Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh1/p2/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 15:08:03 +0000 Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks en-CA Budget Music Video shot with GH4 and kit lens http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12797/budget-music-video-shot-with-gh4-and-kit-lens Mon, 13 Apr 2015 13:38:12 +0000 Gardner 12797@/talks/discussions

Hacked Lumix G-series cameras - please rank them in order of stable video quality http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2514/hacked-lumix-g-series-cameras-please-rank-them-in-order-of-stable-video-quality Wed, 07 Mar 2012 01:53:43 +0000 spk 2514@/talks/discussions If someone has already posted an answer to my question below, please give me a link because I'm new to these forums and I haven't been able to find it with a search!

My question is: how do the hacked G-series cameras compare in terms of the best stable video quality available? I'm guessing, based on what I've read, that it's something like this:

GH2 > GH1 > GF2 > G2 > GF1.

Is that correct?

GH2 Hack most similar to BMPCC quality http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12691/gh2-hack-most-similar-to-bmpcc-quality- Sun, 29 Mar 2015 13:31:23 +0000 Enzo101 12691@/talks/discussions I'll try to make this as short as possible. I already own a BMPCC, but I found it frustrating to use sometimes due to its battery life and the fact that it can't take pictures. So I recently bought a gh2 so I can take pictures and records videos all in one camera, instead of having to carry 2 cameras with me all the time. I'm aware that I can't get the EXACT same quality as the BMPCC, but I wanted to know whats the best hack that gives quality most similar to it and produces the flattest image. I have a 64GB 80mb/s sd card, so storage shouldn't really be a problem.

My Film "Blind" and the experience! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12300/my-film-blind-and-the-experience Mon, 02 Feb 2015 08:18:52 +0000 Gardner 12300@/talks/discussions Hi guys, just wanted to showcase the film I've been working on. It first started off as a feature length project, but after decisions were made later, we decided to make it into a feature short film (that's for another discussion). The project in itself took about 5 months to complete due to various reasons, most of them being out of my control, but I ended up handling all of the post production for the film. While I don't encourage people to use this motto in filmmaking, I told myself that if you want it done right then you have to do it yourself. After failing to find an appropriate composer for the film, I decided to score the film myself which meant learning audio. We also originally wanted two editors on the project and found an amazing editor who was local, but of course he got tied up with projects and that plan fell through.

All in all, I was the "Jack of All Trades" for the film, and due to the fact that I'm an avid procrastinator, it was a very tedious process. By far any attention or advice I've gotten has been from the personal-view forums, so of course this film was shot entirely with the GH2, aside from about 2 scenes, and I wanted to update the people who I spoke with consistently on the site about the project. The project is now finished and we released it on IndieReign.com alongside a brand new trailer for the film! Though I'm terrible at taking constructive criticism (all filmmakers are), I wanted to share the trailer with everyone on the personal-view site regardless, I mean after all we all don't just get crew and actors together just to film a personal home movie to lock in a vault!

I'm currently back to writing a new project but I plan on putting together a few youtube tutorial videos focusing mainly on how I scored the film, went about color grading the film itself, and how I went about with the pre-production of the film (casting calls, paperwork, shot lists, scheduling). I hope you guys enjoy the trailer for the film and thank you for the ones who read all of this before actually watching the trailer!

FS: Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 ASPH http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12398/fs-panasonic-leica-dg-summilux-25mm-f1.4-asph Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:13:43 +0000 AndreHW 12398@/talks/discussions For sale. Used Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 ASPH. Very good condition (as new). With original box, lens hood, and both caps.

Price 430€ (Paypal). Shipping is not included (item is located in Italy but i can send internationally at buyers cost).

My latest project - Norfolk Island shot from Drone, Land and Jetski http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12334/my-latest-project-norfolk-island-shot-from-drone-land-and-jetski Sat, 07 Feb 2015 14:21:26 +0000 Rambo 12334@/talks/discussions I shot the jetski and Land footage, the Phantom with HD3+ and the Inspire Drone footage was piloted by a friend of mine. The 4k from the tiny Inspire camera is stunning. I had to defisheye the Gopro footage to make it match the Inspire clips which has no deformity at the horizon. I must say the phantom and gopro did a fantastic job ( 90% of the clips are Gopro Phantom)

All other cameras were GH1 and GH2 with LPowell hacks. Interviews and voice over were Cheap lav with Zoom H1 or the Video Mic Pro plugged into the GH2 with Pasadena Audio Hack Lenses were the ever reliable old Panny 14-140 and Pancake 20mm.

GH4 All-inta 200mbps file size smaller than IPB shooting mode http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12194/gh4-all-inta-200mbps-file-size-smaller-than-ipb-shooting-mode Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:14:42 +0000 DirectorDuncan 12194@/talks/discussions Does anyone know why the file file size is smaller when shooting in All-intra 200mbps, as opposed to IPB 100mbsp on the GH4? I shot 25 seconds of test footage in each record mode. All the other setting remained exactly the same, I only changed the record mode.

The MP4, 24p 1080 All-Intra 200mbps file size was 148.7 MB The MP4, 24p 1080 IPB 100mbps file size was 291.8MB

Any suggestions?

Searching for GH-1 Tutorials, Hack&Settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11987/searching-for-gh-1-tutorials-hacksettings Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:24:56 +0000 bernt 11987@/talks/discussions Hey there dear Personal-View-Community,

I want to make a documentary, in connection to a research project. I'm in the possession of a GH-1 camera and would like to install the hack for this camera. Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial for the hack and settings. My technical skills are unfortunately very limited. I would like a tutorial with instructions for the hack and settings, to make my camera ready to go with an optimal setup for filming.

Please excuse my bad english.


GH1, GF1, G2: Fast Action 3-Frame GOP Patch - Version 2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/223/gh1-gf1-g2-fast-action-3-frame-gop-patch-version-2- Mon, 13 Jun 2011 03:15:10 +0000 LPowell 223@/talks/discussions
As you may have heard, the latest version of PTool 3.56d liberates all previously unhackable versions of not only the GH1, but the GF1 as well as previously hackable G2 cameras. (Unfortunately, the newest G2 models can no longer be hacked.) In addition, PTool now provides a variety of new patches that I've been able to incorporate into the Fast Action 3-Frame GOP Patch, making it more versatile than ever.

To make use of these new features, download PTool 3.56d from the following link:


The Fast Action 3-Frame GOP Patch is ideally suited for the GF1 and G2 cameras' hardware capabilities. The NTSC version of these cameras produces native 720p30 video streams in both AVCHD SH mode and in MJPEG HD mode. This patch boosts the peak bitrate of both video modes to over 50Mbps and in SH mode uses a remarkably short 3-frame GOP-size, recording 10 key frames per second. (This 3-frame GOP is used in PAL AVCHD SH mode as well, recording at 720p25.) Using such a high density of key frames enables the Fast Action 3-Frame GOP Patch to maintain excellent image quality while tracking rapid moving objects.

In addition, all GF1 and G2 may now be freely switched between NTSC and PAL video modes, all available user interface languages, and may use third party batteries.

For version 2 of the Fast Action 3-Frame GOP Patch, I've prepared a choice of two INI settings files that differ only in the settings for the MJPEG 30p modes:

* For use with standard lenses, the standard patch will produce two types of MJPEG videos:

HD mode: 1280x720 HD videos with peak bitrates up to around 60Mbps (in 4:2:2 color on the GF1).
VGA mode: 960x720 iPad-compatible videos, with peak bitrates up to 30Mbps.

* For use with anamorphic lenses, the anamorphic patch supports two different squeeze ratios:

HD mode: 1920x810 videos optimized for 1.33X anamorphic adapters, with peak bitrates up to around 60Mbps.
VGA mode: 1920x720 videos optimized for 2X anamorphic adapters, with peak bitrates up to around 50Mbps.]]>
How far have we come with Video Cameras? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11818/how-far-have-we-come-with-video-cameras Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:05:10 +0000 mpgxsvcd 11818@/talks/discussions I was thinking about the state of video cameras when I first got into making videos in 2003 when my son was born. It was a pretty sad state back then.

Everything was interlaced 480i or at most Telecined 480p in a 480i container. MiniDV was all the rage and HD was a figment of our imagination.

I started with a Canon mini-DV camcorder in late 2003 that shot 480i(720x480). It looked great on my 480i Tube TV. However, it was absolute garbage once you deinterlaced it for computer use with Progressive displays. I sold it almost immediately swearing that I would never buy another interlaced camera again.

So I waited and waited. Everything new was 480i. Even when HD TVs came about the HD consumer cameras were still interlaced 1080i. Then finally the Canon S1-IS came out in 2004. It was a little known jewel. It shot wonderful 480p @ 30 FPS for up to 1 Gigabyte. The nice thing was that it supported the MicroDrive compact flash cards that at the time went up to 4 GB for about $200.


That camera revolutionized video for me. At the time everyone asked why I was getting a still camera for video. They all said “Why don’t you get a proper camcorder for the job”? I said “The camcorders are all interlaced and this is progressive”. They looked at me like I was speaking Japanese.

I loved that S1-IS and used it for several years as my main camera. Sure it was only 480p but it was good solid 480p @ 30 FPS and it used a decent bit rate(For that time period). The S1-IS also had a really bright F2.8-F3.1 lens on it. With a 10x optical zoom it did everything I wanted it to do until I saw what the 1080p of the 5D MKII looked like in September of 2008.


Reverie, blew my mind. I couldn’t believe that you could get such cinematic shallow depth of field and dynamic range in digital video. In addition the resolution seemed astounding. At the time I couldn’t imagine ever needing more resolution than that.


I came as close as you could get to buying into the 5D MKII with a complete set of lenses. I saved and saved until I was finally ready to pull the trigger by the fall of 2009. Then something caught my attention.

A little known camera maker (At the time) called Panasonic had developed a 720p camera that was actually really small. It was called the GF1 and looked too good to be true. It could use any lens ever made with adapters. It wasn’t super expensive and all the manual focus lenses for video were super cheap on ebay.

They also had the mighty GH1 but it was hard to find without the super small aperture 14-140mm lens. By that time I had come to realize what I loved so much about the Canon S1-IS was that its lens was relatively bright. Just like I had with interlaced video I swore off super slow mega zooms.

However, I simply couldn’t resist the GF1 with the 20mm F1.7 lens. I bought the GF1 on day one and never looked back. I bought every large aperture MF lens I could get my hands on and loved them all. However, those lenses were heavy when it was all said and done. I realized why full frame wasn’t really considered to be portable back then. 5 or 6 lenses added up to a lot of weight in a backpack even though the camera body was so light.

By that time 720p had become old hat and M4/3s had more than just a few native lenses. They had some fast primes like the new 14mm F2.5, 25mm F1.4, and the 45mm F1.8. Auto Focus was improving in their newer cameras and I found myself wishing for more.

I finally broke down when the GH2 was announced in September of 2010. It was finally the camera that seemed like it could do it all. 1080p video, ETC mode for endless reach, and it was hackable. Those were the good old days. We ALL spent countless hours eeking out every last ounce of bit rate and reliability that we could.


I even gave up on the MF lenses. I had all of the fast primes at that time and MF wasn’t as cool as I once thought it was. I was much more content to just let the camera do the focusing for me. After the firmware update for the GH2 added 1080p at 30 FPS and much improved AF I sold all of my MF lenses for a nice telescope.

Honestly, the GH2 was probably the camera that I could have stopped at and lived with for quite a while. It did everything I needed it to do and did it quite well. However, the hacking had sparked something in me that made me always look for that little bit extra. I went on to buy the GH3, GH4, LX100, and the 35-100mm F2.8 all on the day that they came out. Each one offered a little something extra that I thought made it justify the extra cost. I finally have 4K @ 30 FPS and 1080p @ 96 FPS and the 4K photo from video mode. I couldn’t have ever possibly imagined those things when I first bought the S1-IS.

Well actually I did predict the photo from video mode way back in 2009. It wasn’t an acceptable thing back then to predict that video could one day replace stills. In fact I still don’t think it is acceptable today either.


So we have come a long way in video cameras. I wonder what is next. How much farther can we go? Will it be as big a leap forward as it has in the past? Will I still want to spend my money on upgrades in the future or will I finally be satisfied with what I have now? Who knows? Only time will tell.

Please post your stories with how you got started into video and where you are with it today.

Filming a Wedding with the BlackMagic! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11850/filming-a-wedding-with-the-blackmagic Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:15:06 +0000 Gardner 11850@/talks/discussions I'm a firm believer that the best practice is to get out there and film, and not just of static plant life (unless you're contracted by National Geographic). I recently acquired the BlackMagic Camera (not the pocket), and I wanted to film a wedding with it. The camera, rig, and battery pack were a combined 35 lbs, so while filming the wedding it felt as if I were working out the whole time. Although I'm sure that the weight issue might of had something to do with me not balancing the rig correctly, I still came out with a wedding that I was proud of. While I don't suggest filming a wedding with the BlackMagic Camera, the flat profile and dynamic range really helped out in a pinch. All in all, I'll need to start some weight lifting if I'm to shoot more weddings with it but I think I prefer the dynamic range it gives me over the resolution of my GH2. Check out my wedding and enjoy!

GH1, GF1, G2: Reliable In-Camera Playback Settings- Version 2 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/173/gh1-gf1-g2-reliable-in-camera-playback-settings-version-2- Fri, 03 Jun 2011 14:17:44 +0000 LPowell 173@/talks/discussions
As you've no doubt heard, the latest version of PTool 3.55d liberates all previously unhackable versions of GH1 and GF1 cameras. In addition, it provides several new patches that I've been able to incorporate into the Reliable In-Camera Playback Patch, making it more versatile than ever.

To make use of these new features, download PTool 3.55d from the following link:


Version 2 of the Reliable In-Camera Playback Patch supports the following features:

* Works on all Panasonic GH1 and GF1 cameras, both hacked and unhacked.

* Switchable between NTSC and PAL modes, in all interface languages.

* No 30-minute AVCHD time limit, all compatible batteries supported.

* In-camera playback available in all video modes.

* 40Mbps FHD mode - AVCHD 1920x1080 24p/25p video (interlaced)

* 40Mbps SH mode - AVCHD 1280x720 50p/60p video (progressive)

* 35Mbps HD mode - MJPEG 1280x720 30p video in 4:2:2 color

* 30Mbps VGA mode - MJPEG 960x720 30p video (iPad-compatible)

Reliable In-Camera Playback Patch Settings File:

This zipped INI file can be used to apply complete patch settings to firmware loaded into PTool 3.55d. To use, unzip the INI file into the same folder as the PTool application. Launch PTool and load the firmware for GH1 v1.32 or GF1 v1.22. The settings contained in the INI file will automatically be installed in the "J" button at the bottom of the PTool main window.

Note that with the following PTool Settings File, you may at any time re-install the original Panasonic GH1 v1.32 or GF1 v1.22 firmware into the appropriate camera model. You may also copy each type of patched or original firmware to separate SD cards, and use them to quickly switch between patches as often as you like. ]]>
gh1 + imovie import: differing bitrates http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11036/gh1-imovie-import-differing-bitrates Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:14:58 +0000 mcanwo 11036@/talks/discussions Being new here: first of alle thanks a lot to Vtaly and Lpowell and all other guys and girls helping us squeeze the most of our cams !!!!

I have a new imac + latest imovie version + hacked gh1 + 100Mps Max Latitude Hack + pana gold class 10 card.

If I shoot FHD 1080p25fps and load the movie in quicktime directly from the sd card it tells me I have 108Mbit/s bitrate. If i now import using iMovie and again load the file to quicktime by clicking on the file stored in the imovie library (i.e. not using imovie at all) it tells me i have about 37Mbps. However, I cannot see any difference in quality.

What is the reason for this? Is it an OSX artifact?

I loaded the Lpowel 100Mbps max latitude hack without modification.

WTB: Panasonic GH1 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10990/wtb-panasonic-gh1 Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:41:33 +0000 slabik 10990@/talks/discussions Hello,

I am looking for a used GH1 body. If you've got one for sale in Europe, please send me a pm.

Panasonic GH4 - Manual control while video recoring http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10886/panasonic-gh4-manual-control-while-video-recoring Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:49:48 +0000 shaunlawson 10886@/talks/discussions Hello,

I have two GH2 that I love for video work. One major disadvantage of the GH2 is

when recording video start, I loss camera control, of ISO/Iris/Shutter. The only

control I have is focus.

Would any GH4 owner kindly advise me that the GH4 let them control the camera

fully when the camera is recording video.

Many thanks for your help, Shaun

GH2 Dead - This is The End http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10593/gh2-dead-this-is-the-end Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:00:44 +0000 oneday 10593@/talks/discussions After three years in service my beloved camera has fallen from tripod and fall on the ground with back/lcd with heavy version 14-140mm on front f it and this the last words from it...

and this is some background music for it:

Dusting off the GH1 for 60fps work http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10373/dusting-off-the-gh1-for-60fps-work Tue, 13 May 2014 00:14:45 +0000 racer5 10373@/talks/discussions Hi, longtime lurker. Appreciate what this site and its members provide.

I have a GH1 and would like to revive it as a 60fps b-cam. After the GH2 dropped and the dust settled, what was the best patch left standing for the GH1 and 60fps work? I have fast cards. Thanks.

Quick release adapters and QR plates http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/280/quick-release-adapters-and-qr-plates Fri, 24 Jun 2011 18:56:08 +0000 Zoke 280@/talks/discussions Nikon AI(S) vs Canon FD for Video (GH2, GH1)? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/384/nikon-ais-vs-canon-fd-for-video-gh2-gh1 Thu, 14 Jul 2011 22:18:06 +0000 qwerty123 384@/talks/discussions
The pricing of these lenses seems to be getting closer by the day (FDs seemed to be cheaper a few years ago). But apart from the way the focus turns, is there much of a difference between these lens lines for video work?

Specifically, I'm interested in IMAGE QUALITY / DIFFERENCES.

I've heard some people say they like the contrast and rendition of Canon FDs (Hunter Richards, I think), and that Canons tend to be a little "warmer" in color than Nikons. Wouldn't white balancing cancel out that effect?

(I know that there is the L series of FD... but we can leave that issue to the side unless you think it is important.)]]>
Using Steadicam Merlin with GH3. Anyone have any recipes for balancing? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8641/using-steadicam-merlin-with-gh3.-anyone-have-any-recipes-for-balancing- Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:34:13 +0000 tylerknight 8641@/talks/discussions Hello fellow ghers!

I just acquired a Steadicam Merlin (first edition) for a very good price and I'm having some trouble balancing it.

On the website they have "recipes" for the gh1 and gh2 which are similar enough to each other, but the GH3 is a totally different body shape and weight and is proving to be quite difficult to find the sweet spot.

Just picked up an Olympus LS100 for my GH1. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9808/just-picked-up-an-olympus-ls100-for-my-gh1. Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:19:21 +0000 MisterAO 9808@/talks/discussions I'd like to reduced my work flow to zero post. Can I plug my Olympus LS100 "Ear" to my GH1 "Mic" or will I get shit sound quality? Is that even recommended? Cannot try it right now because I do not have a 3.5mm-to-2.5mm adapter. But, generally speaking, is this a good idea or will I need to suck it up and record my audio externally with the LS100 and sync it in post? Please help a newbie.

Note: I bought the GH1 to record a baby shower coming up so it's gonna be in a big hall, dj, loud music and all that so I believe the mic will perform in these conditions. I will mount the LS100 onto a rig and do all the production myself. The GH1 is no hacked so I'm not sure if the AGC will affect anything. I don't even know if the GH1 has AGC. I looked into getting a JuicedLink but the LS100 was a complete steal so I'm going to try and stick to this setup as much as possible.

The LS100 has Left & Right XLR mic input with phantom power do if I need to upgrade to a better mic than the internal LS100 mic, I can, but again, I prefer not to.

I just want a simple rig, LS100 & GH1 and some wires to connect the two and get pro audio. Am open to other suggestions as far as attenuator cables and maybe a mic upgrade but this is going to be my primary rig.

Thanks in advance!

Car Chase video I shot with Hacked GH2 - GH1 and Red One MX http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9296/car-chase-video-i-shot-with-hacked-gh2-gh1-and-red-one-mx Wed, 08 Jan 2014 09:40:41 +0000 n5p 9296@/talks/discussions Hey guys and girls,

I bought a BT Red One MX and shot this TV show trailer which got sponsored after by Toyota/Scion.

We used hacked GH2 and GH1 cameras through out, see if you can tell where - although I'm sure you'll be able to pick out the obvious ones. 3 person crew mostly, mad low budget and a lot of time and care went into it.

Which music works best with the trailer... version 1 or 2?

We are trying to get as many YouTube hits as possible before approaching a few networks and FX Canada,


GH4 computer and post-production question http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9636/gh4-computer-and-post-production-question Sun, 16 Feb 2014 16:15:57 +0000 Brian_Siano 9636@/talks/discussions Does anyone know what the hardware requirements'd be for a Windows machine, running the Adobe suite, to edit the 4K video that the GH4 creates? If I'm going to upgrade my system, I'd love to know what to aim for, and I'm sure others would, too.

Feature film trailer. GH1/anamorphic. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6802/feature-film-trailer.-gh1anamorphic. Thu, 25 Apr 2013 10:44:37 +0000 ryancglover 6802@/talks/discussions Hi all! Been working on our first feature for a couple of years now. It's now completed and the film's official trailer has just debuted.

Shot in 2010 with a GH1 and Lomo anamorphic primes.

Visit http://hillsgreen.com for more info. Thanks for looking!

GH1 and GH3 - will it match??? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8951/gh1-and-gh3-will-it-match Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:14:10 +0000 FFrank 8951@/talks/discussions Hi, I am a long time reader - first poster. I use a hacked GH1 for jears now. Slowly I start to use it for filming in a more "professional" way - still lot to learn. I am thinking of getting a GH3 as a main camera and still use my GH1 together with it.

What is your experience in editing material from GH1 and GH3 together - will it blend ;-)

Is there a special hack? Or will I always have trouble to get the colours and the looks of the two cameras matched? Thanks for your hints, tipps and help.

Best. F.

PS: Not sure if this is the right place to post - please move if not.

Live music video shot with GH2 Flowmotion 2.0 Hack http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8875/live-music-video-shot-with-gh2-flowmotion-2.0-hack- Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:04:56 +0000 tylerknight 8875@/talks/discussions

Recorded live with one take, and then shot 4 other takes synced to the original first take to achieve the different angles.

Shot entirely on the GH2

New feature documentary Viva Venezuela: Fighting for Socialism http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8852/new-feature-documentary-viva-venezuela-fighting-for-socialism Fri, 22 Nov 2013 04:32:10 +0000 leftedit 8852@/talks/discussions Some of you may remember the documentary last year which described the election process in Venezuela and the victory of Hugo Chavez.

This new release is a 68 minute film going deeper into the background and current situation.

Filmed on GH1 with hack, Canon FD, CCTV C Mount and panasonic stock zoom lenses.

Audio recorded via Tascam digital recorder and cheap shotgun mic :)

Edited and onlined in Adobe Premiere 6.

All questions welcome, on film making, politics, whatever


Showcasing some of my work from 2013! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8650/showcasing-some-of-my-work-from-2013 Sun, 03 Nov 2013 12:33:27 +0000 tylerknight 8650@/talks/discussions Thanks to this forum and the work from Vitaliy and the other developers, I have been able to have access to some amazing settings for the GH series cameras and really start learning about shooting.

Up until I got my GH1 2 years ago, I was shooting primarily on a Sony NX5U which was a very video oriented machine.

Since then, I feel I have begun taking a more cinematic approach to my videos and putting a lot more time into the composition and editing of my shots.

here are some of my favorite projects from 2013 for your viewing pleasure! (not in order)

Documentary for Stellula Music in Schools ( non for profit to bring music into schools )

The Code. A 48 film challenge for Culture Days in Canada

When I Was Young - Jaime Payne (music video)

Promo video for an automated vending machine company in Toronto

Toasted .A short film project for a friend's film class.

Sad But True - The Brights. A parody video of " I Got You Babe"

Your feedback either good or awful is welcomed!

Thanks for everyone's work to date!

Tyler Knight www.districtmediadesign.com

Levitating Stop motion video with GH3 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8517/levitating-stop-motion-video-with-gh3 Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:26:01 +0000 mikeyeung5 8517@/talks/discussions

Shot on location at Central, TST and West Kowloon. With Panasonic GH1 and GH3.

GH1 - bitrates out of control ... http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8558/gh1-bitrates-out-of-control-... Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:41:05 +0000 MichaelPM 8558@/talks/discussions GH1 - bitrates out of control ...

Hello everybody, I got a very strange problem with a hacked GH1. After several experiments with all kind of settings now it seems that I cannot stop the camera creating bitrates over 100 Mbit/s anymore, doesn't matter how I change the settings with PTool and what firmware I use. Sounds really stange, but even when I return to the official firmware of Panasonic, the framerates are boosted beyong 100 Mbit/s in hightly detailed scenes, so even the fastest SD cards sometimes could not write fast enough. Other things, like 30min restriction, went back to normal after reinstalling the official firmware.

I'm already using PNY class 10 32GB with 100 MB/s and Transcend class 10. MY body has Serial-Number WE9KC001772.

Any suggestions?
