AN "Valkyrie", GOLGOP3-13, GOP3ZILLA, natural, Freeze-less Reliable All-round GOP3 Settings :-) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2960/an-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-gop3-settings- Sat, 21 Apr 2012 02:30:56 +0000 bkmcwd 2960@/talks/discussions Series 2: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5385/gh2-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-settings-series-2-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-

The meanings of my account name "bkmcwd" are "Burger King, McDonald's, and Wendy's." LOL Please do not mistake! :-)

At the same time as the silent users of my settings have increased in number, the request to me has also increased. Moreover, those who improve my settings uniquely also appeared. Therefore, I start a new topic, in order to arrange them.

I am a resident of Official Low GOP Topics. I was shocked from @kae's 3GOP in August, last year. In compromise to image quality and motion, I have thought since then that 3GOP is the best solution, in some mode like 24p at least. Although surely many wonderful longGOP settings also exist, the clearness of noise grain does not match Intra and 3GOP.

It is serious that I acquire information from this forum since I am poor at English. And in Japan which is a home country of GH2, I was hardly able to acquire information. However, I have learned much know-how from many experts, @cbrandin, @LPowell, @Ralph_B, @balazer, @towi, @Stray, @proaudio4..., especially the great settings of @driftwood!

I do not know whether my settings are the best. However, since those who are pleased with my settings adhering to big I frame size and short GOP have also increased in number, I continue improvement further more.

Because my English is poor, there may be many unclear things, but I do my best in some questions to answer enduringly.

[The common feature of my settings]

For example, if some setting tries to use low qp with the frame size limited like Intra, many level lines of the high qp macroblocks will also appear in each frame pictures. Although it is unclear for appearance in looking with eyes, it means that the codec is not committing this correctly. I am making the settings which can use the lowest possible qp appropriately, avoiding this isuue by using the biggest possible I-frames. On the high definition scene, if the minimum qp is too low, the range of qp will spread and, as a result, many of these level lines of the high qp macroblocks will appear. Therefore, in my settings, on the high definition scene, it has adjusted so that the minimum qp may become high appropriately. On the other hand, it has adjusted so that the lowest possible qp can be positively used under the lowlight. I think that 3GOP can realize this all-round performance with the motion. Therefore, when using my settings as only for lowlight, you may feel thing insufficient only a few, although sufficient dark place performance is still given. However, also in a bright scene, the codec hardly wavers with my settings. This is the point that especially I am scrupulous. Another point to which I attach paramount importance is "recording does not stop by any means in any situations." In order to adjust so that recording may not stop in a high stress scene, you have to test supposing the stress beyond it. I have spent many hours also on the torture test for it.

*The purpose tested with this screen is the check of durability or reliability to the last. About image quality, it cannot check at all by this test.

If it may become unstable with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC, please give me feedback.
These features are common in almost all my settings.

[The feature according to type]

About "Valkyrie", it is to here:http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4391/apocalypse-now-quest-for-simulated-444-smooth-cinema-quality-driftwood-cbrandin-bkmcwd/p1

Since the link place was closed, Valkyrie of the new improved versions have been released in this thread. Please look at the latest information on downward.

"GOLGOP3-13" series is the settings for using low qp under lowlight positively. Simultaneously, it has tuned up so that a codec may work also in the high stress scenes as correctly as possible. The value of "Q13" to which I have stuck from last year realizes high image quality by practically lowest qp.

Furthermore, the original matrix is adopted in the newest GOLGOP3-13s. It is the middle of a Sedna matrix and a stock character. If it says plainly, it will be the Sedna matrix optimized in 3GOP structure.

"GOP3ZILLA" series is the all-round settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In a general shooting, this series realizes the highest image quality with the value of "Q15" to which I have stuck from last year.

This is the simple setting which harnessed the feature of the stock as it was. I recognize this to be the normal evolution version of the stock.

"natural" series is the economical settings which covers all the scenes with the mean bit rate. In these series, it has also aimed that a codec works correctly also in a however high-stress scene. The value of "Q18" to which I have stuck from last year realizes the safest and good balance setting.

"MAX" versions in each types are the settings using maximum I-frame size which GH2 can use in24p mode. However, with MAX version, playback in camera may not often be available in 24p. This is because the maximum frame size which can be played back by GH2 may be exceeded. Of course, the file which cannot be played back in camera can also be satisfactorily played in PC. Supposing you consider that the playback in a camera is important, I will not recommend you this setting. Please use normal version. However, IQ of MAX version is better than normal versions, IMO.

"A" means "Almighty" or "All-around". Since former GOLGOP3-13s were not able to use the too much low base Q all around, "standard" and "lowlight" were prepared, but since latest GOLGOP3-13 controlled qp appropriately on all the scenes, it was taken as "A." Unlike "MAX", in this "A" edition, in-camera-playback can be available in all the modes also including 24p.

*I decided that I did not use the name of "standard" and "lowlight" in the newest settings.

"standard": The Almighty setting which the codec works correctly as much as possible on bright scenes, and realizes low qp under the lowlight.

"lowlight": Although the codec may waver in a satisfactory grade on bright scenes, realize strongest high image quality under the lowlight.

*These features are mainly in 24p.

All my latest settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57882

All my latest experimental settings are here: http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/57882#Comment_57881


Again, special thanks to @driftwood, @cbrandin, and of course @Vitaliy_Kiselev! :-)

Problem: Hacked Gh2 with very low bitrate http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5394/problem-hacked-gh2-with-very-low-bitrate Thu, 06 Dec 2012 05:17:41 +0000 theacumen 5394@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have hacked my gh2 and it used to record at 98000kbps but now with the same hack it will only do 15000kbps.

I can't seem to figure out why it is doing this.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

GH2 hack 2K footage with Samyang lens http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2587/gh2-hack-2k-footage-with-samyang-lens Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:31:09 +0000 cinfx 2587@/talks/discussions With the help of the tutorial of eyepatchproductions, here is a clip at 2K that i've posted on Youtube. I am impress by the quality of the Samyang lens.

I just received my Red 17-50mm Prime lens i am now waiting for the adapter to fully test it on the GH2

GF5 firmware enhancements on GF3? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5290/gf5-firmware-enhancements-on-gf3 Sat, 24 Nov 2012 18:54:02 +0000 coldmack 5290@/talks/discussions Not too sure where to put this, but I thought I'd ask here. Is is possible via a hack to add the firmware enhancements, like the extra creative filters & interface tweaks of the GF5 on to the GF3? Thanks.

Searching GH2 Hack 1080p 50p http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5253/searching-gh2-hack-1080p-50p Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:52:41 +0000 Marown 5253@/talks/discussions Hello every one. I hear from many frends there is a 1080p 50p hack outside there but i just cant finde it. I have many hacks for Mbit boost but all off the amre 24 or 25 ...

Can anybody say to me if there is a 1080p 50p hack?

Thanks for you help!

Anyone ever considered a Sony NEX-5N Hack?! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1977/anyone-ever-considered-a-sony-nex-5n-hack Tue, 10 Jan 2012 09:01:56 +0000 Jonesy91 1977@/talks/discussions I'm a long time GH1/GH2 hacked user. I viewed the Christmas Shootout videos from Phillip Bloom, and I realized that the DSLR with the most cinematic potential aside from the GH2 is the NEX 5N. If someone could hack the NEX 5N to a higher bitrate, it could probably gain all the advantages of the GH2, while keeping or improving what it already does better. A list for perspective:

GH2 (Hacked): -Better Resolution -Higher ISO values -More native lenses -External Mic Jack -Swivel out LCD

NEX5N: -Better Low light Capability -Sensor has better crop factor -60p!( better Full HD slow motion potential) -Flatter Pictures Profiles

...and I sure I'm missing something for both, but it would be helpful if anyone could add anything else they know. I don't know which one has better AF/AF tracking for its lenses. Just thought that the Sony NEX 5N may, if hacked, have everything we have in the GH2, and more (of course with no mic jack). SOMEONE PLEASE HACK THE SONY NEX 5N, PLEASE!!!!

Malice (sedna q20) + Purgatorium (canis majoris) two shorts with GH2 + my first short ever http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3566/malice-sedna-q20-purgatorium-canis-majoris-two-shorts-with-gh2-my-first-short-ever Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:23:55 +0000 conscius 3566@/talks/discussions
I know it's short, but for school i had to make a film from 1 minute. Inspired and based on een film by "side films" (really talented filmmakers!!)

And i wanted to test canis majoris, so for me it was a win-win :) Now, first of all, i did use log and transfer in fcp. I've not used 5DToRGB. Because, i didn't know, till a few minutes ago. Next time i will test 5DToRGB. (is it so much better?)

so i used: GH2 with canis majoris night patch with nokton 25mm f0,95 lens

other shortfilm (8 minutes)

with Sedna Q20 patch

La Salle de Classe - GH2 + Dolly Test (Driftwood) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5056/la-salle-de-classe-gh2-dolly-test-driftwood Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:19:48 +0000 brettplank 5056@/talks/discussions

I managed to use my school's dolly to pull off some test shots for smooth camera movements. Take note that I used and controlled everything singularly: I pulled focus, performed pans, and physically pushed the dolly itself. It was difficult, but I managed to get some usable footage. With one or two extra grips I can easily pull off great looking, smooth shots. I'll be shooting more with the dolly this week. I like grain.

  • GH2 w/ Driftwood Hack
  • Canon FD 50mm f/1.4
  • Sigma 30mm f/1.4
  • 16mm grain overlay

Brett Plank 2012

How do i reset my GH2 back to the original state? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5030/how-do-i-reset-my-gh2-back-to-the-original-state Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:49:20 +0000 Qullander 5030@/talks/discussions Hi!

I want to remove my hack and reset the camera to original state. I tried to install the 1.1 firmware update and change the name. But the camera doesn't want update :( Help please!

Digital Noise in Blue Sky - Vanilla Hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4967/digital-noise-in-blue-sky-vanilla-hack Tue, 23 Oct 2012 02:19:40 +0000 mattodowd 4967@/talks/discussions Hey all -

Wanted to throw this out to the community and see if there were any thoughts. Going through footage from this weekend's blue sky shoot, and on top of the expected mild posterization, I'm seeing some subtle but noticeable digital noise.

Any thoughts? Here are the specs:

GH2 running Vanilla Hack Firmware V1.1 ISO 160 Nostalgic -2, -2, 0, -1

It was very bright light, but properly exposed with an ND / Polarizing filter.

Thanks, Matt
