Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hack/p2/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 19:06:24 +0000 Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks en-CA Convert any camera to mirrorless http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21278/convert-any-camera-to-mirrorless Tue, 08 Jan 2019 13:18:46 +0000 DrDave 21278@/talks/discussions Tired of the mirror clanking away in your camera?

Panasonic AG AF100 / AF101 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/102/panasonic-ag-af100-af101 Tue, 17 May 2011 11:03:53 +0000 uliman 102@/talks/discussions
will there be a hack for the Pana AG AF 100/101? If yes, what could we expect?
I hope very much, that you´ll have success with GH2 Stalin hack.

BR Uli]]>
Choosing a GH2 Hack in 2018 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21154/choosing-a-gh2-hack-in-2018- Tue, 18 Dec 2018 08:21:22 +0000 Fujizen 21154@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have a GH2 with MD rokkor vintage lenses, im gonna shoot mainly music videos (with a lot of moving shots, slow motion, low lights and exterior) and some short films in the future. 30min of clips is enought for me I need quality but i really like the vintage look, im lost there is too much patch and informations, so i call your experience, what is the best possibility for me ?

Thank you for your help

Panasonic Firmware http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21043/panasonic-firmware Mon, 03 Dec 2018 19:54:02 +0000 durian 21043@/talks/discussions I am having trouble adding the panasonic firmware to ptools. I see that GH2 v1.1: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/download/fts/index2.html has a dead link. It is not possible for me to upload the new v1.2 firmware to ptools. Does anyone else have this issue?

G85 hack possibility? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17162/g85-hack-possibility Fri, 16 Jun 2017 06:25:22 +0000 Ashley_James 17162@/talks/discussions Any chance that might happen? Thats a great camera with lots of users and it would be so awesome if someone would start working toward a hack! I have so many ideas how to improve this baby. Not only bitrates\framerates, but manual focusing as well (which would solved huge pia with panasonic autofocus). I would gladly donate money for such a project and participate as a tester and ideas generator.

Beginners: Basic hacks questions, series 2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3153/beginners-basic-hacks-questions-series-2 Wed, 09 May 2012 07:56:02 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3153@/talks/discussions
  • Check FAQs at http://www.personal-view.com/faqs

  • Check latest PTool topic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2712/ptool-v3.65d-topic

  • Be sure to check all other topics with "beginners:" in their title.

  • Previous topic: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/443/beginners-basic-hacks-questions

    Panasonic GH2 Hack - PTool Error message opening Firmware V12 file http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20351/panasonic-gh2-hack-ptool-error-message-opening-firmware-v12-file Thu, 30 Aug 2018 09:14:07 +0000 laru1977 20351@/talks/discussions Hi everybody,

    I am new here. I just bought an used GH2 in good condition. As the firmware on it is 1.0 (body) and I anyway wanted to try a hack, I just followed the instructions, downloaded latest firmware (1.2.) and the flowmotion hack. All in the same folder as PTool as well. Now PTool gives me the following message after selecting the Firmware GH2__V12file: "wrong file or trying to use already patched file".

    No clue what is wrong and how to go ahead. Would be great to get some help here, thank you !

    Best Lars

    Just bought a stock Panasonic GH2....what now http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20500/just-bought-a-stock-panasonic-gh2....what-now Sun, 23 Sep 2018 23:39:53 +0000 shoutingdog74 20500@/talks/discussions So, just bought an old GH2 and want to hack it as I intend to use this ONLY for video...not photography.

    Would someone (all of you) suggest the best stable hack for video quality.

    Please include links as to where I can download.


    GH5 Focus via USB-C http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20047/gh5-focus-via-usb-c Thu, 12 Jul 2018 02:25:30 +0000 robinvalk 20047@/talks/discussions Hi,

    i just wondered if it is possible to focus on the GH5 via USB-C? Either with a bought device or by building the controller by yourself. Since the Ronin S can do it i am quiet sure it should also be possible for others?

    Thank you!

    Panasonic GH1 firmware research, testing http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8601/panasonic-gh1-firmware-research-testing Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:15:54 +0000 humpman 8601@/talks/discussions i'm looking for constants in the encoder of gh1 to stabilize and improve image qualaty. One of my targets is get stable gop1 settings. I did tons tests and i tired to do this work alone. So i need testers, if someone still want improve gh1 qualaty and want to help in testing, please send me PM. I have found some new settings, i list it below.

    • QP step sizes table.
    • Scaling tables just like in GH2.
    • Min and Max QP.
    • All intra turner.
    • I-frame or somelike limit constant.
    • Min frame size limit(works incorrectly)

    Main problem is i can't control min bitrate, for example when shooting deep black scenes. There is steel error out after 3 sec shooting in such scenes. There is min frame size limit, i guess, i have found. But it's just increases last frame in 1-sec sequence. So need more and more testing.

    List of cameras and phones with recordable uncompressed HDMI output, and hacks to do so? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19286/list-of-cameras-and-phones-with-recordable-uncompressed-hdmi-output-and-hacks-to-do-so Tue, 27 Mar 2018 11:47:41 +0000 mei 19286@/talks/discussions I would like to throw open this thread for people to post any cameras (even phones that sometimes have HDMI support over USB) that can output the camera/phone view over HDMI before the compression stage, and any hacks to allow them to do so? This allows recording through a device like the Black Magic Video Assistant series for high quality recording.

    The sneaky thing which it appears that cameras often do, is give you the camera image as it appears afteral it has been downgraded and compressed. But there must still be some that give you the image before the compression engine, even in 4:2:2 with greater than 8 bits.

    Official TZ10 Hack Project Discussion http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15/official-tz10-hack-project-discussion Mon, 18 Apr 2011 16:49:38 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 15@/talks/discussions This is dedicated topic about TZ10 hack project.

    Short info:

    1. TZ10 is very good, compact camera, with manual controls in photo mode. Has 12x zoom, GPS.

    2. It was first target in our new dumping approach.

    Short FAQ:

    Q. Can you tell us TZ10 dumping status, was it success or not?
    A. We completely dumped TZ10 firmware.

    Q. Does this mean that you'll distribute dumped firmware?
    A. Certainy no. And we do not need this.

    Q. How it'll be possible to hack TZ10 in this case?
    A. We reversed TZ10 encryption and will use public TZ10 firmware.

    Q. Can this info be applied to GH2?
    A. Unfortunately, no. GH2 uses different encryption (most probably) or different encryption key, so we need to dump it separately.

    More info will follow shortly.]]>
    FS: Panasonic GX80-GX85 hacked with 60p slow-mo, Cine-D & Cine-V pp. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17919/fs-panasonic-gx80-gx85-hacked-with-60p-slow-mo-cine-d-cine-v-pp. Sat, 07 Oct 2017 06:34:08 +0000 yiannis_zach 17919@/talks/discussions Like new, Panasonic Lumix GX80-GX85, 4K 16MP Ultra-HD Camera, hacked with 60p slow-mo, Cine-D & Cine-V profiles. Many extras (4 batteries total, dual charger, leather case & leather strap with battery-pocket, etc) see attached pictures. Warranty (purchased 4 months ago -last June) from a french shop. 549€ shipped from France, PayPal accepted. Thanks,

    Official GF2 hack development topic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1732/official-gf2-hack-development-topic Wed, 14 Dec 2011 09:04:33 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1732@/talks/discussions
    Right now it'll be closed. I'll open it after I get dumping results in about a week.]]>
    GH2 RELOADED http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15127/gh2-reloaded Thu, 26 May 2016 11:42:15 +0000 frullaccia 15127@/talks/discussions Into the Full HD world, our GH2 camera and Panasonic processor have still much to give us. This new hack is based upon my personal Gop 1 development. But almost every single parameter has been adapted to match some original and extreme choices. I made all possible to get a neat and rich picture. It has been a step-by-step hard work. In particular the hbr mode was very difficult to manage. To tell the truth, I didn't touch the 1080i60 and 720p60 modes, which are taken by Apefos' The End patch.
    I hope that somebody will find useful and beautiful our new used GH2.

    OLD DINOSAUR GH2 ALL INTRA AND GOP 2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17935/old-dinosaur-gh2-all-intra-and-gop-2 Mon, 09 Oct 2017 07:39:05 +0000 frullaccia 17935@/talks/discussions MANTRA & ZO. ALL-INTRA PATCH FOR GH2 (INCLUDING 1280X720). ZO. GOP 2 OPTION FOR 1280X720.

    Mantra is the only existing all-intra hack for Panasonic GH2, including a stabilized 720p50 version. Mantra is for Pal system.

    IMPORTANT! All-intra 720p50 mode has limitations. Using this, the camera sensor needs much more light than before. When shooting in low light or shooting in dark areas, the camera could freeze. Furthermore: choose the right iso settings. When shooting outdoor (daylight) a 720p50 GOP1 is fine. For low lights and indoor shootings use Zo, the GOP2 patch version.

    Mantra and Zo 1080p24 shoot at 23,976fps.

    Panasonic G3 Stable Settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4913/panasonic-g3-stable-settings Wed, 17 Oct 2012 07:59:29 +0000 luisnando 4913@/talks/discussions I managed to fix the writing error on the previous patches messing with the buffer size. Actually I put 170M bitrate and the small shootings I made really passed through with no errors! Since I am still learning about those settings, I would like to ask someone to analyze the data and see if I really got it. Annexed goes my patch.

    I based my settings over Driftwood cluster v6 settings.

    GH2 Settings Vault, most popular settings in one place, quite old http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/953/gh2-settings-vault-most-popular-settings-in-one-place-quite-old Thu, 15 Sep 2011 15:11:16 +0000 Brian202020 953@/talks/discussions Any attempt to post here opinion or question will be prosecuted :-)

    I looked and couldn't seem to find a nice, neat, and simple thread with only ini patch files people are using. I decided to start one. I strongly suggest we not make this a debate on which patch is better, just a place for people to post their patches with maybe a brief explanation of what is in the patch, which version of ptools you used, which SD card you are using, and maybe whether or not it spans to multiple clips without crashing or stopping. I'd like to see every post in this thread with a patch attached, no debates, no stand alone thank you's, no jibber jabber, just patches; you can do all those other things on another thread. I also strongly suggest everyone gives credit to the people who originally made the patch (if they know who) in their post.

    Posting the same ini files as others are welcome. This thread is not only a vault for GH2 patches, but also a good gauge to see what setting people are using a lot.

    I'd also like to thank @Vitaliy and everyone testing and making this all possible.

    The patch I am currently using is the @cbrandin 66Mbps AQ2 AVCHD Patch coupled with the @LPowell 100mbps Low Light MJPEG 1080p Patch. I used ptool v3.62d to make it and I am using the Sandisk Extreme 32GB 30MB/s class 10 SDHC card with no problems in AVCHD 24L or 24H as well as MJPEG mode. I haven't tested other modes yet.

    UPDATE 1/30/12:
    I am now currently using @LPowell's Flow-Motion patch with 2fps timelapser MJPEG settings. I made it with pool v3.63d. All my tests done so far seem very stable with the Sandisk Extreme 32GB 30MB/s class 10 card.]]>
    Official GX1 hack development topic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2902/official-gx1-hack-development-topic Tue, 17 Apr 2012 06:40:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2902@/talks/discussions I got the dump. Initially all looks pretty good.

    I hope to start to work on hack soon.

    FEEDBACK ASKED: Working as a camerawoman and editor on music videos http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11911/feedback-asked-working-as-a-camerawoman-and-editor-on-music-videos Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:40:12 +0000 dlzn 11911@/talks/discussions I'm currently working as a videographer for like 10 months right now. Mostly 'specialized' in doing guerrilla style music videos. My goal is to achieve the high budget look, with the low budget costs (don't we all).

    Gear used on both videos:

    • Panasonic GH2 cam with flowmotion hack
    • Two Minolta MD lenses, 28mm F1.8 and 50mm F.17
    • Sigma 19mm F2.8
    • Mostly shot with: a rig, tripod, table slider and handheld

    My goal is to eventually work more with commercial artists and especially to learn as much as possible about cinematography and cinematic aspects used in music videos.

    Would love to receive some feedback on both videos!



    Just need longer recordig (and clean HDMI) for GH2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16163/just-need-longer-recordig-and-clean-hdmi-for-gh2 Sun, 11 Dec 2016 11:44:07 +0000 swschilke 16163@/talks/discussions Dear *,

    Just got a used GH2 and I wonder which GH2 hack gives me just longer recording and my second wish: clean HDMI out (preferable without recording on SD card). Any recommendations? Which is nowadays the "best" hack I could use?

    Kind regards


    GH2 HACK -Can someone recommend? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14836/gh2-hack-can-someone-recommend Sun, 20 Mar 2016 19:49:03 +0000 gh2flyer 14836@/talks/discussions I'm a but late in this game but I have 2 GH2'S and would love to install hacks on them. I don't know which one is best. I heard Sanity 5.0 and 5.1 are excellent and Driftwood as well. Can someone advise me? Thanks so much. Charles

    Someone is selling the GH2 hacks on ebay http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15348/someone-is-selling-the-gh2-hacks-on-ebay Tue, 12 Jul 2016 11:33:10 +0000 Knotbarh 15348@/talks/discussions I was looking for a cheap GH2 and I found this eBay seller:


    This guy is doing it right?

    I think it's a kinda cheap deal, isn't it? ;)

    GH2 High Quality GOP3 Settings, Series 2: 'AN' Valkyrie, GOLGOP3-13, GOP3ZILLA, Duke, natural :-) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5385/gh2-high-quality-gop3-settings-series-2-an-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-duke-natural- Wed, 05 Dec 2012 12:17:19 +0000 bkmcwd 5385@/talks/discussions The meanings of my account name "bkmcwd" are "Burger King, McDonald's, and Wendy's." LOL Please do not mistake! :-)

    Because my English is poor, there may be many unclear things, but I do my best in some questions to answer enduringly.

    Series1: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2960/an-valkyrie-golgop3-13-gop3zilla-natural-freeze-less-reliable-all-round-gop3-settings-/p1

    [The common feature of my settings]

    For example, if some setting tries to use low qp with the frame size limited like Intra, many level lines of the high qp macroblocks will also appear in each frame pictures. Although it is unclear for appearance in looking with eyes, it means that the codec is not committing this correctly. I am making the settings which can use the lowest possible qp appropriately, avoiding this isuue by using the biggest possible I-frames. On the high detailed scene, if the minimum qp is too low, the range of qp will spread and, as a result, many of these level lines of the high qp macroblocks will appear.

    Therefore, in my settings, on the high detailed scene, it has adjusted so that the minimum qp may become high appropriately. On the other hand, it has adjusted so that the lowest possible qp can be positively used under the lowlight. I think that 3GOP can realize this all-round performance with the motion. Therefore, when using my settings as only for lowlight, you may feel thing insufficient only a few, although sufficient dark place performance is still given. However, also in a bright scene, the codec hardly wavers with my settings. This is the point that especially I am scrupulous.


    My top priority is "recording does not stop by any means in any situations."

    *The issue which the high bitrate hacked GH2 cannot often span more over 4GB is not contained in this.

    In order to adjust so that recording may not stop in a high stress scene, you have to test supposing the stress beyond it. I have spent many hours also on the torture test for it.

    *The purpose tested with this screen is the check of durability or reliability to the last. About image quality, it cannot check at all by this test.

    I understand that this test exceeds the stress assumed practically. However, in the settings which cannot clear this test, the Risk of Freezing Camera momentarily practically is large.

    Moreover, although the issue of "freezing the moment a focus suits" is recognized in many other GH2 settings, about it, it cannot necessarily solve only by this test. I have also solved this issue now by the test which repeats focusing for several minutes.

    I aim at the setting not freezing.

    If my settings may become unstable with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC, please give me feedback.

    *The spanning is possible perfectly in 24p with SanDisk 95MB/s SDXC.

    These features are common in almost all my settings.


    Again, special thanks to @driftwood, @cbrandin, and of course @Vitaliy_Kiselev! :-)

    How to delete patches from Ptool! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14864/how-to-delete-patches-from-ptool Thu, 24 Mar 2016 15:18:30 +0000 putumark 14864@/talks/discussions Hi! I'm new to this and I accidentally loaded tons of patches into Ptool (all the A to J buttons are green) and now I can't delete the patches in Ptool. How do I make the green buttons go red again so I can add more patches?

    Cinematography [done with hacked GH 2] http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14821/cinematography-done-with-hacked-gh-2 Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:00:14 +0000 lerch 14821@/talks/discussions It`s been a while and I try to get some feedback on the grading of my latest short. What can I impromve? Are there some hints?

    Just type in "kiss of death" on YouTube (it`s the one from DynamiX)

    Thanks in advance!

    FS : Pansasonic GH2 body, Located EU http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14580/fs-pansasonic-gh2-body-located-eu Sun, 14 Feb 2016 08:45:38 +0000 Adam_Mercier 14580@/talks/discussions Selling a GH2 body in very good shape, with extra battery Price is 260€ with EU shipping. 18k Shutter acuations

    image image

    GH4 diplay zoom for vignetting lenses http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14720/gh4-diplay-zoom-for-vignetting-lenses Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:37:37 +0000 bambolero 14720@/talks/discussions Hi guys, do you think it could be possible to have a function that allows to zoom (in percentage) the GH4 display to use vignetting lenses and be able to see the usable framing? Like a hack or a firmware update? Sometimes if you use a 16mm cine lens there is a vignette but if you crop 10% for example the image is great. The framing is not easy though if you have to think about it in your head without a precise displayed image. Would'nt it be agreat thing for a new firmware version or a hack?

    GH2 Stutter/Judder/Strobe issues discussion http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:18:54 +0000 Dalefpf 526@/talks/discussions
    First off, thanks for all of the great work being done here. I was wondering if any of the new settings could help reduce the effect of judder and strobe I tend to see while using the GH2? I actually returned my first GH2 because I believed it was faulty. Now, on my second camera, I see the same effect. I know a few others have felt the same way and was hoping to get an understanding of what causes the effect and what might be done to help resolve it. Maybe it is what it is?]]>
    GH1: 100Mbps Max Latitude Settings V2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/162/gh1-100mbps-max-latitude-settings-v2 Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:16:23 +0000 LPowell 162@/talks/discussions
    As you've no doubt heard, the latest version of PTool3.55d liberates all previously unhackable versions of the GH1. In addition, it provides a variety of new patches that I've been able to incorporate into the 100Mbps Max Latitude Native 24/25p Patch, making it more versatile than ever. Here's a summary of the new features supported in Version 2 of this patch:

    * Works on all Panasonic GH1 cameras, both hacked and unhacked.

    * Expanded video and audio buffers to guard against recording failures at high bitrates.

    * 15-frame GOP-size in both PAL Native 25p and NTSC Native 24p video modes.

    * Standard patch: 30Mbps iPad-compatible VGA MJPEG mode records in 960x720 resolution.

    * Anamorphic patch: 65Mbps 2X anamorphic VGA MJPEG mode records in 1920x720 resolution.

    Click the following links to download the latest version of the 100Mbps Max Latitude Native 24/25p Patch PTool3.55d INI files:

    Download standard

    Download anamorphic