Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hack/p1/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 14:35:45 +0000 Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks en-CA Samsung NX300, NX500, NX1 Cameras Hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7404/samsung-nx300-nx500-nx1-cameras-hack Mon, 01 Jul 2013 13:55:36 +0000 Ralph_B 7404@/talks/discussions PV FAQ section, will be updated regularly - http://www.personal-view.com/faqs/start#samsung-hacks-information

Samsung NX500 / NX1 Mods

KS pack page and downloads:


Otto team hacks pages:

Firmware format info - https://sites.google.com/site/nxcryptophotography/diy-firmware

Developers menu access information - http://www.personal-view.com/faqs/samsung-hack/developers-menu

Samsung NX300 Open Source Hack

As most of you probably know, Samsung has released the source code for their NX300 camera. This camera produces an amazing picture, as good if not better than the GH2/3.

And here's the link to download the source code:


Type "NX300" in the search box and you'll go to the download page.

The archive is 2.2 GB and it expands to 4.55 GB with 282,385 files in 16,329 folders. It's massive. I have no idea how to navigate through this thing. I hope somebody more knowledgable will take a look at it. In particular, where is the code for the H264 compression?

Why no-one dumped GH5 firmware? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28076/why-no-one-dumped-gh5-firmware Tue, 14 May 2024 01:06:44 +0000 GH2_fan 28076@/talks/discussions Like many of you, big fan of Panasonic's GH camera line, going as far back as GH2 (hence how I created my username).

However it has bewildered me that no-one worked on the GH5 like how work was done on the GH1 and GH2 i.e. dumping the firmware to reverse engineer it for tweaks and patches.

I know the GH5 is pretty damn good out-of-the-box but myself and many others here would agree there was always room for improvement. I've always been hopeful but manjy years has passed and still I can't figure out why.

May I ask anyone here to elaborate or share their thoughts on this?

How to hack Lumix Gh2 with ver. 1.2 (body) installed http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28003/how-to-hack-lumix-gh2-with-ver.-1.2-body-installed Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:41:14 +0000 Ogitele 28003@/talks/discussions I've been stuck on this problem, i want to hack my gh2 with something like Moon T7, but after using ptools, formating card etc, the responce is "No valid picture to play". I think the problem is about the camera beeing on ver. 1.2, is there any way to downgrade to 1.1 again or a hack for 1.2? Im really dont know what to do at this point, please help.

Can i hack Gh2 with an Micro SD card with the adapter? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28006/can-i-hack-gh2-with-an-micro-sd-card-with-the-adapter- Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:19:47 +0000 Ogitele 28006@/talks/discussions Im trying to hack my gh2 but for some reason i cant, so im trying to find the problem. I see you guys are using for exaple Sandisk extreme pro, and for me im using the 64 GB SanDisk Ultra MicroSD with a SanDisk adapter. Can this be a problem when im trying to hack the Gh2?

Hacking Gh2 with ver 1.1 thrue ptools http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/28005/hacking-gh2-with-ver-1.1-thrue-ptools Tue, 19 Dec 2023 10:12:23 +0000 Ogitele 28005@/talks/discussions So i found this problem. Im trying to hack my gh2, and since hacking it with ver. 1.2 is inposible I downloaded the ver. 1.1 update but it still doesn't want to work. Here's what im doing: -open Pools -Load the GH2__V11.bin -Install the hack (higher bitrate) -Increase the version (by 10) -Extract the hacked version (GH2__V13.bin) -Put it in the formatted SD card (64MB San Disc Ultra) -Put it I'm my camera -Nothing happens Is there something I'm doing wrong?

[Request] Canon Legria Mini HDMI Hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27368/request-canon-legria-mini-hdmi-hack Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:42:25 +0000 GamerXy1 27368@/talks/discussions Hello together, yesterday I found my good old Canon Legria and thought to myself: This would be a perfect "webcam" for our DnD table. Unfortunately this camera only sends a signal through its HDMI port if it is in "view recordings" mode. Is there a possibility to hack the firmware to allow HDMI output while recording? I'm all in to do the hard work myself, I just need a starting point.

Thank you all in advance.

Good SD Card for GH2 Driftwood MoonT7 170Mbps http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27309/good-sd-card-for-gh2-driftwood-moont7-170mbps- Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:20:48 +0000 Anatoli 27309@/talks/discussions Hello, hope you're all doing well.

Since this patches are all a bit dated, I wanted to know if I they would work well on a 170MBps or faster Sand Disk card, like a SanDisk SDXC 64Gb 170MBps or faster.

Thanks in advance

Have a nice weekend

which version hack deinterlace for gh2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26936/which-version-hack-deinterlace-for-gh2 Fri, 15 Apr 2022 08:42:31 +0000 keybman3011 26936@/talks/discussions which hacks deinterlace video and are suitable for extreme pro 32gb card ?. I am a new member, tried quantum v2,v4. Thank you very much

Z-CAM E2 First Hack Released! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24813/z-cam-e2-first-hack-released Sun, 29 Nov 2020 03:42:16 +0000 storyboardcreativity 24813@/talks/discussions First custom firmware for Z-CAM E2 is READY!

Finally, I managed to figure out all my code and make a hack with Panasonic-like recording indication based on firmware v0.93!

My first changelog:

  • Added automatic non-switchable red Panasonic-like recording indication along the edges of the HDMI-output

All the source code of the added patches is here:


The instructions for self-assembly of the firmware are described by me in general form here:


I draw your attention that this firmware is NOT OFFICIAL, and also remind you that you do any manipulations with the camera at your own peril and risk! From now on, I disclaim responsibility for possible problems with the camera if you decide to use the assembled firmware! Be extremely careful!

IMPORTANT! The hack is based on Z-CAM E2 firmware v0.93. Therefore, it will work ONLY in conditions where the official firmware v0.93 is running. For example, if you already have firmware v0.95 or higher on your camera, then installing firmware v0.93 (according to the assurances on the official Z-CAM website) is impossible! Consider this! The easiest way is to first roll v0.93 onto the camera, and then on top of it install my hack. So you can be sure that if the camera does not start after the first firmware installation process, this has nothing to do with the hack itself.

How to start using hack:

  1. Your camera must be flashed to the official version 0.93.
  2. Download the firmware file from the link.
  3. Put the downloaded update.zip file in the root of your camera's disk.
  4. Flash in the standard way as if it were an official firmware.

Custom firmware file link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GijjGMIjitrbCn3K4gdk3OxCYkQl__Sf

gh5 1.1 firmware http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26612/gh5-1.1-firmware Mon, 10 Jan 2022 02:36:00 +0000 q296247032 26612@/talks/discussions gh5 1.1 is better ,but i 2.7。how 2.7 to 1.1.
Mr. Vitaliy_Kiselev i want firmware downgrade . Please help me thanks . this is gh5 v1.1 :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rha3pM0Ux-5Ajpw_-rqsSHJnKsOaN8O_/view?usp=sharing

Z CAM E2 | ZRAW to DNG converter alpha version released http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/26554/z-cam-e2-zraw-to-dng-converter-alpha-version-released Thu, 23 Dec 2021 01:41:50 +0000 storyboardcreativity 26554@/talks/discussions You can get binaries and source code here:


Moon T7 Hacked GH2 - Worked? Missing something? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25428/moon-t7-hacked-gh2-worked-missing-something Wed, 24 Mar 2021 14:55:39 +0000 yuuyuu 25428@/talks/discussions Hello. Finally I hacked my GH2 with moon T7 and hacking went fine. I filmed 2 similar videos with a same setting: unhacked and hacked to compare. Checking 2 files using StreamParser, everything seems correct (hacked video have larger size and more average bitrate). Now, I import them to FCP7 with these settings : Source:"P2 ACC-Intra"-> Target: "native", Source:"AVCHD"-> Target: "Apple ProRes 422 HQ", which creates .mov files. When I compare these 2 mov files, they are almost the same file size... Is this fine? Or am I missing something? (I can't really tell the quality difference between these 2 videos...) Thanks for the help.

Sanity X Hack GH2 (Awesome & Stable) but quick question about settings. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10361/sanity-x-hack-gh2-awesome-stable-but-quick-question-about-settings. Sun, 11 May 2014 22:29:22 +0000 bman 10361@/talks/discussions Whoever made this hack thankyou!

I have a question (as a novice who's an idiot)

I hear a lot about frame rates and settings... But I just want to know what settings I should have this hack at in 24h smooth cinema mode?

On my GH2 the only settings I seem to be able to change when filming is through the scroll wheel.

Next to where it says cinA there's a yellow number that says 2.5? I'm not sure what this represents other than darkness or brightness or frame rate. But what setting should this be with this hack for optimum results?

When I push the scroll button in it also makes a 0 to +3 which makes the screen go darker or brighter... So I'm unsure where to set things?

Sorry for the dumb questions but I'm hopeless with this stuff and would appreciate any help. I'm so busy with a kid I just want a simple answer for filming without the hassles.

GH2 stops recording video or locks up all together after hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25404/gh2-stops-recording-video-or-locks-up-all-together-after-hack Thu, 18 Mar 2021 17:04:58 +0000 ellis 25404@/talks/discussions I'm looking for a very stable hack for live out HDMI video streaming. I can't remember which one I installed, but if there's a know stable one for long video recording, I'd like to try it. I don't need any other advanced features than stable long video recording with live out.

Gh2 720p live out hack? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25101/gh2-720p-live-out-hack Sat, 16 Jan 2021 19:04:23 +0000 ellis 25101@/talks/discussions Is there a hack to get 720p 60fps instead of the 1080i 24fps for the hdmi live out? The BMD video switch need all cams to be the same.

Thank you!

Sony A7 High bitrate hack? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24722/sony-a7-high-bitrate-hack Wed, 11 Nov 2020 12:20:20 +0000 JimmySuarez1981 24722@/talks/discussions In 2020 I'm purchasing a Sony A7 (Mainly for stills) and I'm curious to know if a hack to increase video bitrate (Just like Driftwood hack for the Lumix GH2) exists at all???

Thanks in advance!

clean video out from. the panasonic gh2 with bitrate hack? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24584/clean-video-out-from.-the-panasonic-gh2-with-bitrate-hack Sun, 11 Oct 2020 21:57:09 +0000 Personalkees 24584@/talks/discussions Hi I would like to get a clean HDMI output from my panasonic gh2 for streaming. The camera output is only clean when recording. This limits the time i can use the camera for streaming because the card is full. Is it possible to hach the camera to record 1080 at an extremely LOW bitrate so the card never gets full? What numbeR do i have to change in the .ini file to record at a low bitrate?

Hacked GH2 for sale http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24547/hacked-gh2-for-sale Sun, 04 Oct 2020 14:17:34 +0000 Nino_Ilacqua 24547@/talks/discussions Hello, I sell my glorious hacked GH2 in two options: KIT 1: Body + Panasonic Zoom Vario G 14-140 F 4-5.8 + Voigtlander 25 mm F 0.95 Type I + Slr Magic 12 mm f 1.6 + 2 batteries = 700 $ + shipping KIT 2: Same as Kit 1, but without the Voigtlander, = 400 $ + shipping. Everything works properly! Used in my first feature film + several shorts, love it.

GH2 Hacked - SanDisk Extreme Pro 95MB - Video stops at varying time without error http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2854/gh2-hacked-sandisk-extreme-pro-95mb-video-stops-at-varying-time-without-error Fri, 13 Apr 2012 10:07:56 +0000 thomasklosinsky 2854@/talks/discussions Hi guys,

I searched the forum and the whole internet for this problem, but didn't find any post or anyone having this problem, so I started a new topic for this and hope I didn't search for the wrong keywords... ;). I am using the GH2 for video shooting very short time and all I am doing these days is not really working well. I know that it should be easy to use firmware patches but for me it turns out not to be that easy as it maybe should. I used a few patches and tested around with each for quite a bit and tried to check wether the patch is working fine or if there are occuring errors while recording. I would need a very stable patch since I always need to record longer footage... not just 15min, but most of the time 2-3 hours. I found that SD card speed is a thing which is why I bought the SanDisk Extreme Pro with 95MB/sec. Used the Sanity 4.1 Patch which should be stable, but the cam stops recording video after some time (I couldn't specify when it does) without any error. It just stops recording and doesn't write the file completely to the card. Used the Quantum X SpanMyBitchUp and I get the same error. Also tried some other patches, some came up with errors that the card is not fast enough, some didn't... most of them didn't...

Since I can't tell why that is and I don't know how to find out why the cam stops recording I am not sure what to do next. Fact is that the patches really do enhance the quality which I would not love to miss ;).

Can anyone help me with this? All the best from Hamburg, Thomas

GH2 Sanity X VS. FlowMotion V2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17076/gh2-sanity-x-vs.-flowmotion-v2 Thu, 01 Jun 2017 17:26:57 +0000 Sanguix 17076@/talks/discussions Hi,

I know there is a lot of topic on this but I still can't make a clear decision. I'm going to film Podcast and concert, which of the 2 would handle these type of setting best?

GH3 hacks not anywhere to be found? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24365/gh3-hacks-not-anywhere-to-be-found Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:45:12 +0000 Philippeb 24365@/talks/discussions So, i recently found out about people hacking their cameras. I have an old GH3 i want to fiddle around with and see how it performs. But i cant seem to find hacks or guides for it?

Can it really be that there is no hacks for it yet?

I need an answer. What is the best hack for the GH2? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15581/i-need-an-answer.-what-is-the-best-hack-for-the-gh2 Wed, 24 Aug 2016 14:55:37 +0000 airchase 15581@/talks/discussions I realize there are several threads in the same vain as this, but the conclusion in every single one of them is "try a bunch, use what you like".

Unfortunately, I don't have the time or ambition to try loads of different patches, and I would really love if someone could give a solid answer as to what the best patch is. The answer of "it's a matter of personal preference" is a cop-out, and in my opinion is incorrect. A better image, is a better image.

I've done a lot of research, and it appears Moon T8 is a popular option but I've also seen this video on Youtube using the Intravenus hack which looks absolutely stunning.

So, let's put an end to the ambiguity. What is the best hack for the GH2?

GH2 hack HDMI output testing http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/356/gh2-hack-hdmi-output-testing Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:57:32 +0000 EOSHD 356@/talks/discussions
- When a monitor is connected to the HDMI port, camera switches to an interlaced mode both on LCD / EVF and HDMI output
- When progressive 1080i -> 1080p patch enabled, camera can record without the usual hang if HDMI monitor is connected
- However AVCHD encoder still writes garbage to the card
- Garbage AVCHD files will playback in camera and not crash, if HDMI screen was connected at time of recording
- The output to LCD and HDMI is not garbage - seems 100% unaffected by current PTools AVCHD patches
- Pulling HDMI cable during recording ends clip, camera switches to live view mode
- Output is always 1080i on 'auto', never progressive regardless of camera mode or PTools config (I am now testing with HDMI option in menu set to 720p)

@Vitaliy_Kiselev has interesting comment - "Good thing is that some HDMI related functions names are present is some debug messages as well as their arguments names"

I am using a SmallHD DP6 as monitor, we can also use TV or PC screen with HDMI, be sure that it displays reported input signal type (i.e. 1080i or 1080p).

Aim: clean high bitrate progressive video instead of current bad cadence 24p -> 1080i.
Or even uncompressed signal. 1080/60p would also be great target but let's start small!

Testing continues...]]>
Download PTool v3.64d in 2020 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23459/download-ptool-v3.64d-in-2020 Wed, 29 Jan 2020 10:31:50 +0000 JimmySuarez1981 23459@/talks/discussions Hey guys! I want to hack my GH2, but I'm struggling to find links to download PTool v3.64d? I have searched the forums and the web, but I getting linked back to a link that no longer exists. Any help with this would be most appreciated. Thanks

I just need 24p hack for GF2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23805/i-just-need-24p-hack-for-gf2 Wed, 29 Apr 2020 01:52:08 +0000 johnny95art 23805@/talks/discussions Guys, can you help me? I just need hack for my gf2 that will give me, 24p recording option

Cannot find old(1.1) firmware http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20149/cannot-find-old1.1-firmware Mon, 30 Jul 2018 02:43:29 +0000 ersvltan 20149@/talks/discussions Hello, gh2 users!

When new gh2 firmware(1.2) came out, the old(1.1) one was removed. And I can't install a hack with the new one.

Can anyone please send me an old gh2's 1.1 firmware?

Thank you very much!

Lumix GH2 Hack in 2020 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23525/lumix-gh2-hack-in-2020 Fri, 14 Feb 2020 00:46:42 +0000 marcinblicharski 23525@/talks/discussions Hi everyone! I just buy GH2 in very good condition and for a little money. But... I have big problem with hack my GH2, I'm try everything, unfortunately my camera had installed v1.11 firmware. I've got every necessary thing, PTools, hack (driftwood) and of course older 1.11 firmware who's I found on this forum. When I try to do it (I put green preview) I only see - "image could not be found"... Please forgive if I double topic but I can't find any information about. I hope the someone help me with this...


Nikon d5600 video limit hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23097/nikon-d5600-video-limit-hack Sat, 16 Nov 2019 11:56:08 +0000 dima_mak 23097@/talks/discussions Trying to find a hacked firmware for nikon d5600 to allow unlimited video recording. Someone have or can help? Thank you!

Nex 5r china http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23031/nex-5r-china- Sat, 09 Nov 2019 06:20:43 +0000 mirkodalcirko 23031@/talks/discussions I have a Sony Alpha Nex 5r, sadly from China, so i don't have the app menu in the camera. Someone know how to solve this? Is it possible?

GH5 - impossible to unlock VLOG? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20700/gh5-impossible-to-unlock-vlog Sat, 20 Oct 2018 01:26:43 +0000 GHuser 20700@/talks/discussions I remember the GH2 and Ptool hacks back in the day. With all the great features built into modern cameras like the GH5 there is less of a need for hacks, but it is curious that no one has hacked the GH5 to enable VLOG. Is that because it is impossible to enable VLOG using a firmware hack, or because no one has sufficient interest in creating a hack?
